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Конспект урока по английскому языку для 11 класса Здоровый образ жизни. Курение.

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 по теме Здоровый образ жизни. Курение.

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку для 11 класса Здоровый образ жизни. Курение.»

Предполагаемый ход урока

 при использовании методической разработки

 по теме Здоровый образ жизни. Курение.

Вайднер Е.И.
учитель английского языка

МОУ СОШ №7 г. Мичуринск Тамбовской области

1.Организационный момент. (Опрос дежурных).

2. Мотивация учебной деятельности. Объявление темы.

3. Проверка исходного уровня знаний  по теме: Описание жилища

4. Контроль усвоения полученных знаний.

    Монологические высказывания с использованием изученной лексики теме, предлоги места

5.  Контроль навыков аудирования. Составление диалогов  на тему 

6. Проверка навыков чтения и понимания текста, содержащего  5-10% не     знакомой лексики.

7. Тест - контроль. Задание на дом: описать родной город

          8. Подведение итогов занятия. Выставление оценок.

Хронокарта урока.

1. Организация момента   - 2 мин.

2. Сообщение по теме, постановка целей занятия.

    Мотивация учебной деятельности -  2-3 мин.

3. Проверка исходного уровня знаний  - 5-10 мин.

4. Контроль усвоения  полученных знаний.

    Монологи -  10 -15 мин.                        

5. Контроль навыков аудирования. Диалоги  - 25 -30 мин.

6. Проверка навыков чтения и понимания текста  - 15 - 20 мин.

7. Тест - контроль - 10 мин.

8. Задание на дом - 2 мин.

9.Подведение итогов занятия. Выставление оценок - 2 мин.

Технологическая карта урока

Структурные  элементы урока


Деятельность преподавателя

Деятельность студента

Методическое обоснование







Орг. Момент


Проверяет готовность группы к занятию. Опрашивает дежурных.

Приветствуют преподавателя.

Готовятся  к


Создание деловой обстановки

рабочей дисциплины.




Знакомит с темой, планом занятия

Записывают название темы


побудить к активной мыслительной деятельности, создать   четкое


о плане, цели проводимого занятия.


Проверка исходного уровня знаний.


Дает задание.

Перевод с английского на

русский, с русского на английский и т. д.

Работают с заданиями. Переводят слова,

выражения, предложения.

Проверка усвоения  знаний, умений, активизация мыслительной деятельности студентов.


Контроль усвоения полученных знаний.

Монологические высказывания.


Проверяет усвоение лексики и знание правил построения фраз.

Составляют монологичес-кие высказывания, используя изученную лексику.

Проверка усвоения лексических единиц, умение использовать их в речи.


Контроль навыков аудирования.

Диалогические высказывания  по теме.


Читает тексты, дает задания к ним. Дает задания для составления  диалогов.

Слушают тексты, выполняют  задание,

заполняют карточку пациента.

Составляют диалоги.

Проверка умения воспринимать на слух информацию и выполнять главную мысль, умение высказать   свою

мысль, используя лексику по теме.


Проверка навыков чтения и понимания текста.


Раздает тексты, проверяет правильность понимания.

Читают переводят,  отвечают на  вопросы


Составляют вопросы.

Проверка навыков чтения и понимания текста по изученной  теме,

правильность составления вопросов и ответов  на  них.


Тест - контроль


Раздает тесты, задания, карточки, кроссворды   и   т.п.

Работают над заданиями.

Итоговый контроль, обобщение темы 


Задание на дом


Задает домашнее задание  составить диалог  

Записывают домашнее задание.

Проверка умения вести беседу по изученной теме 











Подводит итог,

отмечает положительные и отрицательные стороны работы на занятии.

Оценивает работу студентов.

Слушают преподавателя.

Приводят в порядок рабочее место и аудиторию.

Оценка работы на уроке каждого студента.


Обучающие цели:

1.Изучить лексический материал, необходимый для понимания иноязычной информации по темам раздела и устного общения по ним.

2.Научиться применять изученный лексический материал в заданных учебных ситуациях.

3.Составлять устные высказывания, используя изученный лексический материал по каждой теме раздела.

Воспитательные: Воспитание бережного отношения к своему здоровью.


1) компьютер с выходом в интернет;
2) мультимедийный проектор;
3) наглядный материал;
4) аудиомагнитофон;
5) аудиокассета для аудирования;
6) силуэты человека из бумаги.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие и организационный момент

–Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. Who is on duty today? What is the date today? What is the day of the week today? Who is absent today?

