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Hotel jobs description

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Имя: Тілеубергенова Шынар Спабек?ызы

Работа: Преподаватель английского языка 

Место работа Есикский гуманитарно-экономический колледж

место-жительства  Казахсстан. област: Алматинский. район: Енбекшиказахского город Исык ул. Абай №21266 







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«Hotel jobs description»

Open door lesson

Theme: Hotel jobs description



The aims of the lesson:

Educational: To compile and systematize knowledge of the hotel industry in English

To form the ability to apply received knowledge in practice.

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен қонақ үй шаруашылығы бойынша алған білімдерін қорытындылау және жүйелеу, алған білімдерін іс жүзінде қолдана білу дағдысын қалыптастыру

Developing: To develop logical thinking, cognitive interest, creative activity of students, and their culture speech in English

Логикалық ойлау қабілетін дамыту, шығармашылық белсенділігін, пәнге қызығу-

шылығын арттыру, ағылшын тілінде мәдени сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру

Upbringing: To cultivate teamwork, to promote interest and respect for the future profession.

Ұжымда қызмет атқара білуге, болашақ мамандықтарына қызығушылықпен және құрметпен қарауға тарбиелеу

The visual aids of the lesson: active board, slides, the right things to set a restaurant table and to make hotel bed

The type of the lesson: summarizing lesson – қорытындылау сабағы

Method of the lesson: presentation, explanation, individual work, pair work

Planned results of the lesson: The graduates will understand the value of their profession and

systematize the knowledge , demonstrate interest, responsibility and good attitude for future work.

The Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

  1. Greeting

  2. Psychological mood

Psychological climate on the lesson.

T: My dear graduates, it is your last lesson in our college. I am very glad to see you now. I hope you will work with great pleasure today. And I am sure you will demonstrate what you know about this theme. I wish you great success in your life, I want you to find a good job in this area, and we have always been proud of you.

Sts: We wish you health and success at work. We always remember you and love.

Dear guests, I hope you are in the good mood. Let me start the lesson.

  1. Speech charge

Teacher offers students to say compliments to each other

You know that people must be tolerant to each other, so let’s start our lesson with saying compliments:

Salta: Zhasire, you look wonderful today

Zhasira O: Thanks, you are very kind. Alphia, your smile is so charming.

Alphia : Thanks a lot. I’m pleased to hear that. Thoma, you are bold and responsible.

Thoma: Thank you, My mood lifts. Gulman, you are pleasant and polite

Gulman: I became so good. Zhasira, you are tender and nice

Zhasira E: Oh, it’s the best compliment for me, thanks. Askar, you are educated and clever.

Ascar: thank you, thank you. I’m glad to hear that. Sulu, you are pretty and friendly

Sulu: Oh, Thanks. I like compliments. Aizhan, you are darling and merry.

Aizhan: Thanks, How good, it is to hear. Kundiz, you are diligent and talented.

Kundiz: Thank you, what nice words. Nazerke, you are respected and incomparable

Nazerke: I am pleased, thanks. Damely, you are gifted and good adviser

Dameli: They are kind words, thank you. Ainara, you are honest and faithful.

Ainara: Thanks. Gulnur, you are intelligent and fair.

Gulnur: It’s pleasant to hear. Zhanbota, you are impetuous and self confident

Zhanbota: Thanks a lot. I love you. You are all witty and resourceful.

  1. Evocation

Theme of the lesson and planning it

Today we’re going to speak about Hospitality industry and hotel jobs

We study at the department “Hotel economy” and you will be hotel clerks.

Nowadays hotel jobs are the most demanded, that’s why they have to know all about hotel space.

We must know about hospitality industry, hotel jobs and we have studied about them for three years. Let’s talk about it. You have advanced tasks. Please show and prove your knowledge that you have studied answering the following sentences:

  • What is the hospitality industry?

  • What is the hotel receptionist?

  • What is a chambermaid?

  • What is a hotel housekeeper?

  • What is a porter?

  • What is a concierge?

Please, let’s start our lesson.

  1. Realizing the meaning of the contents

Who is ready for the first task?


The hospitality industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Most people think that hotels alone belong to the hospitality industry, but hotels are only one sector of this industry. Airlines, cruise ships, trains, restaurants, general tourism also belong to this niche.

