1. Приветствие. Орг. момент 2.Сообщение плана урока 3.Контроль сформированности монологических умений (путь «снизу») 4. Проверка прослушанного 5. Подведение итогов. 6. Brain ring 7. Контроль сформированности диалогических умений (диалог-побуждение к действию – путь «снизу вверх») 8. Рефлексия 9.Выставление отметок 10. Подведение итогов | Урок№1 1.Начало урока Good morning. Take your seats, please. During the previous lessons we’ve learnt much about healthy way of life. And today we are going to repeat it and learn something new from your projects and sum up all the information to the topic Healthy Living Guide. 2.Основная часть урока Let’s begin with your projects. Show us your presentations. The first group, tell us, please, about your point of view on healthy way of life. What shall we do to be healthy? Thank you. Your project was very good. The second group, please, present your project. …And the third group, you turn. Present your project. Now, let’s see what new information you have learnt. Ask your questions to check. Good of you. Your projects were very interesting and informative. But let’s try to give a mark to each group together. Look at the blackboard. Here is the table. Discuss in your groups what mark can you give for every point in the table of each opposite group. Урок №2 We’re going to continue speaking about healthy way of life now. At first, let’s play the game “Brain ring” On the blackboard you can see the table with the topics and the number of the question. Now, each group one by one will choose the question and try to answer it. If the answer is false, another group will try. Thank you. And at last, divide in pairs. Each pair will have to take one card, where you’ll find the description of the situation. Your task is to make up a dialogue according to the situation. You have ten minutes to prepare it. Okay. It’s high time to present your dialogues. Be expressive. Good luck. Now look at the blackboard. Here are written four proverbs. Choose one of them which is more appropriate to our today’s lessons. 3.Конец урока Good of you. Thank you for your work today. It’s time to sum up and give you marks for two lessons. Учитель выставляет три оценки за два урока – проект (монолог), общая активность на уроке + игра, диалог. See you next week. Good-bye. | P(1) – We are the fighters for a healthy way of life. We’re calling you for following a diet… Представляют проект о правильном питании. Остальные дети фиксируют новую информацию в тетрадях. P(2) – We are the fighters for a healthy way of life. We’re calling you for going in for sports… P(3) – We are the fighters for a healthy way of life. We’re calling you for refusing of bad habits (e.g.-smoking) Группы по очереди задают другим группам вопросы и сами контролируют правильность ответа. Учащиеся обсуждают в своих группах, какие баллы начислить другим группам. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы игры. В случае неудачи, вопрос переходит к другой группе. За правильные ответы начисляются баллы. Самостоятельно составляют диалоги По очереди презентуют диалоги. А затем высказывают мнение, чей диалог был наиболее интересен. P-Good health is above wealth. P-Good-bye | 2’ 25’ 13’ 5’ 10’ 15’ 15’ 2’ 3’ |