II. Объявление целей урока

– Look at the quote on the board. “One thousand Americans stop smoking every day by dying.  ”

What do you think we are going to speak about today?

(About harm that smoking does)

Smoking isn’t a healthy habit. And I hope all of you are healthy. But what makes us healthy?

Look at the list of ideas and say what is useful or harmful for your health.

  1. eating fruit and vegetables;

  2. sunbathing;

  3. smoking cigarettes;

  4. going to the gym;

  5. laughing a lot;

  6. running every day;

  7. not having breakfast;

  8. watching television;

  9. learning new things;

  10. Smoking cigarettes is harmful for my health.

We’ll talk about smoking and it’s negative effect to health of a man. At the end of the lesson you’ll offer the ways of solution. As you know, there are a lot of problems of young people. Do you agree smoking is a problem? Do many people around you smoke? Do your relatives smoke? Do you try to help them to stop smoking?

IV.Введение темы. Express your point of view to the following facts.

-Many teenagers become really addictive from smoking since school.

In Russia smoking kills 332 thousand people a year, or 15% of all deaths.

-240 thousand (231 thousand males + 9 thousand females) or 72% of them are still in middle age when they die.

-Men in Russia smoke more and are more severely affected by smoking hazard than women.

-One fourth of all deaths at all ages and one third at middle age are associated with tobacco smoking.

-For   women,   smoking   causes   3%   of   all   annual   deaths.  

-Significantly   less   –   3.5 thousand women vs. 47 thousand men (by a factor of  13) yearly die from lung cancer caused  by smoking.

Now answer to my questions. What is your attitude to smokers? Do women realize a great risk of smoking when they expect a baby? Unfortunately, many teenagers have been smoking when they are at the age of 13 or 14. What measures could help to decrease the number of smokers especially among teenagers? Should the prohibition be taken in the public places?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.

P1: I’d like to add that smoking is badly injurious to health and adverse effects on passive smokers is well established. Therefore, I strongly favor the ban imposed in many public places and office buildings in various countries.

P2: I totally agree with you . Smoking in public places irritates and causes discomfort to non- smokers. Moreover, the passive smokers are also highly susceptible to various diseases like cancer and other ailments based on the findings of various researches.

P3: As public places are open to all people, no individual has any right to knowingly cause harm , injure to others health.

P4: Also it would be better if advertising in different ways stops offering a cigarette from posters and screen.

P5: In spite of the law, that forbidden to sell cigarettes to teenagers, shop assistances frequently offend against law. That’s why it would be wisely if our government increase fine to these offenders.

T: What do you think why many teenagers start smoking since early age?

P6: Maybe, the image of smoking hero convince adolescents that it will increase their personality among others.

P7: In my opinion, first of all family and school must be responsible for harmful habits. If children learn to appreciate a healthy way of life since very early age, they will appreciate it for the rest of their life. Schools must have strict rules and family must lead by example.

P8: Moreover, teenagers should be provided with adequate recreational facilities to put an end to the boredom that drives them to smoking.

V. Аудирование


The problem for many teenagers, and for nearly every teenager who smokes, is that the choices are not conscious decisions - they are reactions. You can go back and change many of these decisions later, but smoking is not one of them because smoking is addictive.

This fact of life helps answer the following important question: If no adult using their adult brain would ever start smoking, then why do you see millions of adults smoking everywhere you go? The reason is simple: Every adult smoker started smoking as a teenager because of a silly decision made by their teenage brain, but once addicted to cigarettes it is impossible to stop! That is the only reason you see adult smokers. No one in their right mind (that excludes, of course, a teenager using a teenager mind) would smoke if they didn't have to. But cigarettes are highly addictive so adult smokers have to smoke. Here are the four main reasons adult smokers would love to quit smoking:

  1. Smoking has serious health consequences. On average, each minute of smoking reduces a person's life expectancy by a minute. When you consider that a two-pack-a-day smoker consumes on the order of 600,000 cigarettes in a lifetime, and it takes three to five minutes to smoke a cigarette, this is a significant factor.

  2. Smoking is addictive. Once you get hooked it is very difficult to stop. Once hooked, you have to stop every half hour or so and smoke another cigarette. You have no choice!

  3. Smoking is extremely expensive. Cigarettes range in price from a nickel to a dime each, so if you are consuming 40 a day the cost averages about $1,000 per year. There must be a better way to spend $1,000!

