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    Жулаева Арухан Лесбаевна                                              

           Маңғыстау облысы,   Бейнеу ауданы    

Бейнеу политехникалық

          колледжінің ағылшын тілі

пәнінің  мұғалімі

The theme : “Ecological problems and Nature”

 The aim:   1. to practice students to speak about the ecological problems  and  their  influence on our life;                      

                    2. to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills on the theme.

                    3.  to bring  up them  to love and protect the nature and our environment;

                    4. to create their responsibilities for the protection of the environment.
Equipments: textbook,  cards,  schemes, presentation, pictures.

The type of the lesson: presentation lesson,

The methods of the lesson: question - answers, training.

                                            The plan  of the lesson

І. Organization moment.

a) Duties reporting

b) Checking up home task.







Traffic light







Железная дорога

The railway




The relay


















Электрлік  құралдар

Электрические приборы

Electric devices




Radio communication


Трансформатор жәшігі

Трансформаторный ящик

Transformer box


c).Phonetic drill «Many wonderful things»(fill in the poem and read)

             Many wonderful things to …, to …

             …. to you, …. to me!

             The sun, the trees, the ….,the sky,

             The yellow … that’s passing by

            The … wind, the birds that sing

             Bright autumn …, … flowers of spring.

             The cold long ….with snow so white

            The running rivers, the … of night.

 (Stars, hear,winter, see, belong, moon, blowing, woods, gay, belong, grass)

           How do you think what this poem is about?

II. New Theme:”The Ecological Problems and Nature  ”

Epigraph: “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself”.(Franklin D. Roosevelt).

a) Vocabulary.New words.

b)T: Today we speak about the problems of our environment: the problems of our home – planet. This problem is widely spread by TV, radio and the press. What ecological problem do we have?
 Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays; land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The thinks we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories. Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.In conclusion, we’ll try to find possible ways of solving some of environmental problems.
 Today we are going to say about their activities according to the environment and their support of keeping our nature clean.

III. Reading.Ex.5

IV. Writing. Match the Kazakh words and phrases with the English. Ex6

V. Game “RAFT” Students will be divided into 3 groups and give them their emblem.Giving tasks for the students.

Task 1.

T: Now I want you to express your opinion to the question “How to be friendly to the environment?”
Organize a role play according to the technology Game “RAFT” (“Role, Audience, Form, Topic”). Divide into groups and choose roles. (scientists, ecologists,.)
Role Card 1
Youth organization №1. You are young scientists. You are making a report at the international conference. Use the following ideas to support your report.
Role Card 2
Youth organization №2. You are student - ecologists. You research different ecological problems in our region. You are asked to describe the situation at the biology lesson at school.
Role Card 3
Youth organization №3. You are a group of young volunteers “Zhasyl el”. You are discussing problems of our polluted environment at the meeting.

Task 2. We have three ecological groups in our class. They are… )

1. “Greenpeace”2. “ Tabigat”3. “WWF”

1.Grerenpeace group What do these groups do?

1)   Біз табиғатты қорғаймыз– We protect nature (“Greenpeace”)

2) Біз ластануды азайтамыз – We reduce pollution (“ Tabigat ”)

3) Біз жануарларларға көмектесеміз– We help animals (“WWF”)

2.WWF group. Ecological problems

1) Vocabulary   Give English equivalents 

 табиғатты жою( destroy  wildlife)

 табиғатқа зиян  келтіру  (damage nature)

 ауаны ластау (pollute air)

суды ластау(pollute water)

жануарларға зиян келтіру(hurt animals)

жабайы аңдарды жою  (disturb wild animals)

қоқыс тастау(throw away litter)

отты сөндірмей кету (leave fire)

қоршаған ортаны бүлдіру (spoil the environment)

ормандарды құрту  (cut down forests)

3.”Tabigat” Grammar  Here you can see ecological problems of our country.

What problem is shown in each picture?         Match the pictures and the sentences.

The water is polluted.     Litter is thrown away.     Forests are cut down.       Trees are painted.

Birds are disturbed   .The fire is left.    Animals are hurt.


 ( Формула  am/is/are + V3) Grammar exercises

1group Fill in is or are.                                                            

1. When the air … polluted, climate … changed.

2. When paper … not recycled, forests … cut down.

3. When the glass bottles … left in the forest, people and animals … hurt.

2 group.Correct mistakes.

1. Birds not is disturbed.   2. Animal are hurted.    3. Baby trees is damage.

3group. Transform the sentences into Passive Voice.

(We pollute nature. —> Nature is polluted.)

