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Konspect uroka 10th form

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10th form

The theme of the lesson: “ Teenage Problems”

The theme of the lesson:

  1. To develop pupils’ ability to talk about their problems.
  2. To encourage them to discuss their problems.
  3. To learn building a confidential relations at home and at school.
  4. To help children solve difficult situations in a proper  way.
  5. To raise awareness and give simple instruments and instructions to use in the future.

The type of the lesson:  non-standard lesson.

Questions of the lesson:

  1. What problems worry you?
  2. How do you feel about  teens’ problems?
  3. What are the reasons?
  4. How to help them with their problems?
  5. Who can help them?
  6. Is it easy to be a teenager?


Please see images on display (images are in the video record). According to these pictures what are your opinions and associations?

  1. Feel worry;
  2. Find pictures shocking, awful;
  3. Feel responsible;

Now you know what are the results of using drugs, drinking alcohols, have AIDS.

Let’s complete the diagram

According to statistics all over the world 1 million people commit suicide every year, this means that one person dies every 20 seconds. Young people of the age from 14 to 17 are mainly exposed to committing suicide. It happens because of vulnerable age and low self-esteem.

Violent behavior in children are typically those that identified as causing intentional and serious harm to another. But we should see what causes them to behave in this way.

When a teenager is alone with his problems the committing suicide seems to be the only solution to all his problems. This is not true. If a teenager learns to share your problems with your friends, family and teachers. Sometimes a teacher can be the only one person whom a teenager can trust. A teacher can and should listen to him and ask how would he solve these problems. This will let a teenager to have brainstorming and reflect on the problems, trying to find a solution from new point of you. 


Read the text and write out the key words that can help you to understand the meaning of the text. Guess the meaning of them and discuss with your partner.









To be taken seriously

Get upset


Commit suicide

Read the text again and say which teenage problems are discussed in it.

The Ternary  Diary (?ш жа?ты к?нделік).

Let’s fulfill the ternary diary. Who wants to go to the blackboard? Please, come here one by one and complete the chat.






Interested, imitate

Why do they smoke?


Drugs and alcohol addiction

Be convinced, amusement, dependent

Why do they allow it?


Family problems

Get upset or depressed, let them do anything they want.

Why do they run away from home?


School problems

Boring, do not allow them to dress the way they want.

Why do they drop out of school?

How do you think to solve these problems for you and for others?

           1.Be careful  to the people everywhere: at home, outside, at school

           2. Have a strong civil position, learn the laws of your country

           3. Help people if it’s necessary.

Who can help teenagers?

a)teenagers themselves

b) parents

c) adults

d) school

e) the Government

III. Reflection.

We get information with the help of our five senses:





And now let’s do exercise 10 at page 195, using the first sense on the list – SEE. Let’s take the first table (One day in the life of  American Teenagers) Look it through for one minute and

memorize numbers. Then close your books and try to recall them.                                                                                                                 


One day in the life of American Teenagers.

2.795 teenagers get pregnant

1.106 teenagers have abortions

27 children die from poverty

10 children die from gun

6 teenagers commit suicide

135.000 children bring a gun to school.

211 are arrested for drug addiction

437 teenagers drop out of school.

1.629 children are in adult jails.

Associate figures with facts. Compare your list with your partner. And then I give you numbers,  you should tell me corresponding facts:






 We have an infinite Potential. Many times we think we can not do something. We limit ourselves and stop even before trying to do something. Sometimes our old beliefs must be shifted, and learning English language is not as difficult as we think. English language is one of the easiest languages.

And now I will show you that we can do anything we want. The KEY of our desire to do, to be and to have more. I give you two minutes to read the text quickly and try to understand it. (This text is used to explain that not everything is difficult as it may seem first. It can help to develop pupils’ ability to  react fast and get used to new conditions. And mainly this text is used to increase English language literacy).

I cdnuolt blveiee ttah I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I saw rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor fo the human mnid! Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabridge Uinervtisy, it deosn’t  mttaer in what odrer  the ltteers in a wrod  era, the iprmoatnt  thngi that the frist and lsat ltteers be in the rghit pclae. The rset nac be a taotl mses and uoy nac still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuasee the hnuma mnid deos ton raed ervey lteter by istlef, tub the word as a wlohe.

Amzaning huh? Yaeh and uoy awlyas tghouth slpeling was ipmorantt!

        Did you understand the text? Did you like it? At the beginning you thought you couldn’t read. Now you see you can. Whatever you want in the life – you can have it. Find what you want, define your goals, write your plans and follow your dreams! You should know that you are responsible for everything in your life, not only for good things. When we make it of our merit easily but also for bad things. When we like to think that is not our fault.

            It’s easy to be a teenager, it’s easy to be what you want when you discover, develop and apply your intellectual faculties.

7           “Educated people have developed the faculties of their mind so that they may acquire anything they want or it’s equivalent, without violating the rights of others.”       /Napoleon Hill/

V. Hometask

Write a composition on theme: “My vision for my future”.

