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Итоговый урок по теме " Music in Our Life"

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Цели урока:

- развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи учащихся;

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать музыкальный вкус учащихся;

- развивать память и внимание.

Оборудование урока:

- фотографии певцов и музыкантов;

- записи песен

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«Итоговый урок по теме " Music in Our Life" »



Цели урока:

- развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи по теме;

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать музыкальный вкус учащихся;

- развивать память и внимание.

Оснащение урока: фотографии певцов и музыкантов; записи песен.

Ход урока


Прослушивание любой мелодии

T: What is the theme of our lesson?

Ps:The theme of our lesson is “MUSIC IN OUR LIFE”

T: That`s all right. “May you think a day without music? Oh, that`s impossible!” you may say. And of course you are right. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in parks, at the seaside, in the forest. People can`t live without music. They listen to music, the dance to music, they learn to play musical instru-


Most people like pop music. But half of us also enjoy classical music. The majority of people prefer to listen to music in different situations, especially when they are happy.

Some weeks ago I read an interesting article about music. So it was written there that 10% of people always listen to music: when they do their homework, read books, go in for sports, help about the house, go for a walk and so on.50% like both classical and folk music.

So today we`ll speak about the role of music in people`s life, about different styles of music. And at the end of our lesson we`ll try to answer the question “What is music?”

II. Фронтальная работа “Answer the questions”

1. What is the attitude of people living in the British Isles towards music?

- The people living in the British Isles are very fond of music and it`s quite clear

that concerts of the leading symphony orchestras, numerous folk groups and

pop music are very popular.

2.What do you know about folk music?

– Folk music is still very much alive. There are many folk groups. Their harmony

singing and good humour win them friends everywhere.

3. What kinds of music are extremely popular, especially among young people?

- Rock and pop music are extremely popular, especially among young people. In

the 60s and 70s groups such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones became very

popular and successful.

4.What group became the most successful pop one the world has ever known?

- The Beatles with their new and exciting style of singing and their wonderful

sense of humour became the most successful pop one the world has ever

known. Many of the famous songs written by John Lennon and Paul McCartny

are still popular.

5.What British musicians and composers do you know?

- One of the most famous contemporary musicians and composers is Andrew

Loyed Webber. His musicals and rock operas have been a great success both

In Britain and overseas.

- A famous English composer of the 19th century was Arthur Sullivan. Together

with William Gilbert, the writer ob the texts, he created 14 operettas, of which

11 are regularly performed today.

6. What are the most famous places in London where people can see or hear

operas or classical music, ballets or rock music?

- As we know London is a very musical capital. The Opera House is famous all

over the world for its productions and singers. There are 3 concert halls near the National Theatre. In summer there sometimes 1 or 2 free open air rock concerts

in Hyde Park. Every summer concerts are held in the Royal Albert Hall.

T.: So we see, that British people like music. And what about us? I`m quite sure

that you also like music. And I`d like to know when your last visit to the

variety theatre or to the concert was.

III. Рассказы учащихся о посещении концерта или оперного театра.

T.: Of course you visit concerts with your friends. Now I`d like to listen to your

conversations about your visit to the concert.

IV. Диалоги учащихся о посещении концертов, эстрадного театра, впечат-

ления о концертах.

- Hello, Ann! Where were you last night?

- I went to the Variety Theatre with my parents.

- Who took part in the concert?

- Famous Russian singers and dancers did. Dima Bilan, Valeria, Philipp Kirkorov

sang popular modern songs. A group of dancers performed folk and modern


- Did you like the concert?

Yes, I did, I liked it very much.

V. Situation.

T.: Now let`s imagine that we are listening to the radio – program “Radio Plus”.

but we are not only listening to this program, we`re watching it on TV

because the disk jockeys have been invited to the TV studio and now they

are here. You may ask them any questions you like about your favourite

singers and groups.

1. My favourite singer is Michael Jackson. What do you know about him?

- That`s rather sad coming from someone who started life as part of a 10 member family which shared a small 4-room house.

His life was far from normal. He began singing at the age of 5. His father encouraged all his 5 sons to develop their musical talents and as The Jackson 5 they turned professionals when

Michael was only 8. His 1st solo album “Off the Wall” appeared in 1978. Throughout the 80s he developed mainly as a solo artist. His “Thriller” album sold 40 mln. copies to make it the biggest-selling album of all time.

- What sort of person was Michael Jackson?

- He seemed to be full of contradictions. He was a lonely person who was loved by millions. He was a shy person who loved to perform. He said,” In a crowd I`m afraid. On stage I`m safe. I`d sleep on stage if I could.” He was also known to be a hard-headed businessman when money was concerned but was well known for his childish tastes. He was called “The child who never grew up”, but perhaps instead he was the grown-up who was never allowed to be a child.

2. My favourite singer is Dean Reed. Would you tell me about his life and songs?

- Dean Reed was born in 1938 in Denver, Colorado, USA. On leaving school, he enrolled at Colorado University, and there began singing his own songs to student packed halls. These performances brought him such popularity that he made up his mind to become a professional singer. He signed a 7-year contract with Capitol, a well known recording firm in Hollywood. Soon he appeared in several films. After 1962-1965 concerts Dean became the idol of young people. He took part in the World Peace Congresses. He was arrested several times for his fighting for peace in the world. On June 17, 1986, Dean Reed tragically died as a result of an accident.

3. My favourite singer is Madonna. What do you know about this popular singer?

- Madonna Louise Ciccone was born on August 16, 1959, Michigan, USA. Her first single “Everybody” appeared in 1982. It was a great success and it was this record that started her on the rapid to flame. Apart from singing she also appeared in several films, of which the most successful is “Desperately Seeking Susan”.

