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Fascinating festivals

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Objectives: after completing this lesson, students will speak about the holidays and festivals, demonstrate understanding by doing some exercises, explain the meaning of the words

Visual aids: interactive board, worksheets, cards, pictures.

Methods of the lesson: 1. New approaches to teaching and learning

                                      2. Learning to think critically

                                      3. Assessment for and of learning

                                      4. Using  ICT in teaching

                                      5. Teaching talented and gifted children

                                      6. Responding to age-related differences in 

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«Fascinating festivals»

Plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson: Fascinating festivals

Teacher: Erzhanova A.S.

Grade: 8 th «Ә» grade

Goals: 1. to enlarge students` word stock and vocabulary

2. to improve the students` habits (speaking, reading, writing, listening)

3. to teach them to use monologue and dialogue speech while speaking

4. to provide students with some information about holidays and festivals.

Objectives: after completing this lesson, students will speak about the holidays and festivals, demonstrate understanding by doing some exercises, explain the meaning of the words

Visual aids: interactive board, worksheets, cards, pictures.

Methods of the lesson: 1. New approaches to teaching and learning

2. Learning to think critically

3. Assessment for and of learning

4. Using ICT in teaching

5. Teaching talented and gifted children

6. Responding to age-related differences in teaching and


7. Management and leadership of learning

Steps of the lesson

Content of the lesson


Organization moment of the lesson



  1. Organization moment. Greeting.

2 min

Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Good afternoon, children! I’m glad to see you .Sit down, please! ”

Who is absent for the lesson?

What is the weather like today?

Students reply “Good afternoon, teacher! Glad to see you too.” “Hello”

All are present

Today it is warm, sunny.

  1. Phonetic drill

3 min

Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Aim: to develop students` speaking habits

Witch, witch, where do you fly?

Under the clouds and over the sky.

Witch, witch, what do you eat?

Little black apples from Hurricane Street.

Witch, witch, what do you drink?

Vinegar and good red ink.

Witch, witch, where do you sleep?

Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap

Ok, students, now it is time to start our lesson.

Aim: - repeating after the teacher and pronounce the words correctly


Goal-setting step



Goal-setting and motivation

3 min

Cards with pictures, presentation

Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Aim:- to put cognitive tasks

Brain storming” method

Look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the topic of today’s lesson. For example, с “сat”

Very well! As you know today we are going to speak about famous holidays and festivals in the world. In order to revise our last material and get some information let`s answer the following questions.

Aim: – to formulate the lesson objectives

Students will solve a puzzle so that they could read the name of today`s lesson.

(f-fish, e-egg, s-school, t-table, i-internet, v-vase, a-apple, l-language, s-stars)



Revision step



The survey on the

studied material

(checking up hometask)

5 min

Interactive board

Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Aim:- developing speaking habits and checking up the level of understanding recent material.

  1. Answering the questions

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world. Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays .What about your families? What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate and how do they do it? Answer my questions, please!

a) What is the most favorite holiday in your family?

b) What are the most important public holidays in our country?

c) What religious holidays do you know?

d) What are the most important national holidays in the USA?

f) What do we celebrate on the 9th of May?

g) During what holiday do Russian people eat their traditional food: blinchiki?

h) Name the date when English people celebrate Halloween.

i) When do we celebrate Sabantoi?

Aim: to revise the studied material

The New Year Day, and Nauryz are the most favourite holidays in our family.

They are: Nauryz, Victory Day, Independence Day and etc.

I know Oraza ait, Kurban ait.

Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Veterans Day, Independence Day

We celebrate Victory Day.

They eat their traditional food during Maslenitsa.

It is on 31 st of October.

We celebrate it in autumn when we gather all the harvest.


New material





15 min

PPT presentation, video, cards

Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Aim:- developing speaking and listening habits and checking up the level of understanding the material.

Ok, we all know about the holidays in the world. Today we shall speak about fascinating festivals. First of all let`s watch a video called “6 amazing festivals around the world”. And I want to ask you to take some notes while watching it.

  1. showing a video (1) “The world`s best festivals”

After watching the video the students will answer the questions:

  1. What is festival?

  2. What kind of festivals do you know?

  1. showing a video (2) called “6 amazing festivals around the world”

After watching the video the students will answer the questions using the cards.


  1. What is the first festival shown in the video?

  2. Who is awarded during the festival or what?

Card #2

  1. What is the second festival?

  2. Where does the festival take place?

Card #3

  1. What is the third festival?

  2. What are the main attributes of the festival?

Card #4

  1. What is the fourth festival?

  2. What do people do during it?

Card #5

  1. What is the fifth festival?

  2. Where does the festival take place?

Card #6

  1. What is the last festival?

  2. What do people do?

After watching the video the students will answer the questions:

  1. A festival is an event staged by people, celebrating some aspect and its traditions, often marked as a local or national holiday.

