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Kazakhstan is my country

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The theme of the lesson: Kazakhstan is my country
The aims of the lesson;
To enrich pupils’ knowledge about Kazakhstan, its customs and traditions, to make pupils work using previous information about Kazakhstan; to develop pupils ‘speaking skills and habits;
To use the interactive methods of teaching English
To evoke pupils love to their motherland; to teach them to respect another nation, another language
The visual aids: interaction the blackboard, poster
The procedure: 1. Organization moment.
A) greeting B) talking with the pupil on duty
The lesson begins with the poem about Kazakhstan
(the poem is recorded and played on the computer)
Oh, Kazakhstan, I’m in love with you
Remember, Kazakhstan, you are great
Not in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens free of dust
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, lakes and seas,
Which give me always much delight
2) Phonetic exercise
I have two eyes and I can see,
I have two ears and I can hear.
I have mouth and I can talk
I have two legs and I can walk
3). Checking the home tasks
1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
2. What is the population of Kazakhstan?
3. What countries does it border with?
4. How many kilometers is its area?
5. What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
6. Who is the President of Kazakhstan?
7. Is Kazakhstan an independent country?
4) Presentation new material
Junction - ?осылу, ?осыл?ан жер, станция
Plains - аны?, ашы?, жазы?
Foothills - ая?жол, жоталар

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«Kazakhstan is my country »

The theme of the lesson: Kazakhstan is my country
The aims of the lesson;
To enrich pupils’ knowledge about Kazakhstan, its customs and traditions, to make pupils work using previous information about Kazakhstan; to develop pupils ‘speaking skills and habits;
To use the interactive methods of teaching English
To evoke pupils love to their motherland; to teach them to respect another nation, another language
The visual aids: interaction the blackboard, poster
The procedure: 1. Organization moment.
A) greeting B) talking with the pupil on duty
The lesson begins with the poem about Kazakhstan
(the poem is recorded and played on the computer)
Oh, Kazakhstan, I’m in love with you
Remember, Kazakhstan, you are great
Not in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens free of dust
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, lakes and seas,
Which give me always much delight
2) Phonetic exercise
I have two eyes and I can see,
I have two ears and I can hear.
I have mouth and I can talk
I have two legs and I can walk
3). Checking the home tasks
1. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
2. What is the population of Kazakhstan?
3. What countries does it border with?
4. How many kilometers is its area?
5. What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
6. Who is the President of Kazakhstan?
7. Is Kazakhstan an independent country?
4) Presentation new material
Junction - қосылу, қосылған жер, станция
Plains - анық, ашық, жазық
Foothills - аяқжол, жоталар
Lowland - аңғар. алап, алқап
Steppes - дала, сахара, қыр
Deserts - шөл, шөлейт
Hectares - гектар
Ore - кен, металл
5. Read the text Some Glimpses on Geography of Kazakhstan;
Kazakhstan is located on the junction of two continents – Europe and Asia. The geographical centre of the European – Asian subcontinent is in Kazakhstan. It is in the epicentre of former Semipalatinsk nuclear zone. Kazakhstan is stretching to east from the Caspian sea and Volga plains up to mountain Altai from Tiah - Shan the foothills in the south and southcoast up to the West - Siberian lowland in the north. Kazakhstan borders on China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizia. The area of Kazakhstan is 2 753 000 square kilometers. It’s populationis about 17 million. The largest cities are Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Pavlodar and Shimkent. Astana is a new capital of the Republic. People of different nationalities live in it. They speak Kazakh the State language of the Republic. Kazakhstan has its national flag, anthem and its own customs and traditions. More then a quarter of the Kazakhstani territory is occupied with steppes, half with deserts and other quarter - with mountains, seas, lakes and rivers. There are almost 22 million hectares of woods in Kazakhstan, there are 11 thousand rivers and streams in it as well. The largest rivers of Kazakhstan are Irtysh, Ishim, Ural, Syrdaria, Ili, Chu, Tobol and Nura. The climate of Kazakhstan is characterized by an exstremely high a temperature of air and rains during summer and severe frosts in winter. One of main riches of Kazakhstan is its minerals. Its natural resources are the deposits of petroleum, natural gas, coal, iron ore, chrome, nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc, gold uranium. Today everybody knows that the USA and countries of Western Europe as well as Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Japan and China display a keen interest towards the Republic of Kazakhstan, our beloved Motherland.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Kazakhstan is my country

Автор: Шерманова Лаура Тынабек?ызы

Дата: 24.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 205320

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