Цель – активизировать употребление в устной речи степени сравнения прилагательных. “Open, please your Activity Books on page number 45. Here you see different animals and what are these animals?” “Where do they live, in Britain or in the rain forest?” “Look at the monkeys! They have very difficult names, let’s read and translate them!” “Now Polina will tell us about the monkeys and you have to listen to her very carefully and then to find all the monkeys” “So, where is the proboscis monkey?” “That’s right! And what monkeys are in the picture number 1 and 2” “Very good! Now, look at the birds. They are the drongo, the hornbill and the spiderhunter” “Now, Sasha will tell us about these birds.” “Thank you, Sasha! So, where is the spiderhunter?” “That’s right! And where are the other birds?” “And now we will listen to Valentin, he will tell us about snakes.” “Thank you, Valya! So, let’s guess, where is the mangrove snake here?” “Where is the flying snake?” “Where is the king cobra? | Цель – научиться применять степени сравнения прилагательных в устной речи. Ученики открывают печатную тетрадь на странице 45 и смотрят что изображено на картинках, затем отвечают на вопрос учителя: “These are monkeys, birds and snakes” “They live in the rain forest” Ученики смотрят на экран, читают и переводят названия обезьян. (the siamang – сиаманг; the lar gibbon – белорукий гиббон; the proboscis monkey - носач) Ученица выходит к доске и рассказывает заранее подготовленный текст про обезьян. “They are the siamang, the lar gibbon and the proboscis monkey. The siamang is black. The lar gibbon is brown with a black face. The proboscis monkey is brown with a pink face and white neck. The siamang and lar gibbon have longer arms than the proboscis monkey. The proboscis monkey’s eyes are smaller and its nose is bigger than the other monkeys. It has a long tail.” “It is in the picture number 3” “The siamang is in the picture number 1 and the lar gibbon is in the picture number 2” Ученики догадываются о значении слов. (the drongo – дронго the hornbill – птица-носорог the spiderhunter – пауколовка) Ученик рассказывает про птиц. “They are the drongo, the hornbill and the spiderhunter. The hornbill is black and white with a red and yellow beak. The drongo is blue with a black tail. The spider hunter is yellow with a black beak. The hornbill’s beak is longer than the drongo’s but shorter than the spiderhunter’s. The hornbill’s tail is longer than the spiderhunter’s but shorter than the drongo’s.The spiderhunter is smaller than the hornbill and the drongo.” “This is picture number 2” “The drongo is number 3 and the hornbill is number 1”
Ученик рассказывает о трех видах змей. “They are the mangrove snake, the king cobra and the flying snake. The king cobra is green and black. The flying snake is black and red and the mangrove snake is black and orange. The mangrove snake is longer than the flying snake but shorter than the king cobra. It’s thinner than the king cobra but thicker than the flying snake.” “It’s picture number 1” “It’s picture number 2” “It’s picture number 3” | Познавательные: Осуществлять актуализацию новых ЛЕ и грамматических структур, основываясь на учебную ситуацию и личный опыт. Регулятивные: Принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачи. Коммуникативные: Слушать учителя и друг друга для воспроизведения и восприятия необходимых сведений и поддержания учебно–деловой беседы. Личностные: формировать навыки сотрудничества в разных ситуациях. |