  2. I know such festivals as Sabantoi, Carnival, Holi, Chinese New Year, Christmas, and etc.

They will do the tasks given in the cards.


  1. It is Jaiphur Elephant festival.

  2. The best decorated elephant is decorated.

Card #2

  1. It is International Baloon festival

  2. It takes place in the USA.

Card #3

  1. It is the Lanterns festival in Thailand.

  2. They are the floating lanterns.

Card #4

  1. It is Holi Color Festival in India.

  2. They throw colours to each other.

Card #5

  1. It is Winter Scareaway Festival.

  2. It takes place in Hungary.

Card #6

  1. It is the Mexicans` festival.

  2. They remember the dead people, their parents, their friends, etc.


Consolidation of educational material




Doing exercises

15 min


Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

  1. Matching:

Some well-known holidays in the world:

  1. Christmas a) the 25 th of December

  2. Nauryz b) the 21st of March

  3. New Year s Day c) the 31 st of December

  4. Independence Day

of the USA d) the 4 th of July

  1. Thanksgiving Day e) second Monday of


  1. Halloween f) the 31st of October

  1. Holiday symbols





Christmas tree

greeting card

father Christmas




to decorate

to celebrate

to present

chocolate eggs and hears


You are given some words about festivals and you have to put them in the correct columns: Christmas tree, to celebrate, greeting card, to decorate, father, chocolate eggs and hears, Christmas, presents, pumpkin, pancakes, to present

We are all tired and let`s sing a nice song. It is about a young girl in a wonderful island San Pedro. Listen attentively and after listening we`ll fill in the missing words on your papers. There are missing words given after the text of the song.

  1. Singing a song “La Isla Bonita”

    Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
    Just like I'd never gone, I knew _____
    A _____ girl with eyes like the desert
    It all seems like yesterday, not far away

    Tropical the island breeze
    All of nature wild and free
    This is where I long to be
    La isla bonita
    And when the _____ played
    The sun would set so high
    Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
    Your ______ lullaby

    I fell in love with San Pedro
    _____ wind carried on the sea, he called to me
    Te dijo te amo
    I prayed that the days would last
    They went so ______

    Tropical the island breeze
    All of nature wild and _______
    This is where I long to be
    La isla bonita
    And when the samba played
    The sun would set so high
    Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
    Your Spanish lullaby
    Missing words: young, free, the song, fast, Spanish, samba, Warm

  2. Making up a short story

Make up a story about your favourite festival.

Look at the board, please.

I’ll give you 1 min.

My favourite festival is … 

- Christmas

- Carnival

- St. Valentine’s Day

- Pancake Day

- Easter

- Halloween

It is celebrated in …

- winter

- spring

- summer

- autumn

The symbols are …

- Father Christmas

- St. Valentine’s Day

- presents

- boiled eggs and chocolate hears

- pancakes

- pumpkin

The favourite meal is …

- sweets

- cakes and candies

- chocolate eggs

- pancakes

On this day people …

- wish a merry Christmas

- say “Happy Easter”

- wish “Happy New year”

- have pancakes for lunch

- sing, dance

- get presents

Good, thank you.

Students will do the matching exercise

They are given some words about festivals and put them in the correct columns.

The students will do some exercises on listening.

Students will make up a short story with the given words and word combinations.





2 min

Self-assessment papers



Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Aim: summing up the learned material of the lesson, matching the result set by goals.

Thank you for your work! What did we do at the lesson? - You have known a lot of interesting facts about festivals, haven’t you? Did you enjoy our lesson?

I want to ask to put numbers on your self-assessment papers.

During the lesson I:


Have been active







Have done exercises correctly







Have spoken only English







Have helped my friend







Have get some information about festivals






Students will put numbers on their self-assessment lists and speak about their impressions of the lesson.

  1. Aibol

  2. Akmarzhan

  3. Zhanar

  4. Nurasil

  5. Gaziz

  6. Daulet

  7. Zhangali

  8. Serizhan


Final step of the lesson



Giving homework

2 min


Teacher`s activity

Students` activity

Aim:– to develop writing habits while doing homework.

Open your diary, please. Your home task will be to write a story “My favourite holiday or festival”

The lesson is over. Goodbye!”

The students will be given hometask.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Fascinating festivals

Автор: Ержанова Айжан Садыковна

Дата: 09.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 250231

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