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Конспект урока "Потерянные цивилизации"

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Урок английского языка для учащихся 10 класса по учебнику автора М.З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием" имеет своей целью развитие навыков говорения. Урок способствует расширению знаний учащихся об особенностях культуры древних цивилизаций, позволяет совершенствовать все виды речевой деятельности учащихся.

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«Конспект урока "Потерянные цивилизации" »

10 класс. Тема урока: “Discovering lost civilizations”

Цель урока: Создание условий для развития речевых навыков говорения.

Развивающий аспект: развитие творческих, познавательных, исследовательских способностей учащихся; способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний; способности самостоятельно анализировать и подводить итоги, логически излагать как письменно, так и устно; активизация умений и навыков использования информационных технологий.

Познавательный аспект: расширение объема знаний учащихся об особенностях культуры древних цивилизаций; совершенствование навыков учащихся в 4-х видах речевой деятельности; использование межпредметных связей на уроке.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание личностных качеств учащихся: уверенность при ответе, умение самостоятельно работать, работать в сотрудничестве и принимать совместные решения; повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка, оптимизируя процесс обучения с помощью проектной деятельности.

План урока:

  1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

  2. Мотивация. Темо- и целе- полагание.

  3. Активизация речевого материала.

  4. Самостоятельная деятельность учащихся по приобретению новых знаний (работа с текстами).

  5. Закрепление новых знаний (создание проектов и мультимедийных презентаций).

  6. Проверка усвоения новых знаний (презентация проектов).

  7. Рефлексия достижения цели урока.

  8. Домашнее задание.

Оснащение: видеофильм, презентация Power Point, интернет, карточки со словами для ассоциативной карты, словарная статья слова “civilization”, магниты, карточки с новыми словами, план работы в группах, ключи к заданиям по текстам, оценочные карты, тексты и картинки о древних цивилизациях в электронном виде.

Ход урока:

  1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Nice to meet you. Welcome to our English lesson. How are you feeling?


  • I feel like one million dollars;

  • I feel OK;

  • I feel normally;

  • I feel on the top of the world;

  • I feel sure/certain;

  • I feel at home.

Teacher: I feel at home, too. You are all right and ready to work. Now we shall start our work.

2. Введение в тему. Мотивация. Целеполагание.

Teacher: Now, children, I would like to show you a videofilm. Watch it attentively and try to guess the topic of our lesson. (просмотр видеоролика в режиме on-line на сайте: http://www.youtube.com/watch “Ancient Civilizations: 10,000BC-AD500”).

Teacher: What did you see in the film?


-the life of the people in the past

-ancient civilizations

-ancient art

-ancient architecture and…

Teacher: So, what is the topic of our lesson today?


  • Discovering lost (ancient) civilizations.

Teacher: Today I’d like you to make a journey into the depths of human history and have a look at the places where many centuries ago there were great empires and amazing cultures.

So, what are the aims of our work at the lesson today?


-to discover some of the ancient civilizations

-to find out what lessons we can learn from them.

3. Активизация речевого материала.

1) Работа со словарем. Определение понятия «цивилизация». Учащиеся могут использовать словарную статью из словаря или on-line словарь на сайте: http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary.

Teacher: Let’s try to say what a civilization is? Use a dictionary. (Ответы учащихся).


- A civilization – is a society that is well organized and developed.

- is a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world

- all people in the world and the societies they live in, considered as whole

- a place such as a city where you feel comfortable and clean.

Вывод учителя: When we speak about civilization we mean a society that is well developed and has a particular culture, way of life and social institutions.

2) Составление ассоциативной карты.

Teacher: What do you associate civilization with and why? From your history lessons you know much about civilizations.

Pupils: I associate civilization with…, because …


Ancient Greece …..

Society Culture

Ancient Egypt Ancient Rome


  • a system of values

  • rules and laws

  • a government

  • a system of education


  • artefacts

  • art

  • ancient gods

  • religion

  • literature

  • architecture

3) Введение новой лексики. Использование on-line словаря на сайте: http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary.

To conquer, sphinx, to worship, a slave, temple, pharaoh.

4) Древние (исчезнувшие) цивилизации. Cлайд.

Teacher: On this map you can see lost civilizations. Today we shall have a more detailed look at some of them. To find out about ancient civilizations I want you to work in 3 or 4 groups with the texts; explore civilizations and make projects using multimedia technologies.

4. Самостоятельная деятельность учащихся по приобретению новых знаний.

Teacher: Join 3-4 groups. Choose any civilization to explore you like. You have a plan, work according to the plan. All the groups will evaluate the presentations of the projects including their own one and fill in evaluation card.