The hospitality industry offers some exciting careers and a lot of job satisfaction. But isn’t easy working in a hotel - the peak holiday season is hard work, with employees often working long hours and sometimes seven days a week.


Every member of staff, from the housekeeper to the hotel manager, is responsible for the hotel. In smaller hotels and motels one manager is usually responsible for rooms, the food and beverage service, registration and general management. There is a wide variety of jobs in lager hotels, including administration jobs such as accountant and marketing executive.


Hotel employees get paid sick leave and holidays, as well as other benefits like free food and, occasionally, free holidays. Many hotels also offer free of cheap live – in accommodation and have resident managers and concierges.


The hospitality industry is different from other industries. Hospitality is people dealing with people, from the porter to the hotel manager. If you don’t like people, this isn’t the career for you.


Here some information about hotel services. Look at the screen.

Types of accommodation:

  • Hotel

  • B& B(abbreviation of bed and breakfast)

  • Guesthouse

  • Hostel

  • Campsite

  • Motel

Types of room:

  • Single room

  • Double room

  • Twin room

  • Triple room

  • Suite

Room features:

  • Shower

  • Bath

  • En-suite bathroom

  • Minibar

  • Safe

  • Air conditioning

  • Internet access

Hotel facilities:

  • Reception - Sauna

  • Hotel lobby - Games room

  • Lift - Room service

  • Bar - Laundry service

  • Restaurant - Corridor

  • Gym - Fire escape

  • Swimming pool - Car park

Hotel staff:

  • Manager

  • Receptionist

  • Housekeeper

  • Chambermaid

  • Room attendant

  • Porter

Zhasira O.: Receptionist. Job descriptions-

We want to talk about hotel staff. I’ll start from the receptionist

What is a hotel receptionist?

  • A hotel receptionist, also sometimes called a hotel desk clerk, is a person who works at the front desk of a hotel, greeting and assisting guests.

  • Receptionists are typically responsible for everything from helping people make reservations to managing available rooms, issuing room keys, and solving any problems that may arise during the course of a stay.

  • A hotel receptionist is the first person that guests will interact with at the hotel, which makes the role one of some importance.

  • When guests arrive at the hotel, the hotel receptionist will greet them and check them in. He or she will assign keys, will arrange for any needed baggage assistance, and will answer all questions about amenities and hotel policies

  • The hotel receptionist is in charge of collecting room payments and settling accounts. He or she must know how to process credit cards, and must be able to add room charges for things such as newspapers and food delivery. Fees for damage to the property and charges for missing items are also usually handled by the receptionist.

  • I'd say that good etiquette is the most important skill of a person holding a hotel job. Hotel managers like people who know what to expect from the job. They must know the basic etiquette when dealing with guests.

  • Jobs like hotel reception can teach us a lot of good skills. Any sort of front desk work means you need to be good with people skills, with knowing who to contact if there are problems, and being able to answer questions.

  • Hotel receptionist is a new profession in our country. Earlier who works at a hotel desk didn’t have diploma. But nowadays most hotels require their receptionists to hold at least a high school diploma or equivalent.

Now we show you how to check in and check out guests

Check in

Salta - Gulnur

  • Receptionist: Hell, Can I help you?-

  • Kristi: Hello, I’ve got a reservation. Kristi Cortland.

  • Receptionist: How do you spell that?

  • Kristi: K-R-I-S-T-Y

  • Receptionist: Just a minute. Ms Kristy Cortland

  • Kristy: That’s right

  • Receptionist: Ms Cortland … a single room, for three nights?

  • Kristi: That’s right.

  • Receptionist: OK. Could you fill in this form, please?

  • Kristi: Sure have you got a pen?

  • Receptionist: Yes. Here you are.

  • Kristi: Thanks. Um… It says ‘company account number. My company made the reservation, but, um, I don’t …

  • Receptionist: It doesn’t matter. You don’t need to write that. Just put your name, address, passport number, and signature. That’s fine

  • Kristi: OK.

  • Receptionist: This is the card for your room.

  • Kristi: To open the door?

  • Receptionist: Yes. You just insert the card, and the door opens automatically.

  • Kristi: Right. OK

  • Receptionist: It’s room three one five, on the third floor

  • Kristi: Right.

  • Receptionist: In the morning, breakfast is from six-thirty to ten.

  • Kristi: From six – thirty. Right

  • Receptionist: The dining room`s just over there.