4. My favourite singer is Elvis Presley. What can you tell us about him?

- Elvis Presley was born in East Tupelo, Mississippi, January, 8, 1935. In 1945 in honour of his 10th birthday Elvis received his first guitar. He became the idol of millions of people all over the world. He was the King of rock and roll from 30s to the 70s.

5. What can you tell us about Kylie and Danni Minogue?

- These 2 girls are sisters. They came from Australia. They are both actresses. They are both singers. Kylie is more famous. This is a well-known pop-star in Great Britain. Danni is Kylie`s younger sister. She has long black hair. In the photograph she is on the left. Some people say she is a better singer than Kylie.

6. What can you say about music in Ireland?

- Ireland has always had plenty of musical talents, but there have never been so many Irish rock bands and singers on the world scene as there are now. U2 and Sinead O`Connor are the most famous of course, but there are also “The Waterboys”, “The Hothouse Flowers” and many others. Here you can see the pictures of these popular groups.



The most popular singer is Ireland is Sinead O`Connor. Her strongly emotional singing is greatly influenced by the singers of Celtic origin.

7. Of course you know the name of Mick Hucknall. I like this singer and I suppose that you`ll tell us something interesting about this popular singer.

- Mick Hucknall and his group “Simply Red” are very popular in Ireland. In the early days their first album , called “Picture Book”, was still in the Top Ten 18 months after it came out. The 2nd album went straight to the top .Their album “Stars” had similar success. Despite all this, however, people are still very critical of lead singer Mick Hucknall. Newspapers say that he is rude and difficult. His hero is John Lennon. His favourite kinds of music are jazz and reggae. He can`t drive a car and uses a bike. His hobbies are cooking and cycling.

He now lives in Manchester, where he used to live when he was a little boy. He hates London. He says, “It`s better to leave England altogether than live in London”. He is a rich man. He likes Indonesian, Indian and Chinese food. He describes himself as a working-class person. “Even if I earn 6 million pounds, I`m still a working-class person.”

8. My favourite singer is John Lennon. What can you tell us about him?

- John Lennon founded the Beatles, a band that impacted the popular music scene like no other before, or since.

John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England. He met Paul McCartney in 1957 and invited McCartney to join his music group. They eventually formed the most successful songwriting partnership in musical history. Lennon left the Beatles in 1969 and later released albums with his wife, Yoko Ono, among others. On December 8, 1980, he was killed by a crazed fan named Mark David Chapman.

VI. Pop Music Quiz

1.Who was the King of rock and roll from the 30s to the 70s?

(Elvis Presley)

2. Which city in England did the Beatles come from?

a) London

b) Manchester

c) Liverpool

( Liverpool)

3. Can you put these first names and surnames together to make the names of

the 4 Beatles?

1) John a) Star

2) Ringo b) Harrison

3) George c) McCartney

4) Paul d) Lennon

(1d, 2a, 3b, 4c)

4. What is” rap”? Do you know the rap singer of the USA who won 5 of the

most important music prizes? He was the favourite Male Soul Artist and

Best Rap Artist; he won the Best Soul Single award and the Best Rap Album


(Rap is a musical style in which the singer speaks or shouts the words in a

strong rhythm. It was McHammer.)

5.What is ” reggae”? What`s the name of the singer whose favourite kinds of

music are jazz and reggae?

( Reggae is west Indian popular music and dance with strong rhythms.)

Luis Armstrong

6. What is ” jazz”?

(Jazz was invented by American Negroes. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. This work was hard and life was short. When a Negro died his friends and relatives formed a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans a band often accompanied the procession. On the way to the cemetery the band played slow music suited to the occasion. But on the way home everybody was happy. Death had taken one of them, but the living were glad to be alive. The band played happy music. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz.)

7. What are “blues”?

( The history of American music reflects the history of the American nation.

Blues reflect hard life of the Negro slaves. Negroes had to work from early

morning till late at night in the heat of the sun. The slave-drivers could kill them

or sell them, separating members of the family. The only joy of their lives were

songs. Simple, sometimes primitive, they imitated cries which helped to achieve

rhythm in work ( remember the famous “Dubinushka” of the Volga-river

boatmen). They were called “blues”. In some of the blues the rhythm of work on

building the railroads is clearly heard. Blues sung on the plantations had a

different rhythm. They imitated dialogues between slave-drivers and slaves: an

order was followed by a short reply of the slaves. This music form can be found

in modern Negro songs.)

8. Why are some songs called “spirituals”?

(All the Negroes brought to America were christened. Slave-drivers hoped that

the Bible would help them to capture the souls of their slaves. But Negroes saw

in the Bible a call to break the chains of slavery. They began to create their own

songs, in which they addressed to God, asking for his advice and help, complain-

ing of their life. They interpreted Bible allegories under the influence of their

feelings and thoughts, expressed their hopes to find paradise. These songs were

called “spirituals”. They can be looked upon as the bitter cry of entire people

under the oppression.)

9. Can anybody give an example of “spirituals”?

(There`s an extract from the song sung by a famous Negro singer Paul Robson:

- Let us break bread together on our knees (2),

When I fall on my knees with my face to the risin` sun,

Oh, Lord, have mercy if you please.

T.: It`s very important for you to have an idea of “blues” and “spirituals” as they

laid the foundations for modern American music and became the basis for jazz,

rock and many other styles in music.

10.Finally, you can`t have a pop quiz without this band these days. If you do

not know the answer to this question , you aren`t a pop expert. What band

recorded these songs; “ Dressed for Success”, “It Must Have Been Love” and


(“Roxette”, a well-known group from Sweden)

VII. Итоги урока

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Итоговый урок по теме " Music in Our Life"

Автор: Воронина Тамара Евгеньевна

Дата: 06.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 208924

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