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Использование пословиц и поговорок на уроке английского языка для развития монологической речи

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Использование пословиц и поговорок

на уроке английского языка

для развития монологической речи

The theme of the lesson: Proverbs and sayings at the English lesson to develop students’ abilities in speech.


To enrich students’ knowledge, concerning the theme.

To enable students to discuss the meaning of the proverbs and give the concrete examples from their everyday life.

To develop students’ abilities in speaking and to revise The Reported Speech.

To enable students to understand their surrounding, their attitude to life, to make important decisions, concerning their behavior.

Visual aids: overhead projector, cards and posters.

Procedure of the lesson:

Psychological preparation for the lesson.

Phonetic drill: Still waters run deep. (В тихом болоте черти водятся)

The students tell their understanding of the proverb, using some examples.

Revising (Russian and  equivalents of the proverbs and short revising of their meanings):

Two heads are better than one.

Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.

Curiosity killed a cat.

Reading and translating of the text:

“Say which of the proverbs following the story makes the best ending to it” :

The Tortoise and the Hare

In a forest near a river their lived a hare who was very proud of himself. Most of all he liked to talk about the way he could run. Of course, the other hares did not like him and did not want to listen to him.

“I must not boast,” he thought, “then my friends will talk to me again”.

But he forgot all about his decision when he saw a tortoise. He looked at her short legs and cried, “Oh, I’m so glad that I’m not a tortoise!” the tortoise called out to him, “If you can run so fast, let’s have a race.”

The hare began to laugh, “Have a race with you? I can get to the finish and back before you cross the starting line.”

The tortoise said, “Do you see that big tree over there? The finish will be that tree.”

The tortoise was very clever and she wanted to teach the hare a lesson.

The hare run off as he could and the tortoise started slowly after him. The hare run very fast and soon he was not far from the tree. He thought, “I shall wait for the tortoise here and when she comes near enough, I shall run to the finish and be the first.”

But the day was very hot and he soon fell asleep. Some time later he woke. He looked around and saw that the tortoise was nearly at the finish. The other hares were watching her and laughing. The proud hare got up and ran as fast as he could, but the tortoise had already reached the tree. The other hares laughed and said to each other, “ He boasted very much, but he couldn’t win a race against a tortoise, who is one of the slowest animals in the forest.”








Still waters run deep.

Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.

Curiosity killed a cat.

Two heads are better than one.

Render into English  the following Russian proverbs:

Ум хорошо, а два лучше.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

В тихом омуте черти водятся.

Не говори «гоп» пока не перепрыгнешь.

Много будешь знать, скоро состаришься.

Учиться никогда не поздно.

Read the dialogues and find the English proverbs. Render them into Reported Speech:

Kate: Oh, it’s started raining!

Jack: Now you will get wet in those clothes. I told you take your raincoat and you didn’t want to do it.

Kate: Oh, I don’t like people who always say “I told you so!”

Jack: Here, you must put on my raincoat.

Kate: No, I won’t. My clothes will soon get dry when the rain stops and the sun shines.

Jack: And if not? Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.


Henry: What are you doing, Peter?

Peter: I’m writing a letter.

Henry: Oh, a letter?

Peter: Yes, I’m writing to Bill.

Henry: What are you writing to him about?

Peter: Don’t ask so many questions. Curiosity killed a cat, you know.


Use the proverbs in a dialogue or situation of your own. The expressions in brackets will help you:

Still waters run deep (to make something; to do something oneself; you don’t say so!).

Two heads are better than one (to prepare a wall newspaper; to turn to somebody for help; to be good at).

Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood (not to prepare for; never to do a thing; to take part; competition; to take the last place).

Curiosity killed a cat (to call on somebody; to be interesting in; to ask too many questions).


Tom: This cake is very good!

Ann: Oh, is it? You like it, don’t you?

Tom: Yes. Who made it?

Ann: I made it myself.

Tom: You don’t say so! You never told me that you could cook. Really, still waters run deep.

Ann: Do you want another piece?

Tom: Yes, please.

Read the situation and decide which proverb given below fits it:

Two little boys of Verona had neither father nor mother. Their big sister was ill. They had to work hard to get money to pay for the hospital bed for their sister. But the boys did not complain. They loved their sister and wanted her to get well.

The two little boys did sort of work but they never spoke about it. They did work well. People asked them too many questions sometimes but they were silent.

Honesty is the best policy.

Still waters run deep.

Two heads are better than one.

Conclusion and evaluation.

T asks the questions to check what Ss have learned during the lesson and what they found interesting.

T evaluates the Ss work during the lesson, gives the home assignment. Ss share their opinions about the lesson.

