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Конспект урока для 8 класса.Тема: “The best days of your life”.

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«Конспект урока для 8 класса.Тема: “The best days of your life”.»

Тема: “The best days of your life”

Класс: 8

Цель урока: развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

1.Организация начала урока.

Could you take the working sheets please?

To begin with I`d like to draw your attention to the box with useful words and phrases

During the lesson, you may use them to make answers or keep the conversation going

2. Определение темы, постановка целей урока.

Open your SB on the p 22 and have a look at ex 1

Read the task. Look at the photo and answer the questions. Use the ideas below to help you.

Is the task clear? Would you translate it.

For doing exercise I `ll give a minute.

A minute passed. It` s time to check your results up. You are ready to finish the work aren`t you?

Don`t forget to use I guess

To answer the questions start like I think

How old is the girl?

How is she feeling? scared excited nervous surprised terrified embarrassed worried-встревоженный

What is the situation? What things give you clues (подсказка) about the situation? She is going to school to the first grade.

Where is she? How many persons are there? What are they doing?

With whom did she come here? What relationships are they in? Are they relatives? What do you think they`re talking about? She`s calming her down.

What has she got in her hand?

Is it an ordinary or a special day of her life? What makes you think so?

What thing gives you clue (подсказка) about the situation?

1 She is a 5 or 6 years old She`s a little girl She`s much younger than you are isn`t she?

2 The girl is going to school. She`s wearing a school uniform. There are two other girls on the background. They are wearing the same blue dresses They are wearing a school uniform too. They look like the same as a girl in the foreground. They are wearing a school uniform as the girl is in the foreground

One of the girls has a bunch bouquet |buˈkeɪ| of flowers

She is talking with her mum. Her mum brought her to school Her mum says goodbye to her daughter. The girl and her mum are near the school yard. There are two girls in the school yard. We can see a school building.

Everybody is happy

They are playing in a school playground. She is holding her school bag in her hand. She is feeling scared excited nervous surprised terrified embarrassed worried (тревожный, волнующий) (встревоженный, обеспокоенный)

Think about the situation

She is going to school to the first grade. She is six At the age of six children usually go to school first time.

3. Активизация изученного материала.

Pre reading

Would you mind reading me the headline please?

What do you think the text is about? About some best day.

What days do you think the best for you? Some lucky days

Who is the author the writing of? How old is he now?

Listen to the text and answer the questions

Is Kate talking about a present or past event? How would you confirm this fact?

She`s talking about things that started and finished 6 years ago. In the past

There are many regular (irregular)past simple verbs, forms of the verb to be in the past simple, time expressions like….

Next you will do work in groups of 3 or 4 students Hurry up with doing the tasks. Could you do them as quick as you can.

If you have some difficulties will you put your hand up and I `ll come up to you at once

Read 1st paragraph of the text. Then answer the questions

What event is Kate talking about? She`s talking about the very first day of her school life

Where is Kate from? She`s from Great Britain because in GB children start school at the age of 5 or 4.

When does the academic year begin in Great Britain? On the 1st Monday or Tuesday of Sept.

Does Kate remember much about it? Why not?

How many years have passed since she was five?

Select the appropriate a key sentence or keywords from the 1 paragraph

How would you entitle the 1st paragraph?

What does Kate compare her first day at school with?

Read out the sentence It is like an impressionist painting Translate into Ru

Impressionist Импрессионистский What part of speech is it?

From what word is the word Impressionist formed?


What does it mean?

If is there a noun in the word Impressionist? What is it?

What can you impress in impressionist painting?

What do you think Kate is talking about in the text

About her first impressions at school

Read 2 nd paragraph of the text and answer the following questions

Underline the adjectives describing Kate`s feelings in the 1st school day?

embarrassed — смущен ( в смущении, в замешательстве)
frightened напуганный
disappointed – разочарованный
annoyed — раздраженный
surprised -удивленный (увидел что-то удивительное)

shocked — шокированный (увидел что-то шокирующее)
disappointed — разочарованный, расстроенный
tired -(утомленный, уставший)
fascinated- (неравнодушный, очарованный)
mused-(изумленный, веселый)
astonishingastonished (удивительный, поразительный) (удивленный, пораженный)
confused -(смущенный, растерянный)
worried- (встревоженный

And answer the question:

How did Kate feel that day?

How did kids feel that day?

Where did action take place?

How did everybody know what to do? It wasn`t the very first school day for them. They knew school rules They went school before.

Select the appropriate keyword or keywords from the 2nd paragraph

How would you entitle the 2nd paragraph? School playground

Guess what comes next

Read the 3rd paragraph Then answer the following questions

What was Kate teacher`s name?

What things did she tell her class about? terms, timetables and cloakrooms

Do you happen to know what she meant?

She meant how many terms will be in a school year, how long will the school day last, where students will take off their clothes when they will go inside.

How would you entitle the 3rd paragraph?

Kat`s teacher and school inside

Read the 4th paragraph answer the question and then title it

Where does action take place?

How did Kate fell? Why?

In the classroom classroom activities

In pairs role play the 5 th paragraph then title it

How did Kate fell after school? Why? Her teacher said she has to go back next morning,

How would you entitle the 5rd paragraph?

After school

Post reading.

Let`s back to the 1st paragraph

What was Kate impressed most at school I wonder? Shapes or size sounds smell

Read out aloud some examples from the text

What shapes of things have you noticed in the text.

What… is mentioned in Kate`s creative writing.

Huge children yellow walls horrible soap smell noisy playground the sound of the school bell teacher`s loud voice ugly fish with horrible smell

Why does Kate put a question mark at the end of the headline?

Does Kate know the answer to the answer?

What question does Kate mean?

Is it possible to consider the very first day of school as one of the best days of your life?

Можно ли считать самый первый день в школе одним из лучших дней в своей жизни

Обобщение полученной информации Рефлексия

So let`s sum up everything

On the back side of your working sheets could you circle your hand.

In the middle Could you write the headline of the topic under the discussion in Kate`s writing.

In each contour of your fingers will you put down some key issues moments are mentioned in Kate`s writing as many as you can

Home work

At home copy out from the text all words relating to the topic School

There`s an English alphabet. In each cell copy out as many English words on a given topic as you can. You can use nouns adj verbs or adverbs.

I`ll give one example

Can you find all words beginning with the letter A

Copy out in the cell with A in the corner

What words beginning with A would you write in this cell?

For extending your vocabulary learn the RU equivalents by heart

Read fluently with the correct pronunciations the 4 5 parag of the article. Listen the recording.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект урока для 8 класса.Тема: “The best days of your life”.

Автор: Чернова Виктория Борисовна

Дата: 11.07.2019

Номер свидетельства: 516642

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