Module 4 : Lesson 39 Introductory lesson. Discussing the difference between organic and non-organic food | School: Zhas ulan Checked by: Askarova Zhamal Grade 10th |
Date: 28/29.11 | Teachers’ names: Shymyrbekova Zhadyra |
Learning objective(s) that these lessons are contributing to | 10.4.5 Deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics |
Lesson objectives | -
Listen, read, and talk about organic and non-organic worlds -
Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk -
use of English (pronouns who/which/whose/that) |
Assessment criteria | Identify specific information in unsupported extended talk Explain and justify point of view |
Level of thinking | Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skills |
Language objective | To brush up and use of pronouns |
Value links | Respect, Cooperation, Digital Learning/21st Century Skills |
Cross curricular links | Biology, chemistry & education |
ICT skills | Smart board for presenting a classwork |
Previous learning | Students should know about general technology issues/vocab from other subjects and previous study in English |
Planned timings | Planned activities | Resources |
Start 4 minutes | Welcome & Objectives Welcome students back from break and ask them how they are doing and introduce the lesson objectives Explain and use a variety of pronouns | Smart board |
Middle 6 minutes (S) 15 minutes (W) | Brainstorming. 1.Tell the translation of the following words: Hormones; Compost; Ingredients; Produce; Welfare; Pesticides. 2. Look through the text and find determiners. Vocabulary work: 1. Organic label 2. Animal welfare 3. Nutrients 4. Artificially Ex.5 How do non-organic farming methods have a negative impact on the environment? Tell the class Descriptor A learner *answers the question ex.8 Listen to a lecture talking about GM food. Read the questions (1-4) and make notes. -
How do Europeans and Americans differ on the question of GM food? -
What are some of the arguments against GM food? -
How are GMOs created? -
Why do GM opponents argue against the idea that GM food will end world hunger? Descriptor A learner * listens to a lecture talking about GM food makes notes. | Smart board Student’s book p.51 |
10 minutes (W) | Grammar: Pronouns- Quantifiers. Ex.6 Study the table. When do we use relative /demonstrative / indefinite/ reflexive pronouns and quantifiers? Descriptor A learner * studies the table * checks in the Grammar Reference section. Ex.7 Choose the correct option. A:Have you got the shopping list? B:Yes, here it is. First we need 1)some/much milk. A:Ok. Let’s get this one. It’s the same brand 2) that/who my mum buys. B:No, 3) everyone/ someone says organic milk is better for you. Perhaps we should try it for 4) ourselves/yourselves. A:Sure. I’ve never tried 5) anything/ nothing organic before. B:Ok, next we need 6) a little/ a few apples, too. 7) These /Those green ones over there look delicious! A:Yes, they do. Have we got 8) everything/ anything? B:Yes. Let’s go to the checkout. Descriptor A learner * chooses the correct option. * matches and completes sentences ; | Smart board Student’s book p.51 |
5 minutes (S) | Reflection What did you learn in this lesson? Which part did you find most useful? How confident do you feel in using what you learned? | Smart board |
Additional information |
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Learners ‘Assessment – how are you planning to check learn learning? | Cross-curricular links Science, Technology & education |
Students who need more support will work in pairs when creating conditional sentences. Highly motivated students are expected to develop solid arguments when participating in discussion. | Learners will be assessed through -
Observation -
Discussion -
reflection | Technology & STEM |
Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson? |