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Использование нулевого, определенного и неопределенного артикля с именами существительными в устойчивых выражениях

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«Использование нулевого, определенного и неопределенного артикля с именами существительными в устойчивых выражениях»




  1. out of doors - на дворе, на улице, вне дома

The children spent most of the time out of doors.

  1. to take to heart - принимать близко к сердцу

Don’t take things too much to heart.

  1. to take offence - обижаться

If he had heard your remark, he would have taken offence.

  1. to give (to get, to ask) permission - дать (получить, просить) разрешение

I asked permission to keep the book a little longer.

  1. to lose heart - терять мужество

He found the subject very difficult at first, but he didn’t lose his heart.

  1. at present - в настоящее время

You may go home, we don’t want you at present.

  1. from morning till night - с утра до вечера

He worked in his little garden from morning till night.

  1. from head to foot - с головы до ног

She was dressed in furs from head to foot.

  1. from beginning to end с - начала до конца

The whole story is the lie from beginning to end.

  1. at first sight - с первого взгляда

He fell in love with her at first sight.

11.by chance - случайно

They met quite by chance.

12.by mistake - по ошибке

I have brought the wrong book by mistake.

13. for hours - часами

He could read for hours.

  1. for ages - целую вечность

I have not seen you for ages.

  1. be land, by air, by sea - сушей, по воздуху, морем

I like traveling by sea.

  1. to go to sea - стать моряком

My sister wants to be a doctor, and my brother wants to go to sea.

  1. on deck - на палубе

We spent hours on deck.

  1. to keep house - вести хозяйство

Her sister keeps house for her.

  1. at sunrise - на рассвете

We left the town at sunrise.

  1. at sunset - на закате

We arrived at the village at sunset.

  1. at work - за работой

Whenever I come, he is always at work.

  1. at peace - в мире

We want to be at peace with all countries.

  1. by name - по имени

His cat Snowball by name, was playing on the carpet.

  1. in dept - в долгу

Mr. Micawber was always in dept.



  1. It is out of question - об этом не может быть и речи

I can not go. It is out of question. I have lots of things to do.

  1. to take the trouble to do smth. - потрудиться

You had a difficult text to translate and you didn’t take the trouble to consult a dictionary.

  1. in the original - в оригинале

You should read English books in the original.

  1. to pay the piano (the violin, the harp) – играть на рояле, скрипке, арфе

She plays the piano very well.

  1. to keep the house - сидеть дома

She has a cold and will have to keep the house for a couple of days.

  1. to keep the bed - соблюдать постельный режим

She has a bad cold and will have to keep the bed for a couple of days.

  1. on the whole - в целом

On the whole Tom is a pleasant fellow, but sometimes he is greedy.

  1. the other day - на днях

I met him the other day.

  1. on the one hand…. on the other hand - с одной стороны….. с другой стороны….

On the one hand he certainly excites suspicion, but on the other hand we have not enough evidence against him.

  1. to tell (speak) the truth - говорить правду

He always speaks the truth. To tell the truth, I don’t like the girl.

  1. to be on the safe side - для верности

I am almost sure of the translation of this word, but to be on the safe side let us consult the dictionary.



  1. in a hurry - второпях

Things done in a hurry are done badly.

  1. to have a (a great mind, a good mind) mind to do smth. – иметь желание что-либо сделать, быть склонным что-либо сделать

I have a great mind to have a serious talk with her.

  1. to fly into a passion – прийти в бешенство

If you contradict him, he will fly into a passion.

  1. to get into a fury (in a rage) - прийти в ярость

If you contradict him, he will get in a fury.

  1. to take a fancy to - проникнутся симпатией, почувствовать расположение

(living beings)

I wonder why she took a fancy to a little girl.

  1. in a low (loud) voice – тихо (громко)

Don’t speak in a low voice.

  1. a great many - много (countable nouns)

I have spoken to him a great many times.

  1. a great deal - много (uncountable nouns)

We can’t skate today, there’s a great deal of snow on the ice.

  1. it is a pity - жаль

It is a pity you didn’t go to the concert last night.

  1. it is a shame - стыдно

It is a shame not to know these things.

  1. it is a pleasure - приятно

It is a pleasure to read a beautiful poetry.

  1. as a result - в результате

As a result the whole damaged city was soon rebuilt.

  1. to have a good time - хорошо провести время

Last night we went at an evening party and had a very good time.

  1. to be at a loss - быть в недоумении

She was at a loss what to say.

  1. at a glance - сразу, с первого взгляда

She saw at once that something had happened.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Гаджиян Гаяне Александровна

Дата: 11.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 343181

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