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«Использование пословиц и поговорок на уроке английского языка для развития монологической речи »

Использование пословиц и поговорок

на уроке английского языка

для развития монологической речи

The theme of the lesson: Proverbs and sayings at the English lesson to develop students’ abilities in speech.


To enrich students’ knowledge, concerning the theme.

To enable students to discuss the meaning of the proverbs and give the concrete examples from their everyday life.

To develop students’ abilities in speaking and to revise The Reported Speech.

To enable students to understand their surrounding, their attitude to life, to make important decisions, concerning their behavior.

Visual aids: overhead projector, cards and posters.

Procedure of the lesson:

Psychological preparation for the lesson.

Phonetic drill: Still waters run deep. (В тихом болоте черти водятся)

The students tell their understanding of the proverb, using some examples.

Revising (Russian and equivalents of the proverbs and short revising of their meanings):

Two heads are better than one.

Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.

Curiosity killed a cat.

Reading and translating of the text:

“Say which of the proverbs following the story makes the best ending to it” :

The Tortoise and the Hare

In a forest near a river their lived a hare who was very proud of himself. Most of all he liked to talk about the way he could run. Of course, the other hares did not like him and did not want to listen to him.

“I must not boast,” he thought, “then my friends will talk to me again”.

But he forgot all about his decision when he saw a tortoise. He looked at her short legs and cried, “Oh, I’m so glad that I’m not a tortoise!” the tortoise called out to him, “If you can run so fast, let’s have a race.”

The hare began to laugh, “Have a race with you? I can get to the finish and back before you cross the starting line.”

The tortoise said, “Do you see that big tree over there? The finish will be that tree.”

The tortoise was very clever and she wanted to teach the hare a lesson.

The hare run off as he could and the tortoise started slowly after him. The hare run very fast and soon he was not far from the tree. He thought, “I shall wait for the tortoise here and when she comes near enough, I shall run to the finish and be the first.”

But the day was very hot and he soon fell asleep. Some time later he woke. He looked around and saw that the tortoise was nearly at the finish. The other hares were watching her and laughing. The proud hare got up and ran as fast as he could, but the tortoise had already reached the tree. The other hares laughed and said to each other, “ He boasted very much, but he couldn’t win a race against a tortoise, who is one of the slowest animals in the forest.”








Still waters run deep.

Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.

Curiosity killed a cat.

Two heads are better than one.

Render into English the following Russian proverbs:

Ум хорошо, а два лучше.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

В тихом омуте черти водятся.

Не говори «гоп» пока не перепрыгнешь.

Много будешь знать, скоро состаришься.

Учиться никогда не поздно.

Read the dialogues and find the English proverbs. Render them into Reported Speech:

Kate: Oh, it’s started raining!

Jack: Now you will get wet in those clothes. I told you take your raincoat and you didn’t want to do it.

Kate: Oh, I don’t like people who always say “I told you so!”

Jack: Here, you must put on my raincoat.

Kate: No, I won’t. My clothes will soon get dry when the rain stops and the sun shines.

Jack: And if not? Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.


Henry: What are you doing, Peter?

Peter: I’m writing a letter.

Henry: Oh, a letter?

Peter: Yes, I’m writing to Bill.

Henry: What are you writing to him about?

Peter: Don’t ask so many questions. Curiosity killed a cat, you know.


Use the proverbs in a dialogue or situation of your own. The expressions in brackets will help you:

Still waters run deep (to make something; to do something oneself; you don’t say so!).

Two heads are better than one (to prepare a wall newspaper; to turn to somebody for help; to be good at).

Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood (not to prepare for; never to do a thing; to take part; competition; to take the last place).

Curiosity killed a cat (to call on somebody; to be interesting in; to ask too many questions).


Tom: This cake is very good!

Ann: Oh, is it? You like it, don’t you?

Tom: Yes. Who made it?

Ann: I made it myself.

Tom: You don’t say so! You never told me that you could cook. Really, still waters run deep.

Ann: Do you want another piece?

Tom: Yes, please.

Read the situation and decide which proverb given below fits it:

Two little boys of Verona had neither father nor mother. Their big sister was ill. They had to work hard to get money to pay for the hospital bed for their sister. But the boys did not complain. They loved their sister and wanted her to get well.

The two little boys did sort of work but they never spoke about it. They did work well. People asked them too many questions sometimes but they were silent.

Honesty is the best policy.

Still waters run deep.

Two heads are better than one.

Conclusion and evaluation.

T asks the questions to check what Ss have learned during the lesson and what they found interesting.

T evaluates the Ss work during the lesson, gives the home assignment. Ss share their opinions about the lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Автор: Мороз Светлана Николаевна

Дата: 17.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 220108

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