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Ecological problems in Kazakhstan, their reasons and the way to solve them

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Aims of the lesson: 1. Encourage pupils to express their own thoughts based on the reading materials.

2. to develop communicative activity of the pupils.

3. to teach the pupils to spear  about the main ecological problems of Kazakhstan.

4. to teach the pupils to share their opinions, to enrich their word stock.

5.To develop students presentation skills

The type of the lesson: New technological way of teaching.

The kind of the lesson:nontraditional lesson.

The methods of the lesson:question-answer,group work,brainstorming, interactive method,report.

Visual aids:an interactive board,a text,cards.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment.

Good morning, our dear guests and pupils. You’re welcome to our open lesson. Our lesson is devoted to the ecological problems in Kazakhstan and all over the world.

  1. Warm-up activity

Say what you think about the meaning about the poem.

I died as mineral and became a plant,

I died as planet  and rose to animal,

I died as animal and  I became man.

Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?

Jalal ad – Din aaar-Rumi

  1. Pre-reading activity

Read and translate the text

The environment of Kazakhstan began to suffer serious harm during the soviet period. The country now faces  an urgent need to address the Soviet legacy of ecological mismanagement. Between 1949and 1991 the Soviet Government conducted about 70 percent of all of its nuclear testing in Kazakhstan, mostly in the north-eastern area near the city of Semipalatinsk (now Semey).Nearly 500 nuclear explosions took place both above the below ground near Semipalatinsk, while more than 40 nuclear detonations occurred at other testing grounds in western Kazakhstan and in the Qyzylqum desert. More than 1 million  of Kazakhstan ‘s inhabitants were exposed to dangerous levels  of radiation because the Soviet Government did not evacuate populations. In the late 1980sKazakhs held large  demonstrations calling for an end  to the nuclear testing,and in 1991 the government  of Kazakhstan put a stop to the practice. The Nevada Semipalatinsk Organization, which led  the campaign against nuclear testing during the 1980s, has turned attention to teaching residents of polluted areas how to avoid nuclear contamination.

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«Ecological problems in Kazakhstan, their reasons and the way to solve them »

Ecological problems in Kazakhstan, their reasons and the way to solve them

Бегайдарова Марал Нартаевна

Қызылорда облысы, Сырдария ауданы

42 Қ.Баймағанбетов атындағы мектебінің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі

Aims of the lesson: 1. Encourage pupils to express their own thoughts based on the reading materials.

2. to develop communicative activity of the pupils.

3. to teach the pupils to spear about the main ecological problems of Kazakhstan.

4. to teach the pupils to share their opinions, to enrich their word stock.

5.To develop students presentation skills

The type of the lesson: New technological way of teaching.

The kind of the lesson:nontraditional lesson.

The methods of the lesson:question-answer,group work,brainstorming, interactive method,report.

Visual aids:an interactive board,a text,cards.

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment.


Good morning, our dear guests and pupils. You’re welcome to our open lesson. Our lesson is devoted to the ecological problems in Kazakhstan and all over the world.

  1. Warm-up activity

Say what you think about the meaning about the poem.

I died as mineral and became a plant,

I died as planet and rose to animal,

I died as animal and I became man.

Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?

Jalal ad – Din aaar-Rumi

  1. Pre-reading activity

Read and translate the text

The environment of Kazakhstan began to suffer serious harm during the soviet period. The country now faces an urgent need to address the Soviet legacy of ecological mismanagement. Between 1949and 1991 the Soviet Government conducted about 70 percent of all of its nuclear testing in Kazakhstan, mostly in the north-eastern area near the city of Semipalatinsk (now Semey).Nearly 500 nuclear explosions took place both above the below ground near Semipalatinsk, while more than 40 nuclear detonations occurred at other testing grounds in western Kazakhstan and in the Qyzylqum desert. More than 1 million of Kazakhstan ‘s inhabitants were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation because the Soviet Government did not evacuate populations. In the late 1980sKazakhs held large demonstrations calling for an end to the nuclear testing ,and in 1991 the government of Kazakhstan put a stop to the practice. The Nevada Semipalatinsk Organization, which led the campaign against nuclear testing during the 1980s, has turned attention to teaching residents of polluted areas how to avoid nuclear contamination.

4. Doing the exercise.

1. ecology n ecological adj

2. environment n environmental adj

3. to protect v protection n

4. to create v creation n

5. to organize v organization n

6. to present v presentation n.

Revision of the grammar: The Modal verbs: may, can.

Working with cards.


A: Kamkor, I forget my dictionary. May I borrow your dictionary?

B: Sure. Here you are.

A: Aidana, it’s hot here. May I open the window?

B: Sure. Go ahead.

Conclusion(reflection) Expressing their ideas on cards and gluing on the ideas Basket of ideas. Home-work. Ex 2, 3 page 25-26


T: Dear pupils, you have worked very well. I want to say that you were very active. You have showed your knowledge which you !got at the lesson. Dear guests, thank you very much for your attention. Our lesson is over. Good-bye

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Ecological problems in Kazakhstan, their reasons and the way to solve them

Автор: Бегайдарова Марал Нартаевна

Дата: 13.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 211082

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