1. We kill animals.   2. We destroy wildlife.    3. We throw away litter.

VI. Conclusion

a)Answer the questions.

 b) Marking

 Home task :” Ecological problems ”


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Просмотр содержимого документа

Жулаева Арухан Лесбаевна Маңғыстау облысы, Бейнеу ауданы Бейнеу политехникалық колледжінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

The theme : “Ecological problems and Nature”

The aim: 1. to practice students to speak about the ecological problems and their influence on our life;

2. to develop the pupils’ speaking and writing skills on the theme .

3. to bring up them to love and protect the nature and our environment;

4. to create their responsibilities for the protection of the environment.
Equipments: textbook, cards, schemes, presentation, pictures.

The type of the lesson: presentation lesson,

The methods of the lesson: question - answers, training.

The plan of the lesson

І. Organization moment.

a) Duties reporting

b) Checking up home task.







Traffic light







Железная дорога

The railway




The relay


















Электрлік құралдар

Электрические приборы

Electric devices




Radio communication


Трансформатор жәшігі

Трансформаторный ящик

Transformer box

c).Phonetic drill «Many wonderful things»(fill in the poem and read)

Many wonderful things to …, to …

….... to you, ….... to me!

The sun, the trees, the …..,the sky,

The yellow … that’s passing by

The … wind, the birds that sing

Bright autumn …, … flowers of spring.

The cold long …..with snow so white

The running rivers, the … of night.

(Stars, hear,winter, see, belong , moon, blowing, woods, gay, belong, grass)

How do you think what this poem is about?

II. New Theme:”The Ecological Problems and Nature ”

Epigraph: “The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself”.(Franklin D. Roosevelt).

a) Vocabulary.New words.

b)T: Today we speak about the problems of our environment: the problems of our home – planet. This problem is widely spread by TV, radio and the press. What ecological problem do we have?
Everybody is talking about pollution nowadays; land pollution, water pollution, air pollution. The thinks we eat, the places we live in and the air around us are made dirty and unhealthy by machines and factories. Pollution is the result of industrialization and it threatens everything living: plants, animals, people. It is dangerous for life.In conclusion, we’ll try to find possible ways of solving some of environmental problems.
Today we are going to say about their activities according to the environment and their support of keeping our nature clean.

III. Reading.Ex.5

IV. Writing. Match the Kazakh words and phrases with the English. Ex6

V. Game “RAFT” Students will be divided into 3 groups and give them their emblem.Giving tasks for the students.

Task 1.

T: Now I want you to express your opinion to the question “How to be friendly to the environment?”
Organize a role play according to the technology Game “RAFT” (“Role, Audience, Form, Topic”). Divide into groups and choose roles. (scientists, ecologists,.)
Role Card 1
Youth organization №1. You are young scientists. You are making a report at the international conference. Use the following ideas to support your report.
Role Card 2
Youth organization №2. You are student - ecologists. You research different ecological problems in our region. You are asked to describe the situation at the biology lesson at school.
Role Card 3
Youth organization №3. You are a group of young volunteers “Zhasyl el”. You are discussing problems of our polluted environment at the meeting.

Task 2. We have three ecological groups in our class. They are… )

1. “Greenpeace”2. “ Tabigat”3. “WWF”

1 .Grerenpeace group What do these groups do?

1) Біз табиғатты қорғаймыз– We protect nature (“Greenpeace”)

2) Біз ластануды азайтамыз – We reduce pollution (“ Tabigat ”)

3) Біз жануарларларға көмектесеміз– We help animals (“WWF”)

2.WWF group. Ecological problems

1) Vocabulary Give English equivalents 

табиғатты жою( destroy wildlife)

табиғатқа зиян келтіру (damage nature)

ауаны ластау (pollute air)

суды ластау(pollute water)

жануарларға зиян келтіру(hurt animals)

жабайы аңдарды жою (disturb wild animals)

қоқыс тастау(throw away litter)

отты сөндірмей кету (leave fire)

қоршаған ортаны бүлдіру (spoil the environment)

ормандарды құрту (cut down forests)

3.”Tabigat” Grammar Here you can see ecological problems of our country.

What problem is shown in each picture? Match the pictures and the sentences.

The water is polluted. Litter is thrown away. Forests are cut down. Trees are painted.

Birds are disturbed .The fire is left. Animals are hurt.


( Формула am/is/are + V3) Grammar exercises

1group Fill in is or are.

1. When the air … polluted, climate … changed.

2. When paper … not recycled, forests … cut down.

3. When the glass bottles … left in the forest, people and animals … hurt.

2 group .Correct mistakes.

1. Birds not is disturbed. 2. Animal are hurted. 3. Baby trees is damage.

3group. Transform the sentences into Passive Voice.

(We pollute nature. — Nature is polluted.)

1. We kill animals. 2. We destroy wildlife. 3. We throw away litter.

VI. Conclusion

a)Answer the questions.

b) Marking

Home task :” Ecological problems ”

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс


Автор: Жулаева Арухан Лесбаевна

Дата: 25.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 383659

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