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House plants. Домашние растения.

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House plants. Домашние растения.

To promote the development of language skills through reading, speaking, listening and writing within the framework of the lexical material about wild and house plants, grammar material.

Guessing about wild plants, to find mistakes in words, reading and translation of the text, rich vocabulary to the theme “House plants”, description of plants by pictures, using of auxiliary verbs “have been, has been”, right making of the sentences with the help of words.

Pupils will be able to read, speak and write about house and wild plants. They will learn new words on the topic and use them in oral and written speech. They will develop skills of analysis while working with the text and presentation. They will learn to classify and compare facts and characteristics about plants. They will practice grammar: Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 

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«House plants. Домашние растения.»

Урок английского языка в 7 «Д» классе по теме "House plants"


7 «D»


February, 18th




House plants. Домашние растения.


To promote the development of language skills through reading, speaking, listening and writing within the framework of the lexical material about wild and house plants, grammar material.

Критериальное оценивание учащихся

Guessing about wild plants, to find mistakes in words, reading and translation of the text, rich vocabulary to the theme “House plants”, description of plants by pictures, using of auxiliary verbs “have been, has been”, right making of the sentences with the help of words.

Ожидаемый результат

Pupils will be able to read, speak and write about house and wild plants. They will learn new words on the topic and use them in oral and written speech. They will develop skills of analysis while working with the text and presentation. They will learn to classify and compare facts and characteristics about plants. They will practice grammar: Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 


Informative reading, individual and group work. 

Оборудование урока

Texts for reading, presentation “House and wild plants”, grammar and lexical exercises, interactive board, slides.

Course of the lesson. Ход урока.

Stages of the lesson


Teacher’s actions

Pupils’ actions

I. Org. moment.

Teacher asks pupils about the date, about day of week, about absent pupils.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m very glad to see all of you and our dear guests.

Children: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you! Good morning, good morning! We are glad to see you!

Teacher: Let’s say “Hello!” to each other. Please, smile to your shoulder partner and shake hands with your face partner.

Teacher: Dear boys and girls, is everything ready for the lesson? Let me see. Please, help me giving short answers to my questions:

1. Is the teacher here?

2. Are you in a good mood?

3. Are the guests here?

4. Are we nice?

5. Are you glad to see each other?

6. Are you OK?

7. Is it time to begin? Thank you. Well done.

Today we have unusual lesson; we shall be speaking about the life of different plants. Can you imagine our life without oxygen which the plants entire, without medicinal plants? I think, no! Did you guess what the theme of our lesson is? Yes, you are absolutely right!!! We shall speak about plants. The theme of our lesson is “House plants”. Also we shall revise our grammar material – the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Let’s start our lesson.

«Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come» Chinese proverb

I suggest you to listen to the poem…

What do we plant?

What do we plant when we plant the tree?

We plant the ship that will cross the sea.

What do we plant when we plant the tree?

We plant the houses for you and me.

What do we plant when we plant the tree?

A thousand things that we daily see.

Duty answers teacher’s questions.

II. Warm up.

What trees do you know?

What flowers do you know?

What is your favourite flower?

Do you like to grow flowers?

Have you already planted any flowers or trees?

Pupils answer the teacher’s questions

III. Phonetic drill.

Teacher: First of all let's prepare our tongues for the English language. Listen and repeat after me:

be – was/were – been

bring – brought – brought

drink – drank – drunk

eat – ate –eaten

feed – fed – fed

fly – flew – flown

give – gave – given

go – went – gone

have – had – had

read – read – read

see – saw –seen

teach – taught – taught

Pupils listen to the teacher and repeat after him

IV. Checking up of home task.

Your home task was to learn by heart the names of plants. Let’s check it up. If you see there are some mistakes in these words, find them and correct. Read them.

Тренировка орфографического навыка.

Find the mistakes in the word.

  • popler

  • ouk

  • wellow

  • passy-willow

  • shestnut

  • berch

  • beach

  • meple

  • bambo

  • liane

  • bird-cherri

  • pane

  • silverfar

  • linden


Актуализация ранее изученного лексического материала (Проверка лексического материала)

Teacher: I’m sure you like to play different games. Let’s play the game «Guess». I’ll describe different plants. You will try to name them.

Guess the riddles “What is it?”            

1. This flower can be red and white. It has thorns. (rose)

2. A large white or yellow flower. It grows in the water. (water lily).

4. This flower is a plant that has long leaves and yellow or white flowers. (daffodil)

5The earliest spring flower. (snowdrop)

6. This flower is a symbol of peace in England (poppy)

8. The national flower of Japan. This lovely flower can be red, white, yellow and purple. (chrysanthemum)

9. The national flower of Scotland. (thistle)

10. The national flower of Wales. (daffodil)

11. The national flower of Northern Ireland. (shamrock)

12. The national flower of England. (rose)

Pupils show their crosswords to the teacher.

V. Explanation of new theme. New vocabulary material of the lesson.

House plants

It is impossible to imagine the world without plants - our faithful and silent green friends. Every breath of air, every crumb of food given to us by the plants, they help us to feel the joy of communication with nature, its charm and beauty. Caring for the silent and beautiful plants, man himself becomes purer and kinder. Green plants create on the Ground conditions for the existence of all living organisms. They produce oxygen, which is necessary for breathing, are the main food source for all animals. Even the most bloodthirsty predator depends on plants, which feed on its victims. The significance of vegetation in a person's life. First of all, vegetation is the necessary environment of people's lives. For many centuries people extracted from plants of diverse drugs, which are so necessary in medical and veterinary practice. In the global market today are in the treatment products are more than 1000 species of medicinal plants. Plants are the primary forage base for many domestic and wild animals. They are involved in the formation of minerals, protect from destruction by water currents and wind Earth's surface, from falling asleep in the Sands of fertile land.

