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Казахстан-моя Родина

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Данный открытый урок разработан для 10 класса.Использованы элименты технологий "БиС" и ИКТ.С помощу этого урока у учеников развивается речь,пополняется словарный запас,развиваются навыки чтения и письма.А так же любовь к Родине.Прилагается к нему презентация.Урок состоит из этапов.Ученики должны ответить на вопросы о Родине,ознокомление с новыми словами,работа с видео и пословицы -поговорки на тему "Родина".

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Казахстан-моя Родина»

Семей қаласы. «№36 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп» КММ

Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: «Kazakhstan is my Motherland»

Өткізген ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

Кусайнова А.Б.


10 Form



The aim:





Org. moment:

Checking up h/w:

The main part:



Ecology, geography and nature.

Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

«Қазақстан » тарауын қайталау.Бекіту сабағы.

БИС техн.элементтері мен АҚТ.

1) Жаңа сөздерді қайталау.

2) Оқушылардың Отанға деген сүйіспеншіліктерін арттыру.Патриоттық сезімдерін дамыту.

3)Оқу,жазу,сөйлеу және тыңдау дағдыларын арттыру.

To share, resources, uranium, deposit, gas, to rename, reservoir, former, census, annual, urban, rural, ethnic.

Интерактивті тақта,бағалау банері,ламинатталған беттер мен маркерлер

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning dear pupils! Welcome to our untraditional lesson which called “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

Трейнинг амандасу.Әр түрлі ұлттар бойынша амандасу.

Repeating the unit.

Our lesson complete of some stages:

Plan of the lesson:
I.What do you know about your country?
II.Word dictation
III.Guess the word
IY.Questions for you (video)

I.What do you know about your country?

1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

2.What is the population of Kazakhstan?(about 16 mill people)

3.What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know? (Almaty,Karaganda,Shymkent)

4.What countries does it border on? ( Kazakhstan shares its border with the Russian Federation to the north and North west ,to the east with China ,to the south with the Central Asian of Kirgystan ,Uzbekistan and Turkemistan )

5.What is the area of Kazakhstan? (about 2,724,900sq km)

6.When our Republic celebrates an “ Independent day” ? (on 16 th of December)

7.What can you say about climate of our country? (it is continental)

8.Which months are the hottest and coldest in our Republic? (the hottest month is July and coldest month is January)

9.Today how many species of mammals and birds includes Kazakhstan? (158 species of mammals and 458 species of birds includes Kazakhstan)

10.What are the symbols of Kazakhstan? (they are a flag, emblem and anthem)

11.Who were created “Kazakh khan” ? (Zhanibek and Kerei)

12.How many nationalities live in Kazakhstan? ( )

13.What kinds of mineral resources are there in our Republic? (The country rich with mineral resources such as copper, gold,iron,lead,nickel,silver,tin,uranium, zink, oil and natural gas)

14.When Akmola was renamed Astana? (in 1998)

15.When our Republic received a national currency “tenge”?

16.Retired age of men and women in Kazakhstan? (for men 63 ,for women 58)

17.Who is the minister of education? (Aslan Sarinzhipov)

18.When Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan? (1991)

II.Word dictation

1.To share- ортақтасу

2.desert-құмды дала

3.deposit-жерасты қоры

4.rename-жаңа ат беру







III.Guess the word

(сурет бойынша сөз табу)







IY.Questions for you (video)

1.N.Nazarbaev was born in 1940.

2.In 2012N.Nazarbaev received the name “Person of the year” .

3.In 1991 N.Nazarbaev was elected as President of Kazakhstan.

4.Our Republic began to celebrated “The president’s day” in 2011.

Y.Proverbs.(мақал мәтелдерді мағынасы бойынша біріктіріп аудару)

1.East or west… 1.it’s customs

2.There is no place… 2.so many customs

3.Every country… 3.home is best

4.Rome was not… 4.like home

5.Every bird think his… 5.built in a day

6.So many countries… 6.own nest best

Дұрыс жауабы

1.East or west home is best

2.There is no place like home

3.Every country has it’ customs

4.Rome was not built in a day

5.Every bird think his own nest best

6.So many countries so many customs

To write the topic “Kazakhstan in 2030”

Our lesson is over good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Казахстан-моя Родина

Автор: Кусайнова Арайлым Болатбековна

Дата: 20.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 279567

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