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Конспект урока по английскому языку "Is it easy to share a room?"

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Открытый урок для учеников 9 класса по теме "Легко ли делить конату с другими людьми". Здесь вы найдете полезный материл с элементами проведения урока с сингапурской методикой. Даннй урок является системно деятельностным.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку "Is it easy to share a room?"»

Конспект урока учителя английского языка Фатыховой Эльвиры Ильдаровны,

первой квалификационной категории

по теме "Is it easy to share a room?"

Этапы урока и время их начала

Речь и действия учителя

Речь и действия учащихся

Режим работы

Наглядное пособие, ТСО

1 этап. Начало урока.


Good morning, class! Take your seats. Be ready for the lesson. Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day of week is it today? What is the weather like today? Well.

Today we contentious to speak about types of roommates.

Good morning. Учащиеся слушают речь учителя, настраиваются на работу в классе.

П. →Кл.

Запись даты на доске.

2 этап. Фонетическая зарядка.


You can see some words on the blackboard. And I will read you some statements. Your aim is to choose the necessary words to each statement.

  1. Someone who talks too much (a chatterbox)

  2. Someone who reads a lot and spends all his time with books (a bookworm)

  3. Someone who troubles people with boring things (a bore)

  4. Certain rules of behaviour that help avoid quarrels (the law of co-existence)

  5. someone who worries about unimportant things ( a fusser)

  6. to make somebody fell less happy about something (to spoil the impression)

  7. to understand how good or useful someone or something is (to appreciate)

  8. the things that a person does (behaviour)

Структура Take off -touch down

1 Listen to me if my statement is true, you should stand up.

2 A bookworm is a person who talks too much.

3 All students in our class live in their own houses.

4 We shouldn/t go to school every day.

5 Children must help their parents.

6We wear a school uniform in our school.

Stand up who thinks that school is a place for fun.

Stand up students if you like English lesson.

Stand up students if you are late to school very often.

Your shouldn’t late for your classes.

Who likes green colour.

Who likes coffee.

Ученики подбирают слова

к услышанным высказываниям

П. →Кл.

→ уч1

П→ уч 2

→ уч3

Запись слов на доске.

3 этап. Речевая зарядка. 8.36

Would you like to avoid conflicts your roommate? What do you usually do to cheer up your friend? Your friend isn’t a chatterbox, is she? Do you always observe the law of co-existence? What theme of our lesson students? Look at the screen and try to give me your ideas. Картинка с изображением комнаты и людей там. Постановка цели урока. What are we going to do today in our lesson?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя

П. →Кл.

→ уч1

П→ уч 2

→ уч3

4 этап.

Актуализация полученных знаний. Повторение грамматики.


I’d like you to revise your hometask the new phrasal verbs and read the examples from ex.87, p.41 in your textbooks. Will you try to find the differences between the verb to work out and to work on, to work with and to work for? Look through the examples of using verbs in the sentences. Let’s translate the sentences.

Ученики читают фразовые глаголы, узнают их значение и подставляют их в предложения

П. →Кл.

→ уч1

П→ уч 2

→ уч3

Обучение аудированию


The next task for you is ex.89, p.41. We shall listen to six people who want to stay at the hotel. You will have to fill in the table and write as much information as possible about them. You can see the table in your Workbooks, p.15, ex.8. We shall listen to the tape again. If you haven’t written any information, you will have a chance to do it.

Ученики слушают аудиозапись и заполняют таблицу

П. →Кл.

→ уч1

П→ уч 2

→ уч3

5 этап Обучение говорению в монологической форме

9.00- 9.07


Now we have the information about people who want to stay at the hotel. You should decide how to put these people into the rooms available. We have only three vacant rooms and six people. So people will have to share the rooms in the hotel. Use the phrases from ex.90, p.41 to prove your opinion and develop ideas. You will have four minutes to do this task. Your time is up. Who will go to the blackboard and tell us about the variant of your group?

Mix freeze groups.

  • How many eyes do you have? (2)

  • How many mounts have winter? 3

  • How many mounts in one year? 12

  • How many letters in the word fusser 6

  • How many letters are in the word bookworm? 8

How many letters in the word

Ученики выражают свою точку мнения на основе услышанного текста.

П. →Кл.

→ уч1

П→ уч 2

→ уч3

6 этап.

Выдать продукт Кластер

Give ideas about your roommates.

Ученики выражают свою точку мнения по окончанию урока.

Окончание урока.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. You were really active today.

See you soon. I want you to write down your homework.

You worked well during the lesson. Listen to your marks.

Reflection card. Look at the slide and you see the reflection card. Choose the color which is really close to you. And how do you feel it.

Exit tickets.

On the first write down your wishes to me. On the second write 2 new words you remember today.

Учащиеся подводят итоги, записывают домашнее задание, слушают комментарии к оценкам.

П. →Кл.

Запись домашнего задания на доске

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку "Is it easy to share a room?"

Автор: Фатыхова Эльвира Ильдаровна

Дата: 15.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 510474

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