Warm – up Answer for the questions. What can you say about the fauna of Kazakhstan in general? What makes the fauna of Kazakhstan unique and various? How many species of birds are there in Kazakhstan? In what way is the fauna in the forest different from the fauna in the semi-deserts? By their teacher will come to conclusion that the students can imagine the theme of the lesson Dividing the group into two groups Read the text for information and answer the questions and make project work The Fauna of Kazakhstan. Dear friends! As city dweller, I have not been much in the habit of watching birds. From time to time I notice them hopping around me or sitting near my bench in the park. In the morning, I like to listen to birds singing. I look up into the trees trying to see what species of birds are singing. I like robins most of all. It is a nice redbreast bird. They are most common birds in the United States. Three states have chosen the robin as their state bird – Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin. All have cold winters. Robins usually migrate to warmer countries during the winter. I am always happy to look out of the window and see robins hopping around and hunting for earth – worms. After months of snowy weather, it’s a good sign of spring coming. What birds are most common in your country? New words. Working with the name of the animals Moufflon – a wild sheep Lynx – a wild cat that has long hair in the ends of its ear, dark spots and a short tail. Manul – a small wild cat native to the steppe regions of Central Asia Cheetah – a large spotted cat Boar – wild pig having a narrow body and prominent tusks Spoonbill – large, long – legged wading birds living in fresh water Heron – a bird having a long neck, long legs, long pointed bill and usually white, grey or bluish – grey plumage Cormorant – a large dark – colored bird with a long neck Coniferous – needle – leaved evergreen plant Elk – a type of large deer Musk – deer – a small deer without antlers, with a pair of tusks – like teeth Ibex – a wild goat Sable – a small animal whose fur is used for making expensive coats, hats Wolverine – a slocky and muscular animal, more closely resembling a small bear Leopard – large wild animal which has golden fur with black spots. Chipmunk – a small furry animal with a long tail. Marmot – a small brown animal living underground and sleeping during the winter The marking papers will give to the students in order to mark the students After introducing the new words teacher give the task to read and understand the main idea of the text 1th group must speak about like the biologist who works in RED BOOK 2th group must put the pictures of the animals to the map To put mark to marking paper. Explain the grammar theme Present Perfect Passive Voice. Forming Present Perfect Passive Voice. Affirmative Form | Object + have / has + been + verb3 (past participle) | Question Form | Have / has + object + been + verb3 (past participle) | Something has been done by someone at sometime up to now.
Active : They have cleaned the clinic. Passive: The clinic has been cleaned by them.
Active : Thomas has written many books. Passive: Many books have been written by Thomas.
Active : Have the police caught the man? Passive: Has the man been caught by the police?
Active : UPS has delivered the letters. Passive: The letters have been delivered by UPS. Quick Exercise Put the following sentences into passive voice. (present perfect passive) Начало формы 1. Has the surgeon performed the operation?
? 2. Has Lionel signed the contract?
? 3. Our salesmen have sold all the carpets.
. 4. The zookeepers have captured the lion in the forest.
. 5. Dr. Phillips have treated all the patients.
. 6. Have the customers paid you?
? 7. Everybody has approved Joana's suggestion Reading the dialogue (Pair work) A: Wonderful news! Our zoo has brought a panda from China! B: A panda? What is it? A: Don’t you remember? Look at the picture B: Oh, it’s a bear, isn’t it? A: Yes, and a big one, too. A big male can weigh 150 kilos B: What do they eat? A: They live on a diet of bamboo stems B: It’s really beautiful. It must be very popular as a pet A: What are you talking about? It only looks like a Teddy Bear. In fact, it may be very dangerous |