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How do I get there.doc

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Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Бөкей ордасы ауданы, Муратсай ауылы, А.Құсайынов атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп-балабақшасының ІІ санатты ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі Кадралиева Галия Жексенбаевна.

The theme of the lesson: How do I get there?

The aims of the lesson:

1. To teach pupils to speak on the words

2. To develop  pupil’s speaking, writing, reading skills

3. To increase pupils’  knowledge

Procedure of the lesson:


Phonetic drill




Round up



Free talk

Phonetic drill

Blue sea

Green tree

Brown  hand

Yellow  sand

Rose  red

Grey head

Snow white

Black  night



New  words

Turn  right            Оңға  бұрылу

Turn left                 Солға бұрылу

Go straight  on      Тіке жүру

Stop                        Тоқтату

Sleep                       Ұйықтау

Tidy                          Тазалау

Clean                        Сүрту

Help                          Көмектесу

Learn                        Оқу

Study                        Үйрену, оқу

Go two  blocks         Екі квартал жүру

Read and translate

I’ve got to study

I’ve  got to eat

I’ve got to tidy my room

I’ve got to do shopping

I’ve  got to work in the   garden

Read the dialogue

Jennifer:   Come to my house after school.

Asel:         I can’t. I’ve got to study.

Jennifer:   You can study at my house.

Asel:         Where do you  live?

Jennifer:   We live at 20 Adams.

Asel:         How do I get there from school?

Jennifer:   Go straight on  Main  Street. Go two blocks.

                 Turn left on Washington. Right on Adams.

                 Our house is on the right.


Talk to your partner

Listen to its pronunciation

Talk to your partner

What  have you got to do every day?

I’ve got _______________________.

Sleep          tidy         drink

Study         clean       go  to        

Talk            help         listen to

Eat              learn


G g   [ g ]

Read these  words and say them.

Get, go, give, good, rug, big, girl, Great Britain.

Round up

 Home task


Home task

Exercise 7 page 136



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«How do I get there.doc»

Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Бөкей ордасы ауданы, Муратсай ауылы, А.Құсайынов атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп-балабақшасының ІІ санатты ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі Кадралиева Галия Жексенбаевна.

The theme of the lesson: How do I get there?

The aims of the lesson:

1. To teach pupils to speak on the words

2. To develop pupil’s speaking, writing, reading skills

3. To increase pupils’ knowledge

Procedure of the lesson:


Phonetic drill




Round up



Free talk

Phonetic drill

Blue sea

Green tree

Brown hand

Yellow sand

Rose red

Grey head

Snow white

Black night



New words

Turn right Оңға бұрылу

Turn left Солға бұрылу

Go straight on Тіке жүру

Stop Тоқтату

Sleep Ұйықтау

Tidy Тазалау

Clean Сүрту

Help Көмектесу

Learn Оқу

Study Үйрену, оқу

Go two blocks Екі квартал жүру

Read and translate

I’ve got to study

I’ve got to eat

I’ve got to tidy my room

I’ve got to do shopping

I’ve got to work in the garden

Read the dialogue

Jennifer: Come to my house after school.

Asel: I can’t. I’ve got to study.

Jennifer: You can study at my house.

Asel: Where do you live?

Jennifer: We live at 20 Adams.

Asel: How do I get there from school?

Jennifer: Go straight on Main Street. Go two blocks.

Turn left on Washington. Right on Adams.

Our house is on the right.


Talk to your partner

Listen to its pronunciation

Talk to your partner

What have you got to do every day?

I’ve got _______________________.

Sleep tidy drink

Study clean go to

Talk help listen to

Eat learn


G g [ g ]

Read these words and say them.

Get, go, give, good, rug, big, girl, Great Britain.

Round up

Home task


Home task

Exercise 7 page 136

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

How do I get there.doc

Автор: Кадралиева Галия Жексенбаевна

Дата: 25.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 395559

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