New vocabulary.

annual [ˈanjʊəl] однолетнее растение

perennial [pəˈrɛnɪəl] многолетнее растение

shrub [ʃrʌb] кустарник

to grow [tu: ɡrəʊ] выращивать

violet [ˈvʌɪələt] фиалка

current bush [ˈkʌr(ə)nt bʊʃ] смородина

raspberry [ˈrɑːzb(ə)ri] малина

strawberry [ˈstrɔːb(ə)ri] клубника

gooseberry [ˈɡʊzb(ə)ri] крыжовник

vineyard [ˈvaɪn jɑːd] виноградник

sunflower [ˈsʌnflaʊə] подсолнух

daisy [ˈdeɪzi] маргаритка

peony [ˈpiːəni] пион

lily-of-the-valley [ˈlɪli ɒv ði: ˈvali] ландыш

Pupils listen to the teacher’s explanation and then write down the scheme into their copy-books and new words.

VI. Practical work.

Reading, speaking, writing and listening.

Pupils are doing their work.

VII. The development of reading and translation.

Reading of the text “House plants”

House plants

The Earth is a special place for animals, birds and, of course, plants. The flowers are the part of nature.  Nature is everything that surrounds us: it is air, water and land. The word “nature” means seas, forests, rivers, oceans and mountains. A man is also a part of nature. What does nature give us? Nature gives us food, water, air clothes and, of course, plants. Nature inspires poets for writing poems, composing music and songs. There are many kinds of plants: trees, annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. Trees which grow in our gardens are apple trees, cherry trees, peach, apricot, plum and pear trees; they are perennial. Shrubs which can grow in our gardens are currant bush, raspberry, strawberry, gooseberry bushes and also grape. Annual flowers are sunflowers, daisies. Perennial flowers are roses, tulips, peonies and white lilies. Also we have house plants which can grow in our own houses on the windowsills. They are violet, fichus, cactus, begonia and etc. Nature is not only flowers and trees. Animals and birds are the part of our nature too. That’s why we must protect our planet.

Обучение монологической речи.

Teacher: Dear boys and girls! I know that you like to play. Games help us to master English. Certainly you know many English words connected with the topic “Plants”. Do you know the names of different plants? You will speak in turn. Who can say more?

Pupil 1: a willow

Pupil 2: a pussy-willow.

Pupil 1: a cedar.

Pupil 2: a chestnut.

Pupil 1: a birch.

Pupil 2: an oak

Pupil 1: an asp

Pupil 2: an ash

Pupil1: a poplar


Teacher: It’s fantastic!!! You know the names of many plants!!!

The development of pupils’ oral speech.

Teacher: And now, boys and girls look at the blackboard. Here you can see the pictures of different plants. Your task is to choose any plant and describe it briefly.

Pupils read and translate the text.

VIII. Grammar practice.

Writing.  Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

It’s time to revise our grammar material

1) Present Perfect Continuous

используется для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор.

Forms of the verb:

I           He

You   +        

have been  +   V3                     She       + has been   +  V3

We             It


Affirmative sentences: (слайд 10)

He has been reading that book for two days.

Interrogative sentences:

Has he been reading that book for two days?

Negative sentences:

He has not been reading that book for two days.

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Perfect Continuous.

1. The vegetables … (boil) since 10 o’clock. (Овощи варятся с 10 часов.)

2. He … (wait) for her answer for six months. (Он ждет ее ответа в течение 6 месяцев.)

3. My sister … (send) job applications for 3 months. (Моя сестра рассылает заявления о приеме на работу в течение 3 месяцев.)

4. I … (try) to find my documents since last Sunday. (Я пытаюсь найти свои документы с прошлого воскресенья.)

5. They … (learn) Japanese for a couple of years. (Они изучают японский язык пару лет.)

6. Father … (drill) holes in the wall since noon. (Папа сверлит отверстия в стене с полудня.)

7. My brother … (play) computer games for 3 hours. (Мой брат играет на компьютере в течение 3 часов.)

8. I … (listen) to you very carefully. (Я слушаю тебя очень внимательно.)

9. He … (not take) his medicine for the last week. (Он не принимает лекарство в течение последней недели.)

10. We ... (save) the money for a holiday for a year. (Мы копим деньги на отпуск в течение года.)

Составьте предложения верно.

1. have been looking after your sister's child I

2. has been cleaning He his house all day

3. has been driving his truck He since he was 20.

4. My neighbour working has been at the airport for a long time.

5. has been barking since 6 o'clock this morning The dog .

Pupils using auxiliary verb “have been/has been”, making the sentences correctly.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson.



Our lesson is over. What did you like the most of all?

Children, you have worked hard today. Let's have a rest. Imagine that you are in the forest. Listen to the sounds of nature and enjoy yourselves.

Pupils answer the teacher’s questions and listen to the sounds of nature.

X. Home task.

Your home task will be to learn by heart new words, to read the text one more time, to write down an essay “My favourite plant” to revise grammar material and to do ex. 5, page 181.

Pupils write down their home task into their diaries.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

House plants. Домашние растения.

Автор: Гурова Алла Викторовна

Дата: 03.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 406265

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