Group 1 – the explorers of…

Group 2 – the explorers of…

Group 3 – the explorers of…

Group 4 – will be teachers, they will explore the civilization of…

Возможные темы проектов:

  • “Why does the Egyptian civilization interest people all over the world?”

  • “What were the height and the fall of the Maya civilization?”

  • “What was the Aztec culture like?”

  • “Machu Picchu – is the lost city of Incas”.

  • “Why was the Mesopotamia one of the most developed cultures?’

Teacher: Pay attention: you have 15-20 minutes to make a project and 5-10 minutes to cover the theme and answer the questions.

5. Закрепление новых знаний (создание проектов и мультимедийных презентаций путем самостоятельной работы в группах 15-20 минут по плану).

6. Проверка усвоения новых знаний.

1) Teacher: The first group is ready to present their project about Ancient Egypt.

Возможные вопросы учащимся:

  1. Why does the Egyptian civilization interest people all over the world?

  2. What did the Egyptians put inside the pyramids and what for? (to prepare rulers for the future life after death)

Комментарий: Well, girls and boys, we have just recollected some facts about ancient Egyptian civilization, which still interests a lot of people all over the world and many tourists visit this wonderful country to look at it by themselves.

2) Teacher: The second group presents the project: “The height and the fall of the Maya civilization”.

We learn English at school, so let’s pass over to the lost civilizations located on the other side of the globe, in America.

Возможные вопросы:

  1. Why didn’t Maya survive the droughts?

  2. Why have the Maya been called “the Greeks of the new world”? (because the temples and palaces have been compared with those of Ancient Greece).

3) Teacher: So we have just learnt about the height and the fall of the Maya civilization. The reasons of their fall are clear. Some other American civilizations were destroyed by foreigners. Now we shall listen to the third group who will present their project: “What was the Aztec culture like?”

Возможные вопросы:

  1. What was the reason of Aztec’s collapse? (the war with the Spaniards)

  2. What did they do to worship their gods? (built temples, held impressive ceremonies)

  3. Why does modern Mexican flag bear the emblem of the Mexica’s migration legends (Mexico city, the capital of Mexico, is located on that place, the majority of Mexican people are descendants of the Aztecs).

Teacher: Don’t forget to evaluate your projects.

4) Teacher: Inca’s civilization was located in the Andes Mountains, in the country we now call Peru. The Incas built a very beautiful and dramatic city called Machu Picchu. Now let’s listen to the project about Incas: “Machu Picchu – is the lost city of Incas”.

5) Teacher: And one more project: Why was the Mesopotamia one of the most developed cultures?

Teacher: And now let’s answer the question: What is common for all these civilizations? (вернуться к ассоциативной карте)

  1. Government (consisting of some classes: kings, warriors, priests)

  2. Religion (worshipped different gods, human sacrifice)

  3. Science (achievements in Maths, astronomy, a system of writing, a 365-day calendar)

  4. Art (crafts)

  5. Architecture (temples, pyramids, palaces)

Therefore all these civilizations were advanced in different spheres and you have proved it with your projects.

So, we have just traced the height and the fall of some ancient civilizations. Some of the reasons of their fall are clear. American civilizations were destroyed by foreign invaders. As for the other reasons, they were mainly created by people themselves. And if we try to trace the destiny of our own planet, our own civilization we live in now, are there any threats to our future? Can we find any parallels between their and our existence? Are there any factors that can destroy our civilization? What are they?

Pupils’ answers:

  • Air pollution which can lead to many diseases

  • Water pollution which can make seas, lakes, rivers and oceans dead for fish and other sea animals

  • Rainforest that are cut and in this way many animals and birds are damaged

  • Deforestation that can lead to the climatic changes which can not only destroy the habitat of many animals and birds but also can lead to droughts in may parts of the world

  • Global warming caused by human activities can cause the floods because of changing the sea level

  • Natural resources are exhausted

  • The Volga, the Aral, the Caspian Sea are the places of ecological disaster even now

  • Ecological balance of the planet is disturbed

Teacher: (CONCLUSION) Thank you for your work, now we are sure that we have to think about our civilization just now or it will be too late

7. Рефлексия достижения цели урока.

Teacher: Now it’s time to name the most interesting and original projects and evaluate your work. (Оценивание по карте проговорить словами).

Pupils: I think the content is interesting.

Speaking skills are good.

Vocabulary is rich.

There are many/no mistakes.

And the presentation is well-prepared.

8. Домашнее задание.

ex. 43, p.99 (to write a composition about any ancient civilization) use the plan of ex. 42 p. 99

или создать тест, используя любое программное обеспечение Power Point или Microsoft Excell, о той цивилизации, о которой они создавали проект.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Конспект урока "Потерянные цивилизации"

Автор: Дубровская Любовь Васильевна

Дата: 07.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 183165

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