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Holiday activities. (Что ты делал на каникулах?)

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9 Form                                                  Lesson 10                                           Date:



The aim:



Org. moment:


Checking up h/w:

The main part:


Reflection. Marks.

Pleasure of life.

What do you do for fun?

Повторение и закрепление лексики по теме «Развлечения».

1) Обеспечить в ходе урока повторение и закрепление учащимися лексики по данной теме.

2) Содействовать формированию здорового образа жизни.

3) Развивать навыки чтения, говорения и письма.

Leisure activities.

The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you today? What’s the weather like today?  What are the best health habits? What are the worst health habits? What are the most popular leisure activities?

Ex. 12 p. 47    Give me your copybooks!

The theme of our lesson is "What do you do for fun?”  Today we are going to talk about leisure activities. And first let’s complete the table about your activities – ex.1 p. 49.

What are the 3 most popular activities in the class?

Ex.3 p. 49 Pair work. Write as many leisure activities as you can teenagers like doing in our country.

Eg.: Roller-skating, listening to pop music, …

Ex. 4 p. 49 Look at the pictures and then divide the activities into groups: Eating, sport and art.

Ex. 6 p. 50 Read the statements and say if it describes your most favourite or your least favourite activity.

Ex. 7 p. 51 Reading. Read the text and answer the question.

Ex. 8 p. 52 Write a conclusion to the texts from ex. 7 about what Laura, Marat and Mike like doing.

Ex. 9 p. 52 Answer the questions.

Ex. 11 p. 52 Fill in gaps with words look at, watch and see.

Eg.: How often do you watch TV?

Ex. 12 p. 53 Read the letter.

Ex. 14 p. 53 Writing. Write a letter to the teenagers using the phrases.

Eg.: So why don’t you use the internet.

Ex. 13 p. 53

What was the theme of our lesson? What have you learnt today? Was it interesting for you? What do you like the most?

The marks for the lesson are…        

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«Holiday activities. (Что ты делал на каникулах?)»

Lesson plan

Date: 30.09.2016

Grade: 5 “а”

Topic of the lesson: I’m Colin’s sister

Types of the lesson : New lesson

The aims of the lesson:
a) to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation;
b) to develop pupils’ skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking speech;
c) to develop the interest to English language, to teach pupils to respect each other and the culture of another nations, to bring up them to love English language and family, to teach to value relations
The type of the lesson: mixed lesson.
The kind of the lesson: demonstrative lesson.

Equipment: board, cards, pictures, text-book, computer

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

a) Greeting

- T: Good morning!

- P: Good morning, teacher!

- T: How are you?

-P: We are fine, thank you!

b) Dialogue with pupils about the day.

-T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent? (Do you know his absent) What date is it today?

-T: Ok. What day of the week is today?

-P: Today is Friday

-T: Is it autumn now?

-P: Yes, it is.

II. Checking up home task.

T: What was your home task?


IV. Presentation of new material:

New words:
A grandmother, a mother, a sister, an aunt ,a son, children, cousin
A grandfather, a father, a brother, an uncle ,a daughter, parents

Who loves grandfather?
Do you help them?
What is a happy family?
Andy’s father - Эндидің әкесі
Colin’s sister - Колиннің апасы
Read and remember!
Who’s= who is
He’s = he is th [ð] in father, mother, brother, they, this
She’s= she is
They’re= they are [θ] in thank, three
Read er as [ə] in mother, brother, sister

T: Today we are going to discuss

Pupils are listening very attentively

T: Pupils, please open the book at page 34

Look at the picture. Tell me please, what do you see?

How do think , who are they?

P: This is family

T: Now look at the “A family tree”. This task you should writing.

Ex.1, p.35

Listen and repeat the words in the box.

(тақтаға сөздер мен сол сөздердің транскрипциясын,аудармасын жазамын)

Ex.2, p.35

Look at the family tree and fill in the circles with names.

Ex.3, p.35

Listen and repeat

a/- Who’s Mrs.Evans ?

- She’s Mark’s sister ?

b/- Who’s Andy?

  • He’s Colin’s cousin

Ex.4, p.35

Talk to your friend about Colin’s relatives.

a) Who is Mr. Evans?
He is ….
b) Who is Mary?
She is …

Ex.5, p.35

Listen and repeat

  • Who’re Carol and Colin ?

  • They’re Mr.and Mrs.Evans’ children.

Ex.6, p.35

Talk to your friend

  • Who’re _______?

  • They’re _______

VI. Рефлексия:What have you learned today? What can you do now?

VII. Put marks.

VIII. Home task

-Guys, your home task will be exercise 9, page 36

And you should writing your Family tree

Methodist :Ashimova A.G_________

Teacher: Isina A.S __________

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Holiday activities. (Что ты делал на каникулах?)

Автор: Бакетова Камила Каисаровна

Дата: 28.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 404007

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