  • Kristi: OK

  • Receptionist: We`ve got twenty-four-hour room service. Just dial nine from your room.

  • Kristi: Right.

  • Receptionist: Would you like a wake-up call?

  • Kristi: Um…no. No, thanks.

  • Receptionist: OK. And you`ve got a message from your husband

  • He says he`s coming to the hotel at seven forty-five.

  • Kristi: Seven forty-five. Right OK, thanks very much.

  • Receptionist: You`re welcome. Have a nice stay

  • Kristi: Thanks.

  • ________________________________________________________________________

Check out Zhasira -Ainara

  • Kristi: Morning. Could I check out, please?

  • Receptionist: Certainly. Room three one five.

  • Kristi: My company’s paying the bill. I just have to pay the extras.

  • Receptionist: OK. So, one phone call.

  • Kristi: Yes. And some orange juice from the minibar.

  • Receptionist: That’s all. OK. So, that’s one thousand five hundred and fifty dollars, please.

  • Kristi: Can I pay by credit card?

  • Receptionist: Of course.

  • Kristi: Here you are

  • Receptionist: Thank you.

Zhasira E: Hotel Chambermaid- Job description

What are the hotel chambermaids tasked?

Hotel chambermaids are tasked with different combinations of cleaning duties to maintain the cleanliness of each hotel room. To make sure that the bed sheets are well-arranged and the bathrooms are cleaned and restocked.

For you to qualify as a hotel chambermaid you must be dependable, responsible, reliable, and must be very dedicated to the work. A hotel chambermaid must know how to listen carefully and follow directions from his/her manager.

They must have good cleaning and housekeeping skills. Hotel chambermaids must have a positive disposition and must be very willing to work under dirty conditions. Main Job tasks and responsibilities:

  • Sweep, scrub, mop and polish floors

  • Vacuum clean carpets, rugs and draperies

  • Shampoo carpets, rugs and upholstery

  • Dust and polish furniture and fittings

  • Clean metal fixtures and fittings

  • Empty and clean trash containers

  • Dispose of trash in a sanitary manner

  • Clean wash basins, mirrors, tubs and showers

  • Wipe down glass surfaces

  • Make up beds and change linens as requires

  • Tidy up rooms

  • Wash windows as scheduled sort, wash, load and unload laundry

  • Iron and press clothing and linen

  • Sort, fold and put away clean laundry

  • Operate mechanized cleaning equipment

  • Maintain all cleaning equipment and materials in a safe and sanitary working condition

  • Monitor and report necessary domestic repairs and replacements

Now our students present you Chambermaid job by the dialogue.

Dialogue 1 : Interviewer –Chambermaid (Zhanbota/ Alphia)

I - So, what do you do at the beginning of the day?

Ch1 - I usually go to reception and meet the head housekeeper. There is usually a printout from the computer telling us which rooms are “stay-over and which ones are “check-outs”. We call the rooms “SOs” and “COs”

I - “SOs” and “COs”?

Ch1 - That’s right. An SO, or stay over, is a general routine clean. We change the

sheets every two days, towels every day if necessary, and clean the bathrooms.

I - And what about the bedrooms?

Ch1 - In the bedroom we make the bed, clean and tidy up. If people are staying

over, we just give it a quick tidy and don’t disturb their things/

I - Thank you for your interview

Ch - Not at all

Dialogue 1 - Zhanbota - Thoma

I - So, how many days a week do you work?

Ch2 - Six days a week

I - And do you have to work on Saturdays and Sundays?

Ch2 - I always work on Saturdays and Sundays.

I - So do you have any free days?

Ch2 - I always take Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

I - And what time do you finish work at the hotel?

Ch2 - I often work from nine to one, or nine to two, but on a very busy day, especially if it’s a Monday with a lot of check outs, sometimes I don’t finish until three in the afternoon.

I - Thank you

Thoma: Housekeeping tasks

What job is it?

