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Great Briain

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Урок-обобщение по теме  Great Briain на первом этапе привявления знаний проводится франтальный,индивидуальный опрос,прослеживается меж предметная связь с историей,географией других стран.При аудировании активизируется мыслительная,слуховая деятельность, выявляют проблемые вопросы при закреплении "снежный ком"-это взаимоконтроль:ученик или же ученица.

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«Great Briain »

СШ № 48

Открытый урок по английскому языку

Great Britain

Учитель: Макаева С.Ш.

4 «Б» класс

2014-2015 у.г

The theme: Great Britain

The aim:

  1. To check the pupil’s knowledge on the topic “Great Britain”

  2. To develop the pupil’s skills in oral speech, to speak about geography and political outlook

  3. To teach the pupil’s to be curious

Audio – Visual aids: the map of the Great Britain, pictures, cards.

  1. The class is divided into two groups which choose on color, it will be their emblem

T: Let’s begin to speak about the Great Britain according to the chart

  1. The first task is concerning the geography, the second task is political life of the Great Britain and the third is the cultural life

  1. 1 команда: The UK is situated in British Isles. It consists of four countries, which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

T: What ocean and sea is the UK washed by?

The UK is washed by Atlantic Ocean and the North sea/

  1. Population. The population of the Great Britain is more than 56 million people. Many of them live in big industrial cities like London.

What is the Union Jack?

The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It is made of three crosses: the Cross of Saint George, of Saint Andrew, of Saint Patrick.

  1. Cities. Manchester and Liverpool are big industrial cities in the center of England. London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 million people live and work there. London is one of the most important cities in the world. It is center for business and for tourism.

2 команда: Political outlook (the real power, House of Lords)

3 команда: Cultural life of Britain (museums, galleries)

What is the center of London?

How many fountains in the Square?

  1. Task – Test (individual):

  1. The center of London: a) Trafalgar Square, b) Buckingham Palace, c) the city;

  2. The National Gallery is situated in a) Parliament, b) Bloomsbury Square, c) Trafalgar;

  3. The Largest park in London is a a) Hyde Park, b) James’s, c) Regents;

  4. There is __________________ in the center of Trafalgar Square. a) the Nelson Column, b) Big Ben, c) St. Paul’s Cathedral;

  5. The English call the flag a) stars, b) stars and stripes, c) Union Jack.

  1. Task: Reading exercises: (The class is divided into two groups. Каждой группе дается по два текста, следят за автором, затем самостоятельно читают и заполняют таблицу на доске – стр.34 – 6г)




Famous for

Popular buildings



On the river Thames

6 million

History building of Paul’s Cathedral


Traffic Pollution

New York

Hudson river

7 million

Empire State Building


Traffic Pollution


Ishim river

700 thousand




Each country has the same problem - pollution

  1. Снежный ком: Класс делится на 3 команды по 3 человека

Первая группа: А1, Б1, В1

Вторая группа: А2, Б2, В2 все читают один и тот же текст

Третья группа: А3, Б3, В3

Затем объединяются: А1, А2, А3; Б1, Б2, Б3; В1, В2, В3 и пересказывают текст

Итог урока: Marks

Dear boys and girls!

You see how many interesting things we learned about our favorite country – Great Britain. I wish you success in your study.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Great Briain

Автор: Макаева Советкуль Шамсудиновна

Дата: 13.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 211054

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