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«konspect uroka 10th form»

10th form

The theme of the lesson: “ Teenage Problems”

The theme of the lesson:

  1. To develop pupils’ ability to talk about their problems.

  2. To encourage them to discuss their problems.

  3. To learn building a confidential relations at home and at school.

  4. To help children solve difficult situations in a proper way.

  5. To raise awareness and give simple instruments and instructions to use in the future.

The type of the lesson: non-standard lesson.

Questions of the lesson:

  1. What problems worry you?

  2. How do you feel about teens’ problems?

  3. What are the reasons?

  4. How to help them with their problems?

  5. Who can help them?

  6. Is it easy to be a teenager?



Please see images on display (images are in the video record). According to these pictures what are your opinions and associations?

  1. Feel worry;

  2. Find pictures shocking, awful;

  3. Feel responsible;

Now you know what are the results of using drugs, drinking alcohols, have AIDS.

Let’s complete the diagram.



According to statistics all over the world 1 million people commit suicide every year, this means that one person dies every 20 seconds. Young people of the age from 14 to 17 are mainly exposed to committing suicide. It happens because of vulnerable age and low self-esteem.

Violent behavior in children are typically those that identified as causing intentional and serious harm to another. But we should see what causes them to behave in this way.

When a teenager is alone with his problems the committing suicide seems to be the only solution to all his problems. This is not true. If a teenager learns to share your problems with your friends, family and teachers. Sometimes a teacher can be the only one person whom a teenager can trust. A teacher can and should listen to him and ask how would he solve these problems. This will let a teenager to have brainstorming and reflect on the problems, trying to find a solution from new point of you.


Read the text and write out the key words that can help you to understand the meaning of the text. Guess the meaning of them and discuss with your partner.









To be taken seriously

Get upset


Commit suicide

Read the text again and say which teenage problems are discussed in it.

The Ternary Diary (Үш жақты күнделік).

Let’s fulfill the ternary diary. Who wants to go to the blackboard? Please, come here one by one and complete the chat.






Interested, imitate

Why do they smoke?


Drugs and alcohol addiction

Be convinced, amusement, dependent

Why do they allow it?


Family problems

Get upset or depressed, let them do anything they want.

Why do they run away from home?


School problems

Boring, do not allow them to dress the way they want.

Why do they drop out of school?

How do you think to solve these problems for you and for others?

1.Be careful to the people everywhere: at home, outside, at school

2. Have a strong civil position, learn the laws of your country

3. Help people if it’s necessary.

Who can help teenagers?

a)teenagers themselves

b) parents

c) adults

d) school

e) the Government

III. Reflection.

We get information with the help of our five senses:





And now let’s do exercise 10 at page 195, using the first sense on the list – SEE. Let’s take the first table (One day in the life of American Teenagers) Look it through for one minute and

memorize numbers. Then close your books and try to recall them.


One day in the life of American Teenagers.

2.795 teenagers get pregnant

1.106 teenagers have abortions

27 children die from poverty

10 children die from gun

6 teenagers commit suicide

135.000 children bring a gun to school.

211 are arrested for drug addiction

437 teenagers drop out of school.

1.629 children are in adult jails.

Associate figures with facts. Compare your list with your partner. And then I give you numbers, you should tell me corresponding facts:






We have an infinite Potential. Many times we think we can not do something. We limit ourselves and stop even before trying to do something. Sometimes our old beliefs must be shifted, and learning English language is not as difficult as we think. English language is one of the easiest languages.

And now I will show you that we can do anything we want. The KEY of our desire to do, to be and to have more. I give you two minutes to read the text quickly and try to understand it. (This text is used to explain that not everything is difficult as it may seem first. It can help to develop pupils’ ability to react fast and get used to new conditions. And mainly this text is used to increase English language literacy).

I cdnuolt blveiee ttah I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I saw rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor fo the human mnid! Aoccdrnig to rscheearch taem at Cmabridge Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what odrer the ltteers in a wrod era, the iprmoatnt thngi that the frist and lsat ltteers be in the rghit pclae. The rset nac be a taotl mses and uoy nac still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuasee the hnuma mnid deos ton raed ervey lteter by istlef, tub the word as a wlohe.

Amzaning huh? Yaeh and uoy awlyas tghouth slpeling was ipmorantt!

Did you understand the text? Did you like it? At the beginning you thought you couldn’t read. Now you see you can. Whatever you want in the life – you can have it. Find what you want, define your goals, write your plans and follow your dreams! You should know that you are responsible for everything in your life, not only for good things. When we make it of our merit easily but also for bad things. When we like to think that is not our fault.

It’s easy to be a teenager, it’s easy to be what you want when you discover, develop and apply your intellectual faculties.


“Educated people have developed the faculties of their mind so that they may acquire anything they want or it’s equivalent, without violating the rights of others.”

/Napoleon Hill/

V. Hometask

Write a composition on theme: “My vision for my future”.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

konspect uroka 10th form

Автор: Уразова Умит Жумалиевна

Дата: 27.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 258890

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