In addition to general housekeeping tasks the housekeeper duties in a hotel or similar environment will include:

  • Clean corridors, lobbies, stairways, elevators and lounges as well as guest rooms

  • Organize work schedule from the room status list, arrivals and departures

  • Distribute linen, towels and room supplies using wheeled carts or by hand restock room supplies such as drinking glasses, soaps, shampoos, writing supplies, mini bar

  • Replace dirty linens with clean items

  • Inspect and turn mattresses regularly

  • Store all dirty laundry in line with company policy

  • Monitor guest laundry bags

  • Replace laundry bags and slips

  • Check all appliances in rooms are in working order

  • Realign furniture and amenities according to prescribed layout

  • Respond to guest queries and requests

  • Respond to calls for housekeeping problems such as spills, broken glasses

  • Deliver any requested housekeeping items to guest rooms

  • Remove room service items

  • Organize and restock cart at the end of the shift

  • Ensure and security of guest rooms

  • Follow all company safety and security procedures

  • Report any maintenance issues of safety hazards

  • Observe and report damage of hotel property

Dameli –Hotel porter: What job is it? I’ll relate you about this interesting job

Porters’ tasks

Hotel porters help guests in many different ways- from carrying their luggage and calling taxis to sorting mail and delivering newspapers to guest’s rooms. Porters are often the first people to welcome guests when they arrive at a hotel, so they have to create a good first impression. Depending on the size of the hotel and the services it offers, porters might:

  • Show them around their rooms and explain how any equipment works, such as TV controls

  • Describe the hotel facilities, such as the restaurant or swimming pool, and show guests where they are

  • Park guests’ car and find taxis

  • Run errands for guests, such as taking and picking up dry cleaning

  • Post letters and pass on messages

  • Give directions

  • Answer questions about things like local attractions or shops

  • Find out train or plane times

  • Make reservations for theatre or travel tickets, or book tables at restaurants

Porters who are on duty overnight may have extra jobs, such as checking in late arrivals, preparing and serving snacks or breakfasts, and checking out departing guests

As a hotel porter you should be:

- Polite

- Welcoming and have a friendly manner

- Respectful of guests’ privacy

- Reliable and a good timekeeper

- A good team worker

- Aware of health, safety and security issues

- Physically fit

Kunduz: I’ll talk about hotel concierge

  • A concierge is a resident caretaker of a block of flats, apartments or of a small hotel. In a large hotel the concierge takes care of the wants and needs of guests, booking tours, making restaurant and theatre reservations, and so on. It’s a very broad job description, and is a highly important work. Concierges at the best hotels are proud of their ability to provide guests with whatever they need within the bounds of possibility

  • A concierge at a hotel has the duty of making sure that the guests have what they need to have a pleasant stay. The concierge might arrange a taxi, tell the guests where to find things in the town or in the hotel, and assist with luggage. Answered in job training and career qualification.

Concierge duties in a hotel

  • Duties in a hotel include making dinner reservations, mapping out directions, purchasing hard-to-find tickets, booking tours, or finding a doctor who makes house calls. Most hotel concierges have a sort of built-in network through the hotel. For instance, if a guest wants to attend a sold-out concert or show, the concierge can usually get tickets by calling a ticketing agency or agencies regularly used by the hotel

What is the concierge jobs in?

  • To welcoming the guest as well as fer well the guest

  • with the nice smile to great the guest by name

  • to give up the information of the hotels

  • to do reservation for the restaurant in different hotels

  • to book the taxis upon check out

  • to delivers the news papers every morning with the different languages

  • to take care the guest language with the proper tags

The concierge duties at a hotel are many and varied. Being a concierge is one of the most prestigious careers in the hospitality industry. The responsibilities are diverse, and depending on the hotel can range from overseeing the management of the hotel’s services to personally seeing to the extra invite of the hotel’s guests. Concierge duties at a hotel:

  • Greeting guests at the front desk with a friendly and pleasant demeanor

  • Providing buyer service

  • Answering guest inquiries about the city and local events and attractions

  • Handling extra requests from guests

  • Development reservations for guests to eat at area restaurants

  • Procuring tickets for guests

  • To attend to cultural and artistic performances

  • Booking sightseeing tours

Ways to set a table – Aizhan, Nazerke

There are special rules to lay the restaurant table. Listen and look!

  1. Put the placemat in the center of the table. The placemat can be more casual than it would be for a formal table. A solid –colored cloth placement will do.

  2. Put the napkin to the left of the placemat. You can fold a cloth or a paper napkin in halves or fourths.

  3. Put the plate in the center of the placemat. The plate doesn’t have to be ornate or elaborate. Just try to use matching plates for all of the settings.

