Данное занятие разработано для студентов 3 курса. Цель урока - расширение запаса профессиональной лексики, развитие навыков чтения технических текстов, развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, повторение и закрепление грамматического материала - времена группы Progressive.
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«Driving Safety (3 курс) »
Тема занятия “Driving Safety”.
Этап 1. Организационный момент.
Dear friends, hello! The topic of our lesson today is driving safety. In our discussion today we exclude any technical reason. Let’s suppose that technical condition of the cars is excellent. So, what do you think the reasons of accidents on roads are? What can distract a driver outside/inside of the car?
(Answers of the students)
The text we are going to read and discuss today contains some research on this problem. So, let’s start working with the text. To understand the text better and not to have any obstacles – some unknown words - we’ll first do exercise 1.
Этап 2. Введение новой лексики.
Задание1. ScanthetextandfindtheEnglishequivalentofthegivenwordsandwordcombinations: основная причина; столкновения; потеря внимания (отвлечение); доступ; развлекательная система; аспекты безопасности умного автомобиля; несчастный случай; регулировка; информационно-развлекательная система
Very nice! Now you are ready to do the next task.
Этап 3. Развитие навыков чтения.
Задание 2. Read the text and get ready to do tasks 3 and 4.
Driver error is the leading cause of the 6 million plus crashes that occur on U.S. highways each year. Public and government organizations are concerned with possible distraction involving emerging technologies such as navigation and entertainment systems and e-mail and Internet access.
It is found that in the U.S. 44% of drivers have phones in their vehicles or carry phones when they drive, 7% have e-mail access, and 3% have facsimile capabilities. An estimated 25% of crashes each year involve some form of disattraction or inattention. Driver distraction, along with other intelligent vehicle safety issues, is discussed by researchers, manufacturers, and customers.
Use of cell phone while driving accounts for about 1.5% of accidents caused by driver disattraction. In reviewing crashes from 1995 through 1999 involving 32,000 vehicles, researchers found that 8.3% of drivers were distracted when the accident occurred. Of course, 29.4% were distracted by “something outside” the vehicle. Other distractions, in order, were making audio-system adjustments (11.4%), speaking with vehicle occupants (10.9%), making climate control adjustments (2.8%), and eating and drinking (1.7%). 29% of drivers indicated that they had used a cell phone behind the wheel. Of those, 13% said dealing with the phone caused or almost caused an accident.
Though specialists in many countries have been researching the safety implications of “new” in-vehicle systems on driver disattraction for a number of years, the industry has been doing it for far longer. Similar concerns surfaced when radios were first fitted to vehicles. A primary emphasis of the industry’s approach to vehicle communication and information system development is driver safety, with systems designed to ensure that drivers keep their hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road. Research is being conducted to develop well- designed in-vehicle human/machine interfaces for safe driving.
In addition, some companies are developing voice-recognition technologies for not only navigation but also future control systems and “infotainment” features. Such system is developed for the Jaguar S-type driver to control the car’s audio, climate-control, and telephone functions by using simple voice commands.
These and other innovations being developed by the automotive industry will help reduce driver disattraction and make the roads safer.
Vocabulary practice
Задание 3. Match the numbers to the letters.
leading A. phone
driver B. commands
a cell C. systems
voice D. cause
in-vehicle E. driving
steering F. distraction
safe G. wheel
Задание 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
technologies, accidents, highways, voice-recognition, error, to control, adjustments
Driver … is the leading cause of the 6 million plus crashes that occur on U.S. … each year.
Emerging … , such as navigation and entertainment systems and e-mail and Internet access.
Use of a cell phone while driving accounts for about 1.5% of … caused by driver disattraction.
Other distractions were making audio-system … .
Some companies are developing … technologies.
This system enables the driver … the car’s audio, climate-control, and telephone functions by using simple voice commands.
Этап 4. Развитие навыков говорения.
Задание 5. Look through the text once more and answer the questions.
What is the number of accidents that occur on U.S. highways each year?
What are public and government organizations concerned with?
What are the reasons of the driver distraction?
What is a primary emphasis of the industry’s approach to vehicle communication and information system development?
What research is being conducted?
What kind of technologies are some companies developing?
What system is developed for the Jaguar S-type?
How can the S-type driver control the car’s audio, climate-control, and telephone functions?
Задание 6. Make short dialogues discussing the topic of the text.
Этап 5. Закреплениеграмматическогоматериала.
Повторение времен Present Progressive(Active/Passive), Present Perfect Progressive
Present Progressive Active
Present Progressive Passive
is + Ving
is + being V3
Present Perfect Progressive
I have
He has + been Ving
We have
Задание 5. Find in the text sentences in Present Progressive Active (1), Present Progressive Passive (1) Present Perfect Progressive (1).
Задание 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English usingPresent Progressive (Active/Passive) or Present Perfect Progressive.
Я уже полчаса наблюдаю за тобой.
Он уже три дня занимается физикой.
Я уже 20 минут пытаюсь найти мою старую тетрадь.
Вы все еще читаете эту книгу? Сколько времени вы ее уже читаете?
Моя сестра занимается музыкой. Она занимается музыкой уже пять лет.
Они сейчас пишут сочинение. Они пишут сочинение уже два часа.
В нашем районе строятся три новые школы.
Произведения английских и американских писателей издаются во всем мире.
Наш дом сейчас ремонтируют.
Колю как раз спрашивают.
Этап 6. Домашнее задание.
Make up a project: “How to Develop Driving Safety”.
Этап 7. Заключительный этап занятия.
Подведение итогов занятия. Выставление оценок.
Использованная литература:
1. А.В.Гниненко «Современный автомобиль как мы его видим»
2. Ю.Голицынский «Английский язык. Грамматика» Сборник упражнений.