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IELTS RUSH Focus on speaking Part 1 Academic Reading Matching the headings, multiple choice questions, summary completion

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-obtaining new vocabulary through reading and  doing exercises

-practice on speaking part 1 (talking about stereotypes)

-practice on reading by matching the headings, doing multiple choice questions and completing summary

- Ss use active vocabulary in their speech

-Ss do the reading correctly (2 mistakes are allowed)

School values, which are Transparency, respect and Long life learning are aimed to be instilled at this lesson.

Integration with Geography lesson will be held

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«IELTS RUSH Focus on speaking Part 1 Academic Reading Matching the headings, multiple choice questions, summary completion»

IELTS Lesson plan


Focus on speaking Part 1

Academic Reading

Matching the headings, multiple choice questions, summary completion

School: NIS PhM


Teacher’s name: KonratbayevaElenora

Class:10 A

Number present:

Number absent:

Lesson objectives

-obtaining new vocabulary through reading and doing exercises

-practice on speaking part 1 (talking about stereotypes)

-practice on reading by matching the headings, doing multiple choice questions and completing summary


- Ss use active vocabulary in their speech

-Ss do the reading correctly (2 mistakes are allowed)

Value links

School values, which are Transparency, respect and Long life learning are aimed to be instilled at this lesson.

Cross curricular links

Integration with Geography lesson will be held

ICT skills


Previous learning

Writing 1

Planning time

Planned activities


Teacher’s activities



5 mins

Teacher greets Ss

Checking up the homework


The teacher shows a quotation which says:

There is more to life than increasing its speed’(Mahatma Gandhi)’ and asks what it means

Teacher asks how it is connected to the topic of a new lesson

The teacher then sets the lesson objectives



10 mins

8 mins

10 mins

5 mins

10 mins

5 mins

10 mins



The teachers asks Ss which countries in the box have fastest and slowest pace of life. (ex 1)

Then the teacher asks Ss to read an article about pace of life and asks the following questions (Ex 2-3):

How have people’s walking speeds changed in recent years?

Why are researchers interested in people’s walking speeds?

What problems are associated with higher walking speeds?

Work on academic vocabulary

(Ex 4)

In order to check Ss’ wordstock the teacher asks Ss to find academic synonyms of the following words:

carried out, shown, important, sign, earlier, connected

Focus on Speaking Part 1


Ex 1

The teacher asks Ss what Stereotype means and if necessary explains them by giving examples

The teacher gets her Ss to study the Useful language box and use them in speaking

Ex 2

The teacher asks which country/city/people do you associate with the following:

The best food very modern architecture the most skillful footballers, the most beautiful scenery, very friendly people

Focus on Reading

Hurry sickness

The teacher asks Ss: What Hurry sickness could be?

Forming a general picture

Ex 1 a,b

The teacher asks Ss to read through the article to understand the main topic of it

(Ex 1b)

Scanning for specific information

In order to practise this techniques the teacher gets Ss to math the sentences with phrases from the text (ex 2)

Matching the headings

The teacher asks Ss to read the tips (exam briefing/ex 3) and answer questions 1-6 reminding them that the main idea of a paragraph could be understood from first 1-2 or last 1-2 sentences of each paragraph

Multiple choice questions

The teacher gets her Ss to study the Exam briefing with tips and asks to answer questions 1-10 (ex 4)

Summary completion

The teacher asks Ss to read Exam briefing box with tips in if necessary explain them to Ss (Ex5-6) and to complete the summary (questions 11-14)


Skills for IELTS New ed.3


2 mins

Teachers gives Sshometask and asks Ss what skills they developed on the lesson.



Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

Less able learners:

In vocabulary work they are given the role of a leader which does not demand the same effort

  • Students’ assess by their answers. Answers should be right and formed correctly.

  • Reading and listening tasks should be done correctly.

  • They comment on other student’s works

  • This is connected to real life

  • Responsibility

  • ICT links are used (PPT, audio)


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic

What did the learners learn today?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

IELTS RUSH Focus on speaking Part 1 Academic Reading Matching the headings, multiple choice questions, summary completion

Автор: Konratbayeva Elenora

Дата: 28.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 284431

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