4. Place the dinner fork to the left of the plate. You’ll only need to use one fork for a casual meal.

5. Place the knife to the right of the plate. The blade of the knife should face the plate, just as it would in a formal setting.

6. Place the soup spoon to the right of the knife. If no soup will be served with the meal, then eliminate this utensil

7. Place the dessert spoon horizontally above the plate, facing left.. The dessert spoon should be substantially smaller and less concave than the soup spoon.

8. Place the dessert fork parallel to and bellow the dessert spoon, facing right. The dessert fork should be substantially smaller than the dinner fork. It should be directly below the dessert fork without touching it.

9. Place the wine glass a few inches above and to the left of the soup spoon. For a more casual setting, the wine glass can be stem less.

10. Place the water glass a few inches above the soup spoon. It should be placed further back than the wine glass, and to the left of the wine glass. The water glass should be slightly larger than the regular glass.

Aizhan, Nazerke, Zhasira O

Mr. Brown: Good evening.

Waiter: Good evening.

Mr. Brown: Is this table free?

Waiter: I’m sorry, it isn’t free, but that table over there is free.

Mr. Brown: Oh, Thanks. We’ll take it.

Ms. Brown: The menu, please.

Waiter: Here you are, sir. Will you dine a la carte or take the table d’hote?

Mr. Brown: We’ll have it a la carte. What will you have, my dear?

Ms. Brown: I think I’ll start with hors d’oeuvre.

Mr. Brown: And to follow? What about a mutton shop with cucumbers and onions?

Ms. Brown: I’ll take a fried chicken with potatoes and green peas.

Waiter: What will you have for dessert?

Mr. Brown: Coffee and liqueur, please.

Waiter: Very good, sir

Ms. Brown: Just coffee for me, please

Waiter: How do you like it? Black or white?

Ms. Brown: Black, please, no sugar

Ms. Brown: Oh, It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to go to theatre. The play will begin at 7.30

Mr. Brown: Just we’ll be in time. We are in a hurry. Will you bring our bill right now?

Waiter: Yes, Mrs. Here you are.

Mr. Brown: How much is that?

Waiter: 10 thousand 250 tengue, please

Ms. Brown: Thank you

Waiter: Good bye. I’d be glad to see you again in our restaurant.

How to make a Hotel bed? –Sulu

  1. Put the fitted sheet on the bed.

  2. Put the First flat sheet on the bed and make sure that your sheet is flush to the head board.

  3. Place the comforter onto the bed, with the top about 3 inches (7.6 cm) from the heard board.

  4. Put the next sheet onto the comforter to match the top.

  5. Fold down the first sheet to make a 3 inch (7.6 cm) fold at the top of the bed

  6. Fold the bottom corners into a hospital bed type

7. Tuck in both sides of the bed fully and tightly

8. Add the pillow cases and pillows to the bed, making sure they are perky

9. Fold the green throw and add to foot of bed.

10. Make sure the bed is very tight and clean out looking.

  1. Reflection

  1. Strategy –“The last word for me”

Listen to me. Here are mixed words. Take them. Now divide into groups by colours.

You must make up sentences by these words. What sentence is made up?

There is a proverb. Read it and explain the meaning of this proverb

Every man is the architect of his own fortune”

What do you mean by every man is the architect of his own fortune?

Students tell their opinion

St1: Your own decisions and your own actions determine what your life will be like

St2: If we work hard and we have good knowledge, we can whatever we want

St3: It means that every human directs the way their life will go. Like an architect designs the floor plans of the house, we design the structure of our life.

St4: Each person is responsible for their own destiny. You build your own future through your work

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work

a day in your life” (Confuius)

This is a quote from the Chinese philosopher. Do you agree with the quote?

Students’ mind

S5: Yes, If you choose a job you love, then you won’t have boring and tired days.

S6: You are right, If we have a job that we love, we’ll enjoy every second of what we are doing.

S7: When person is enjoying what they do, it doesn’t feel like work

S8: Who loves his job, he is never tired

T: Now, are you doing what you love?

Ss: Yes, we love this faculty and our future job.

T: Are you enjoying now?

Ss: Yes, because this lesson what we love.

T: Thank you.

  1. Marking

T: Now our lesson is over. You are all worked very well. Thank you.

  1. The end: Farewell words of graduates

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Hotel jobs description

Автор: Тілеубергенова Шынар Спабек?ызы

Дата: 04.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 302170

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