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Конспект урока по английскому языку 10 класс (профильный) на тему "Дефениция в объяснительном высказывании"

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Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе (профильный уровень) по теме "Дефениция как способ детализации мысли в объяснительном высказывании". Цель занятия - сформировать компенсаторные навыки и умения, связанные с восполнением возможных пробелов в коммуникации.

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«конспект урока по английскому языку 10 класс (профильный) на тему "Дефениция в объяснительном высказывании"»


10 класс (профильный уровень)

по теме: дефиниция как способ детализации мысли в объяснительном высказывании

формирование компенсаторных навыков и умений, связанных с восполнением возможных пробелов в коммуникации

учитель: Неня Е.Н.

Topic: Definitions

Form: The 10th form

Aim: to teach to use different strategies to explain the meaning of words and notions, to give a

description (definition) of a thing instead of its name

Objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to use appropriate strategies to

explain the meaning of words they don’t know or remember

Supports of the lesson: worksheets, projector, slides, cards

Lesson Plan


Teacher’s words

Types of interaction



Beginning of the lesson

Today you will learn to give a description of a thing instead of its name in case you forget what the thing is called.



Read the task, make your partner understand you

Who managed to do the task? What was difficult?

P1, P2, P3




If you don’t know or remember any word, don’t panic

1) use gestures, mime, show a shape or a colour of it

Ex: Her dress was a funny colour …., a bit like this …

2) you can replace a word by its synonym or a word with more general meaning

Ex: car instead of van, optimistic - cheerful

3) if a word has a very general meaning, you can explain it by giving examples

Ex: gymnastics, athletics, swimming, skating are sports.

4) if a word has a concrete meaning, you can say what class it belongs to and give its characteristic

Ex: Supper is a meal which we have in the evening

5) you can explain how we can use the thing, why we need it (its function)

Ex: The thing you put your head when you go to sleep

T→ Cl

slides with examples



ex 1 Read the words beginning each line with the word of the most general meaning

ex 2 Explain the meaning of the following words by giving several examples

ex 3 Play a role of an absent-minded person who keeps forgetting the names of well-known things

ex 4 Read the definitions and decide if they are complete, try to improve incomplete ones

ex 5 What strategies do people use to explain the meaning of words they don’t remember, which way is the best

P1, P2, P3



exercises 1-5



ex 6 use the appropriate strategy and explain the meaning of these words

P1 ↔ P2


exercise 6



Who managed to do the task well? Was the lesson helpful?


Ex 1 Read the words beginning each line with the word of the most general meaning.

School, college, education, Institute, University

Writing, poem, novel, drama, article

Play, performance, opera, dancing, concert

Lake, mountain, nature, field, forest

Scientist, specialist, teacher, doctor, engineer

Ex2 Explain the meaning of the following words by giving several examples.

Clothes, relatives, seasons, animals

Ex3 Now let’s play a game. You are a very absent-minded person who keeps forgetting the names of well-known things. Ask your partner what is called.

- Sorry, I keep forgetting things What do we call ….?

- I suppose you mean …, don’t you?

- Yes, thank you.

Use: the biggest four-footed animal, a story for children in which animals speak, the kind of holiday when you live in a tent, the bird we keep to give us eggs

Ex 4 Read the definitions and decide if they are complete, give the words they define, try to improve incomplete ones.

… is the coldest season of the year

… is an animal we keep at home as a pet

… is a hundred year period

… is a piece of land surrounded by water

… is a piece of furniture we keep things in.

Ex 5 Guess the word and say what strategies people use to explain the meaning of words they don’t remember. Which way is the best?

1. I felt, you know, like a cage full of snakes.

2. I wanted to buy this thing you use to put a thing in the wall, not a hammer, the thing that you turn.

3. He is …. You can never expect that he’ll do what he promised.

4. I couldn’t drink the juice because it was …. It had a very strong taste, you know, like a lemon.

5. We have bought him a present, it is … a kind of a ballpoint pen with a famous brand name.

Ex 6. Imagine you are on holidays in an English-speaking family; try to use the best strategy to explain the meaning of the words you don’t know.

1. I think I (вывихнул) my knee - it’s awfully (распухла).

2. The (бачок) in the bathroom is out of order - it’s (течёт).

3. I need eggs, milk, flour and (мак) to make this cake.

4. I think I am ill, I have (сыпь).

5. He hurt his leg and fell off (стремянка).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Автор: Неня Елена Николаевна

Дата: 31.08.2016

Номер свидетельства: 341813

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