К?ні: 02.02.16
П?ні: а?ылшын
Сыныбы: 5-9
Та?ырыбы: «Zerek» интеллектуалды ойыны
Ма?саты: - а?ылшын тілінде ойын ж?йрік, танымды? де?гейі жо?ары, интеллектуалды о?ушыларды? дарынын ашу, белсенділігін арттыру, білімдерін к?теру. Балаларды? тілге деген ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру. Сайыс барысында балаларды? білім денгейін аны?тау. А?ылшын тіліне деген ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру.
Саба?ты? т?рі: интеллектуалды сайыс
К?рнекілігі: кескін карталар, плакаттар, мультимедиялы? та?та.
1 ?йымдастыру б?лімі
1 О?ушыларды орнынан т?р?ызу, с?лемдесу.
2 Шараны? ма?саты мен міндеттерімен таныстыру.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Today we are having an intellectual competition among students of the 5-9 forms. This competition will pass under the slogan. Do you know English? Let’s start our competition!
2 ?діл?азылар ал?асымен танысу
3 Таныстыру
Топты? басшысы топты? аты мен ?ранын таныстырады.
Teacher: Now, team “Eagle”, your team’s motto, please.
Children: Better late than never.
Teacher: Now, team “Star”, your team’s motto please.
Children: Knowledge is power
4 Who’s clever?
Teacher: Now, we begin our first stage. In this stage one of you must choose one envelope. In these envelopes there are two letters A and B. I will read 10 questions and all answers will start with the letter A or B. It’s everything clear for you. So, Let’s begin.
Letter Aa
1 The name of the fruit (Apple)
2 The river in the USA (Amazonka)
3 The name of the month (April)
4 A part of the body (Arm)
5 The name of the school subject (algebra)
6 The capital of the Kazakhstan (Astana)
7 One of the ocean (Atlantic ocean)
8 The famous Kazakh writer (Abai)
9 The first letter of the alphabet (Aa)
10 What can not we live without (Air)
Letter Bb
1 A little child (baby)
2 The name of the fruit (banana)
3 The antonym to the word “good” (bad)
4 An object in the classroom (blackboard)
5 The name of the school subject (biology)
6 The room where we sleep (bedroom)
7 A color (black)
8 The member of the family (brother)
9 A clever friend of the man (book)
10 A lake in KZ (Balkash)
5 Twins
-The next task will be make up one word out of two.
4 Fill in the gaps
School mate
Home work
After noon
Grand mother
Time table
Apple tree
Butter fly
Basket ball
Under ground
School yard
6 Riddle
Now, dear friends, it’s time to change your train! Our next round called “Riddle”.
1 Т?нде де ж?реді,
Ая?ы жо?, ?олы жо?.
Не ж?рген жолы жо?.
Ол не, кім біледі? ( са?ат)
2 Білімні? жолдасы,
Ш?кіртті? ?олбасшысы (м??алім)
3 Кто приходит, кто уходит,
Все ее за ручку водят (дверь)
4 Углы рисую и квадратики
Я на уроке.. (математики)
5 The teacher writers on me with chalk,
My face is black, I can not talk (blackboard)
6 It’s white, it is cold.
What is it? ( ice)
7 Fill in the gaps
Till competition between two teams. As you see there are given several words with some missed letters. Your task will be to fill this gaps. First row to the 1 st team second row to the second to.
B…ology sub…ect sis…er wi…dow
Fran…e ch…ss mot…er wo…d
s…fa pl…y unc…le fac…ory
le…on bro…her ro…m let…er
8 Letters
Letters, letters,
Every day letters
A letter for Daddy,
A letter for Mummy,
A letter for Nelly,
And a letter for me,
But no letters at all
For our letter Poul.
8 Who’s quickly?
1 Fat, Pat had a fat cat.
Pat’s fat cat sat on Pat’s hat.
2 Peter Piter picked a peck of pickled peppers.
9 Conclusion
Teacher: Thank you very much for your work. I think our lesson was very interesting for you.