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Grammar theme: Рresent simple. Lexical theme: the birds.

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Lesson 6

Subject: English.

Date: 01.02.2016.

Grade: 7 ''б''.

Grammar theme: Рresent simple.

Lexical theme: the birds.

The aim of the lesson:

А?артушылы?: ’’??стар” та?ырыбы бойынша балаларды? білімін бекіту,жа?а с?здерді ме?геpту.  

Дамытушылы?: о?ушыларды? о?у, с?йлеу, ?абілеттіліктерін дамыту.

Т?рбиелік: ?орша?ан ортаны ?ор?ау?а о?ан ??ыптылы?пен ?арау?а о?ушыларды т?рбиелеу.

Т?жірбиелік: ” Рresent simple ” атты грамматикалы? материалды ?айталау ж?не практикалы? жатты?улар орындау.

Equipment: book 7-сынып, vocabulary, board, interactive board, slide-presentation, new words.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Org. moment: (3 minutes)

Teacher: Good afternoon, children. I'm glad to see you! How are you today?

Pupils: Good afternoon, teacher. We are ok. How are you?

Teacher: I am ok, too. Sit down.

II. Warming up: (4 minutes)

Teacher: Children do you like play game.

Pupils: Yes, we are like.

Teacher: Well, let’s play game «dream of animal».




















III. Phonetic drill: (5 minutes)

Teacher: Pupils, look at the pictures. What are they? Let’s us look read and translate these words.

A tiger-[‘taig?]-жолбарыс

An elephant-[‘elif?nt]-піл

A rhino-[‘rain?u]-м?йізт?мсы?

Ivory tusk-[‘aiv?ri]- пілді? тісі

To hunt-[‘h?nt]-а? аулау

A hunter-[‘h?nt?]-а?шы

IV. Checking-up the homework:

Teacher: What was your home task?

Pupils: Our homework was ………….

Teacher: Have you done your homework?

Pupils: Yes, we have done

Teacher: Let’s check

V. Presentation of new material: (20 minutes)

Teacher: Answer my questions.

Do you like bird?

What bird do you know?

Do you have bird at home?

Did you guess what about our lesson?

 Pupils: yes. Our lesson about animals

 Teacher: Right you are. Today we are going to talk about birds which are in danger in our days. Open your vocabularies and write down new words.


Vocabulary –writing activities

Humming-bird-[‘h?mi?]-колибри, ??р?ылтай

Ostrich (es)-[‘?strit?]-т?йе??с


Flipper(s)-[‘flip?(z)]-ж?зу ?анаттары


Extend-[ik’stend]-созу, созылу


Listening/ Reading activities

Teacher: And now children let’s read the text about “what is a bird?”

Writing activities

Teacher: Read the text again “what is a bird?” write out.

  1. The names of birds.
  2. The words which describe birds.

Speaking activities

Match the picture with the name of bird.

VI. Conclusion (3 minutes)

Teacher: what was the theme of our lesson?

Pupils: the theme of our lesson was “what is a bird?”

Teacher: was our lesson interesting?

Pupils: yes, our lesson was interesting.

VII. Giving the home task: (3 minutes)

Teacher: Open your dairies. Write down your home task.  Your home task will be ….

(Write about your favorite bird)

VIII. Putting marks: (2 minutes)      

 Teacher: the marks for the lesson are:

Today you were so active. The lesson is over. Good bye, children.

Pupils: Good bye, Teacher.

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«Grammar theme: Рresent simple. Lexical theme: the birds.»


Lesson 6

Subject: English.

Date: 01.02.2016.

Grade: 7 ''б''.

Grammar theme: Рresent simple.

Lexical theme: the birds.

The aim of the lesson:

Ағартушылық: ’’құстар” тақырыбы бойынша балалардың білімін бекіту,жаңа сөздерді меңгеpту.

Дамытушылық: оқушылардың оқу, сөйлеу, қабілеттіліктерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік: қоршаған ортаны қорғауға оған ұқыптылықпен қарауға оқушыларды тәрбиелеу.

Тәжірбиелік: ” Рresent simple ” атты грамматикалық материалды қайталау және практикалық жаттығулар орындау.

Equipment: book 7-сынып, vocabulary, board, interactive board, slide-presentation, new words.

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Org. moment: (3 minutes)

Teacher: Good afternoon, children. I'm glad to see you! How are you today?

Pupils: Good afternoon, teacher. We are ok. How are you?

Teacher: I am ok, too. Sit down.

II. Warming up: (4 minutes)

Teacher: Children do you like play game.

Pupils: Yes, we are like.

Teacher: Well, let’s play game «dream of animal».



















III. Phonetic drill: (5 minutes)

Teacher: Pupils, look at the pictures. What are they? Let’s us look read and translate these words.

A tiger-[‘taigә]-жолбарыс

An elephant-[‘elifәnt]-піл

A rhino-[‘rainәu]-мүйізтұмсық

Ivory tusk-[‘aivәri]- пілдің тісі

To hunt-[‘hɅnt]-аң аулау

A hunter-[‘hɅntә]-аңшы

IV. Checking-up the homework:

Teacher: What was your home task?

Pupils: Our homework was …………..

Teacher: Have you done your homework?

Pupils: Yes, we have done

Teacher: Let’s check

V. Presentation of new material: (20 minutes)

Teacher: Answer my questions.

Do you like bird?

What bird do you know?

Do you have bird at home?

Did you guess what about our lesson?

Pupils: yes. Our lesson about animals

Teacher: Right you are. Today we are going to talk about birds which are in danger in our days. Open your vocabularies and write down new words.


Vocabulary –writing activities

Humming-bird-[‘hɅmiŋ]-колибри, құрқылтай

Ostrich (es)-[‘ͻstritᶴ]-түйеқұс


Flipper(s)-[‘flipә(z)]-жүзу қанаттары


Extend-[ik’stend]-созу, созылу


Listening/ Reading activities

Teacher: And now children let’s read the text about “what is a bird?”

Writing activities

Teacher: Read the text again “what is a bird?” write out.

  1. The names of birds.

  2. The words which describe birds.

Speaking activities

Match the picture with the name of bird.

VI. Conclusion (3 minutes)

Teacher: what was the theme of our lesson?

Pupils: the theme of our lesson was “what is a bird?”

Teacher: was our lesson interesting?

Pupils: yes, our lesson was interesting.

VII. Giving the home task: (3 minutes)

Teacher: Open your dairies. Write down your home task. Your home task will be ….

(Write about your favorite bird)

VIII. Putting marks: (2 minutes)

Teacher: the marks for the lesson are:

Today you were so active. The lesson is over. Good bye, children.

Pupils: Good bye, Teacher.

Әдіскер: Алпысбаева А.Е.

Мұғалім:Айтмағамбетова Б.И.

Баға: « »

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Grammar theme: Рresent simple. Lexical theme: the birds.

Автор: Смагулова Сания Жасулановна

Дата: 27.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310621

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "310623"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1459077663"

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