2)the main rivers (the Mississippi, the Columbia);
3)the largest city (New York);
4)the important ports (San Francisco, Boston);
5)the largest state (Alaska)
What was the first name of New York? (New Amsterdam)
When was the city renamed? Why? (in 1664, New York, after Britain`s
Duke of York)
How many boroughs does New York consist of? (5: Manhattan, the Bronx,
Brooklyn, Queens, Richmond)
Where do black people mainly live? (in Harlem)
On what river is the capital of the USA situated? (the Potomac River)
What state is especially rich in coal? (Illinois)
Where is the textile industry concentrated? (In the south, in the north-east,
in Boston)
Where is Hollywood situated? ( near Los Angeles)
What is Detroit famous for? (for its automobile industry)
When & where was the present Constitution proclaimed? (in Philadelphia,1787)
What are the main political parties in the USA? (the Democratic Party & the Republican party)
When does the American President take office? (on the 20th of January following the elections)
How long is his term? (4 years)
A famous American author wrote a book about a dog. Who is the author? What is the name of the dog? (J. London; White Fang)
What is the nickname of the USA government? Why? (Uncle Sam; after Samuel Wilson)
What are the famous universities in the USA? (Pennsylvania, Princeton, Columbia, Harvard, Yale)
Give British variant of the American English:
- movies - cinema
- elevator - lift
- automobile - car
- fall - autumn
- ice-box - refrigerator
- apartment - flat
- test - exam
- candy - sweet
- mail - post
1.Where does the President of the USA live & work?
a) in Congress
b) in the White House
c) in the Pentagon
2.What is the biggest state in the USA?
b) California
c) Alaska
3. How many states are there in the USA?
a) 48
c) 50
4. When did the American Civil War end?
a) 1789
b) 1865
c) 1776
5. Who was the 1st President of the USA?
a) George Washington
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Ulysses Grant
6.Why do Americans celebrate the 4th of July?
a ) the 1st moon landing
b) Declaration of Independence
c) the end of the American Civil War
7. In which city is Hollywood?
a)New York
b) San Francisco
c) Los Angeles
6. Конкурсскороговорок
1. Hector Protector was dressed in all green;
Hector Protector was sent to the Queen;
The Queen didn`t like him;
No more did the King;
Hector Protector was sent back again.
2. She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
The shells she sells are sea-shells, I`m sure.
3. Cob is Dob`s dog.
Tod is mob`s dog.
4. If you, Sandy, have two candies
Give one candy to Andy, Sandy.
If you, Andy, have two candies
Give one candy to Sandy, Andy.
5. Swan swam over the sea,
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again,
Well swum, swan!
7. Аудирование.Команды по очереди инсценируют текст. Больше очков набирает та команда, которая лучше справилась с заданием.
He Won
An American and an Englishman were talking about the wonderful things each had seen during his life. Soon the competition between them became heated and the stories grew more and more incredible. At last the American said: “Well, I guess the most wonderful thing I ever saw was when I crossed from France to England. A fellow divided off the harbor just as the boat was leaving, and followed us all the way over, arriving at Dover 5 minutes ahead of us.” But the Englishman was not to be beaten. “Quite right, he said, the fellow was me.”
8. Учащимся предлагаются 2 варианта:
- предлагается тема и даётся 1 минута на обдумывание. Представители от каждой команды (по 1 человеку) выступают с сообщением по теме. (заранее определяется время выступления);
- представитель команды, делая сообщение, одновременно двигается от одной стены класса к другой. Его задача: дойти до стены , допустим, за 1 минуту и закончить своё сообщение.
Каждой команде предлагается по 1теме, например: “HolidaysintheUSA “ и “WhiteHouse”.
9. Конкурс “Знаете ли вы президентов США?”
Надоскенаписаныименапрезидентов: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy. По одному участнику от каждой команды прослушивают информацию, они должны сказать, о ком идёт речь.
1. He was born in Virginia in 1743. When he was still a young man, he was one of those who wanted freedom from England. His most outstanding achievement was as chief author of the Declaration of Independence, a statement of human rights and liberties. It was read to the happy people on the 4th of July, 1776.
He also drew up the constitution for his state, Virginia, and served as its go-
venor. He was sent to France as foreign minister of the USA, and afterwards was President Washington`s Secretary of State. A few years later he became the country`s third President, serving in this position for 2 terms.
He did many useful things during his lifetime, and he always thought about helping ordinary people.
( Thomas Jefferson )
2. He was the youngest President the USA has ever had, but he was President for only 2 years and 10 months. He was assassinated in 1963.
His aims were equal rights for all Americans – white or black – and peace in the world. He was the founder of the Peace Corps, which sent young men and women to poor countries to work and help for very little pay.
In one of his famous speeches he said: “And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men.”
( JohnF. Kennedy )
10. Конкурс “ Кто лучше знает пословицы?
1. Дайте русский вариант пословицы
- So many countries, so many customs
(У всякой пташки свои замашки)
- When in Rome, do as the Romans do
( Со своим уставом в чужой монастырь не ходят)
- To carry coals to Newcastle
( В Тулу со своим самоваром)
- Men make houses… (women make homes)
- Look before … ( your lips)
- Out of sight … (out of mind)
- A fault confessed is … ( halfdressed)
3.Дайте английский вариант русской пословицы
- Чтопосеешь, тоипожнёшь
( As you make your bed, so you must lie on it)
- Cколько голов, столько умов)
( So many men, so many minds)
- Делать из мухи слона
(To make a mountain out of a molehill )
- Где хотенье, там и уменье
( Where there is a will there is a way )
11.Конкурс песен.
Команда исполняет какую-нибудь песню на английском языке или предлагает песню в записи. Соперники должны передать по-английски её содержание или, по крайней мере, сказать, как она называется.
Например, песни “America”; “I`ll follow the Sun”.
12.Конкурс « шутливых вопросов»
Why can`t the world ever come to an end?
(Because it`s round)
Who speaks English, Russian, German & other languages?
(An echo)
What is in the middle of the world?
(The letter “r”)
What is in a country, in a capital, but not in a town?