  4. Smoking has effects on personal hygiene. Cigarettes are messy and they make your hair, clothes and breath stink.

As a teenager, with a teenager mind, you may think that you are somehow immune to the addictive power of smoking. Somehow you will not become an addict. All you have to do is look at the millions and millions of adult smokers in America today - all of them thought exactly the same thing. You are no different.

VI. Complete the slogans for the campaign using the words:

Bad, clever, cool, glamorous, good, optimistic, nasty, nice, right, stupid, useful, dangerous.

  1. Smoking is a very ____ habit.

  2. Smoking isn’t ____ or ____.

  3. Smoking is very ____ for you.

  4. Chewing gum is ____ to help you stop smoking.

  5. Smokers are ____ to give up.

lead to (приводить) = cause (вызывать) result in

  1. take measures – принимать меры

  2. argument – довод, аргумент

  3. convince – убеждать

  4. affect= influence – влиять

  1. Which arguments against bad habits seem most convincing to you? Place them in order of importance. Consult the table.

  2. Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends or parents not to smoke or drink to much? Use the table.

VII. Заключительная часть урока.

So you’ve worked hard today.

Now let’s see what we have done today.

Complete the sentences:

Today at the lesson I’ve read…

listened to …

At home you are to make up 5-7 sentences about smoking using the information from the lesson.

The lesson is over. Goodbye.

Приложения 1.

Express your point of view to the following facts.

-Many teenagers become really addictive from smoking since school.

In Russia smoking kills 332 thousand people a year, or 15% of all deaths.

-240 thousand (231 thousand males + 9 thousand females) or 72% of them are still in middle age when they die.

-Men in Russia smoke more and are more severely affected by smoking hazard than women.

-One fourth of all deaths at all ages and one third at middle age are associated with tobacco smoking.

-For   women,   smoking   causes   3%   of   all   annual   deaths.  

-Significantly   less   –   3.5 thousand women vs. 47 thousand men (by a factor of  13) yearly die from lung cancer caused  by smoking.

Now answer to my questions. What is your attitude to smokers? Do women realize a great risk of smoking when they expect a baby? Unfortunately, many teenagers have been smoking when they are at the age of 13 or 14. What measures could help to decrease the number of smokers especially among teenagers? Should the prohibition be taken in the public places?

Приложение 2


The problem for many teenagers, and for nearly every teenager who smokes, is that the choices are not conscious decisions - they are reactions. You can go back and change many of these decisions later, but smoking is not one of them because smoking is addictive.

This fact of life helps answer the following important question: If no adult using their adult brain would ever start smoking, then why do you see millions of adults smoking everywhere you go? The reason is simple: Every adult smoker started smoking as a teenager because of a silly decision made by their teenage brain, but once addicted to cigarettes it is impossible to stop! That is the only reason you see adult smokers. No one in their right mind (that excludes, of course, a teenager using a teenager mind) would smoke if they didn't have to. But cigarettes are highly addictive so adult smokers have to smoke. Here are the four main reasons adult smokers would love to quit smoking:

  1. Smoking has serious health consequences. On average, each minute of smoking reduces a person's life expectancy by a minute. When you consider that a two-pack-a-day smoker consumes on the order of 600,000 cigarettes in a lifetime, and it takes three to five minutes to smoke a cigarette, this is a significant factor.

  2. Smoking is addictive. Once you get hooked it is very difficult to stop. Once hooked, you have to stop every half hour or so and smoke another cigarette. You have no choice!

  3. Smoking is extremely expensive. Cigarettes range in price from a nickel to a dime each, so if you are consuming 40 a day the cost averages about $1,000 per year. There must be a better way to spend $1,000!

  4. Smoking has effects on personal hygiene. Cigarettes are messy and they make your hair, clothes and breath stink.

As a teenager, with a teenager mind, you may think that you are somehow immune to the addictive power of smoking. Somehow you will not become an addict. All you have to do is look at the millions and millions of adult smokers in America today - all of them thought exactly the same thing. You are no different.

Приложнение 3 .

lead to (приводить) = cause (вызывать) result in

take measures – принимать меры

argument – довод, аргумент

convince – убеждать

affect= influence – влиять

Which arguments against bad habits seem most convincing to you? Place them in order of importance. Consult the table.

Which of the arguments will you use to convince your friends or parents not to smoke or drink to much? Use the table.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока по английскому языку для 11 класса Здоровый образ жизни. Курение.

Автор: Вайднер Екатерина Ильинична

Дата: 16.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 642506

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