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Extra curricular activity "Who is the best?" Intellectual game.

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Интеллектуальная игра для 10 классов разные игры вопрос ответы

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«Extra curricular activity "Who is the best?" Intellectual game.»

Lesson plan

Extra curricular activity “Who is the best?” Intellectual game.

School: BIL

Date: 12.02.21

Teacher name: Barbossynova Assem


Number present: 15


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

  • To teach pupils to be active in getting knowledge, to increase their worldview and discover their inner natural talents and abilities.

  • To develop pupils’ communicative skills, logical and critical thinking.

  • To bring up pupils to respect the foreign language, to be patriotic, brave and fair.

Success criteria

Learners have met these learning objectives if they can:

Using correctly grammar structure based to the question

Asking questions and answering them

Value links

Critical thinking skills are on the focus of the teacher as one of the valuable skills to be taught integrated programs content.

Cross curricular links

Science, technology

Previous learning



Planned timings

Planned activities


30 min

Organization moment

-Good afternoon students!

-How are you today?

-I am fine, thank you

I’m very glad to see you here
Now we will organize a competition called «Who is the best?» Students from 10 classes take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.

Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. Now I’m going to tell you how to play this game. The game has 20 questions and you should choose the right answer for each question. We will play on the website “Kahoot”.

Well, I wish you success. Be active!

1 Which word completes the sentence properly? ____ going to be late for the bus on the first day!

2 Our vacation this summer was better, longer, and cooler. What is wrong with this statement?

3 Which word completes this sentence properly? That movie had a great _____ on me.

4 Affect v Effect

5 Which word completes the sentence properly? I think Ms. Miller’s class will ____ your interest!

6 This is a correctly worded sentence: Can you send the video link to Kailey and I?

7 Can you send the video link to Kailey and I?

8 What's wrong with this statement? I should of done my laundry on Sunday.

9 Which word completes this sentence properly? Our team might _____ the debate.

10 Which word completes this sentence properly? _____ are you going to the dance with?

11 Which word completes the sentence properly: Sonya is a basketball player __ likes to do ballet.

12 Who, who's, whose, and whom

13 Do you understand the difference between who, who's, whose, and whom?

14 Which word completes the sentence properly: IT'S or ITS? The mascot lost ___ head when falling on the field!

15 Which word completes this sentence properly? _____ mom is driving us to the game?

16 Which word completes the sentence properly? I had a sneak ____ of my class schedule this week!

17 Which word completes the sentence properly? I think this year will be much better __ last year.

18 Which word completes the sentence properly? My cousin has _____ of homework every night!

19 Where should the comma go? Jacob was watching the TV and Ashlynn was reading her book.

20 Put the letters in the correct order to spell a word!

Dear players! Our game is over! We congratulate you with Victory!

1st place – Sailau Eskendir (a book)

2nd place – Kuttybay Erbol ( two tickets for the cinema)

3rd place – Saparbek Arnur (a chocolate)

All you worked very hard. Thank you for active participation. Good-bye! See you!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Extra curricular activity "Who is the best?" Intellectual game.

Автор: Барбосынова Асем Сералиевна

Дата: 26.07.2021

Номер свидетельства: 584842

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