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"Kazakhstan" lesson

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О?ушыларды? ?аза?стан жайында білімдерін тияна?тау, ауызекі с?йлеу да?дыларын жетілдіру. О?ушыны? д?ниетанымын ке?ейту, Отан?а деген с?йіспеншілігін арттыру, п?нге деген к?з?арасын, білімге ??штарлы?ын арттыру. ?з еліні? на?ыз ?лтжанды азаматы болу?а т?рбиелеу. Саба?ты? барысы ассоциация, топты? ж?не ж?пты? ж?мыс, с?ра? - жауап, 5 жолды ?ле?. 

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«"Kazakhstan" lesson »

1. Knowledge aim:  to introduce students Kazakhstan that is our Motherland, to enlarge knowledge about Kazakhstan   2. Development aim:  to develop speaking abilities in speech, to develop students’ interest in the foreign language, to develop thinking  3 .Bringing up:  to enlarge country studying knowledge and educated the feeling of love towads our Motherland

1. Knowledge aim:

to introduce students Kazakhstan that is our Motherland, to enlarge knowledge about Kazakhstan

2. Development aim:

to develop speaking abilities in speech, to develop students’ interest in the foreign language, to develop thinking

3 .Bringing up:

to enlarge country studying knowledge and educated the feeling of love towads our Motherland

Traditional with using game technology Presentation lesson

Traditional with using game technology

Presentation lesson

The method of the lesson:

The method of the lesson:

  • Answer-question
  • Association
  • Game
  • Interactive methods
  • Group work
  • Pair work
Organization moment Warm up Checking up the home work Brainstorming Presentation of the new material Practice (Reading, writing) Conclusion Home work  Giving marks
  • Organization moment
  • Warm up
  • Checking up the home work
  • Brainstorming
  • Presentation of the new material
  • Practice (Reading, writing)
  • Conclusion
  • Home work
  • Giving marks
Good morning students! I’m glad to see you. Who is on duty today? I’ m on duty today. Who is absent? All are present. Well, let’s divide into 2 groups.
  • Good morning students! I’m glad to see you.
  • Who is on duty today?
  • I’ m on duty today.
  • Who is absent?
  • All are present.
  • Well, let’s divide into 2 groups.
My name is…[ K ] My friend’s name is …[K ] I’m …[ K ] I live in … [ K ] We sell … [ K ]
  • My name is…[ K ]
  • My friend’s name is …[K ]
  • I’m …[ K ]
  • I live in … [ K ]
  • We sell … [ K ]

St.1 St.2 Dialogue about ecology   Making words – “Ecologicalproblems”

St.1 St.2

Dialogue about ecology

Making words – “Ecologicalproblems”

Do you know the anthem of Kazakhstan? Yes, sure Then, Let’s sing the anthem of Kazakhstan How do you think what is the theme of the today’s lesson I think that is about Kazakhstan

Do you know the anthem of Kazakhstan?

Yes, sure

Then, Let’s sing the anthem

of Kazakhstan

How do you think what is the theme of the today’s lesson

I think that is about


Independent beautiful friendly democratic soverign country peace loving  Member  multinational International  organizational

Independent beautiful friendly

democratic soverign


peace loving


multinational International


Kazakhstan Astana



1. Game “Who am I” 2. 5 lines poem

1. Game “Who am I”

2. 5 lines poem

Am I young or old? Am I alive or dead? Am I actor ?
  • Am I young or old?
  • Am I alive or dead?
  • Am I actor ?

(actress writer, athlete, leader)

Am I …..

1. Kazakhstan 2. beautiful, peaceful, large, multinational, friendly 3. to be situated , to grow, to border 4. Kazakhstan is rich with mineral resources 5. Motherland (Country)

1. Kazakhstan

2. beautiful, peaceful, large, multinational, friendly

3. to be situated , to grow, to border

4. Kazakhstan is rich with mineral resources

5. Motherland (Country)

Ex: 4 Writing stories about
  • Ex: 4
  • Writing stories about


1 3 4 5
  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

"Kazakhstan" lesson

Автор: Жарыл?асынова Ж?лдызай Шамшадин?ызы

Дата: 18.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 188361

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