~~Урок по английскому языку по теме: " День святого Валентина"
• Обучающая: научить связному монологическому высказыванию по теме «День святого Валентина».
• Развивающая: развить коммуникативные навыки и навыки письменной речи по теме.
• Воспитательная: сформировать у убучающихся познавательный интерес и уважение к истории стран изучаемого языка; расширить кругозор обучаащихся.
• Тренировать обучающихся в чтении с полным пониманием прочитанного.
• Учить учащихся работать с текстом, выполняя различные лексико – грамматические упражнения.
• Учить учащихся логическому построению устных высказываний на английском языке по теме.
• Развивать навыки аудирования, говорения, письма.
Ход урока.
• I. Организационный момент
• Приветствие, целевая установка по теме .
• II. Вступление
• Отрывок стихотворения «Гамлет».
Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s Day
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window
To be your Valentine.
(William Shakespeare from “Hamlet”, Act IV, Scene V)
1. Read and translate the information about Saint Valentine’s Day (Приложение 1)
Valentine's Day
There is a beautiful legend behind St Valentine's Day. Saint Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius. He wasn't very popular because he was trying to get more and more people for his army. The men didn't want to go to the army and Claudius thought that it was because they didn't want to leave their wives and children. "If they don't get married, they'll join the army," he thought and passed a law (закон) which banned (запретил) marriage.
Valentine was a Christian priest who didn't like the new law. He secretly married people who were in love. One night the Emperor's soldiers caught him and put him in prison. Valentine was going to die.
Many young people felt sorry for Valentine and visited him in prison. One of them was the daughter of a prison guard. On the day of his execution Valentine wrote a note to her and signed it "Love from your Valentine". This was on 14 February 269 AD.
Since then 14 February has been the Day of Love, when people send love letters and presents to each other. They don't sign the cards with their names, but write "Gues.Who" or "Your Valentine".
At first this was a European tradition, but then it became popular in other countries. It came to Russia too, but a lot of people say, "If you love somebody, you should show it every day, not only one day a year."
2. Find words about Saint Valentine’s Day» (Приложение 2)
3. Your task is to do the puzzle and read the message. (Приложение 3)
4. Complete the sentences
1. Yellow tulips mean..
2. Red tulips are
3. An iris added to a bouquet of flowers means...
4. One rose or a dozen means...
5. Violets grew outside the window of the jail where...
6. Valentines can be...
5. Read the story of Valentine's Day. Choose the correct word to go in each gap and write it in the heart. When you have finished you will find the names of two famous lovers.(Приложение5)
6. Name the other part from the couple
7. Translate into English
1. Цветы, сердце, кольца-символы любви.
2.. Валентинки могут быть милыми и романтичными или забавными и дружескими.
3.Красная роза-символ Дня святого Валентина.
4. Цветы стали символом любви и счастья на долгое время.
5. Посылая валентинки, мы говорим людям, что любим их или они нам нравятся.
6. День святого Валентина – это традиционный популярный, но не религиозный праздник. Это праздник любви и дружбы
7. Есть много легенд о Дне святого Валентина .
8. Подведение итогов.