Урок по УМК Spotlight 6, авторы Ю. Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс. Это четвёртый урок - 1d первого модуля. Урок выстроен в соответствии требованиям ФГОС. На уроке используются следующие виды работы: обще групповая (ответы на вопросы, выполнение разнообразных коммуникативных упражнений по содержанию прочитанного текста), нацеленная на вовлечение в работу всей группы, а также индивидуальная (монологические высказывания учащихся), направленная на тренировку имеющихся лексических навыков.
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«Culture Corner.The UK »
План урока
Учитель: Сиваш Татьяна Николаевна
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 6
Дата: 18.09.2015.
Тема: «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»
I. Организационныйэтап(слайд1).
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls!
Class: Good morning teacher!
Teacher:Nice to see you! You are so beautiful today.
Let`s begin our lesson.
-What is the date today?
- What day of the week is today?
- Who is absent today?
2. Целепологание.
Teacher:Look at the screen.(слайд2).
- How do you think what we are going to talk about today?
Pupil:We are going to talk about Great Britain.
Pupil:England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
Pupil: national emblems
Teacher: You are right. The UK or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandhas four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These countries have their own flags, emblems and capitals. Today we are going to talk about them. The aim of our lesson is to sum up the material on the topic «The United Kingdom ».
3. Фонетическаязарядка(слайд3-5).
Teacher: Look at the screen and repeat after me: North, South, East, West, North - East, South-West; Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western. Country: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. Capital: London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast.
4. Речевая зарядка: (слайд6).
Teacher: Let`s watch a slide show.
Listen to the song and try to understand it.
Teacher: Children, what is the song about?
Pupil:It`s about London.
Teacher: Look at the blackboard, match the words from the first colom to the word from the second colom.
Make names of London` sights. and read them. (Учащиеся подходят к доске по очереди собирают слова и читают их.)
Hide Park
London Bridge
London Eye
Buckingham Palace
Westminster Palace
St James Park
Big Ben
Globe Theater
Westminster Abbey
Teacher: What place would you like to visit? (учащийся говорит, какое место он хотел бы посетить)
Pupil:I would like to visit….
Teacher:Let`s check your home task.
Open your workbooks at p 7, ex. 1.
Read your sentences then look at the screen and check, if you are right.
6. Диалоги.(Работа в наушниках)(слайд9).
Teacher: Imagine that some of you are the British askquestions to know them better.
Make a dialogue, be ready to show it for the class at the blackboard.
Use the cards on your desks.
7. Физкультминутка.(слайд10).
Teacher: I see you are tired. Let’s do exercises! Watch a cartoon, then listen and repeat!
Teacher:Well done! Let’sgoon!
8. Работапоучебнику.
Совершенствование умения аудирования.(слайд11).
Teacher:Open your Student`s books at p.11,ex.1a.
What colours are the flags below?
Pupil:The first is …
Pupil:The second is …
Pupil: ….
Teacher: How are they related to the map? (cлайд11)
Pupil: The first is for….
Teacher:1b. Read the title of the text.
What do you think the text is about?
Pupil:It`s about the UK.
Teacher: Listen and check. (прослушивание)(слайд12).
Teacher:Which flag does the text describe?
Pupil:It describes the UK`s flag. It`s the Union Jack.
9.чтение с извлечением необходимой информации.
Teacher:Let`s speak about the UK (плакатнадоске). A diagram,the main pointsfrom the text,will help us. But first pay attention to the new words: (слайд13)
a diagram – схема
a graphic organizer –графическое обозначение
key information- ключевая информация,
a factfile–информационный файл
Teacher:объясняет принцип построения опорной схемы(слайд14)стр.11 (studyskills)
Now let`s try to make a diagram.
Name words in bold from the text: country, capital, flag, population, currency.
Try to give the translation.
Give the information from the text in short.
Talk about the UK.
Работа в группах.
Teacher: Now, you are to talk aboutEngland, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. I suggest you working in groups.
Share into groups according to the flags you have chosen.
Using the information from p.11 and facts you have learnt before, make your topicsabout the countries from the tasks on these 4 desks, make diagrams, put them on the blackboard and talk about your country. Choose the orator inside the groups. I’ll give you 4 minutes (вовремя работы звучит музыка). (слайд15)
!работа по образцу
Teacher: Please, look at the map on the screen, try to answer the questions like in the example! (P-P1, P2..)
-Where is Swansea?
- Swansea is in the west of the UK and in the south of Wales.
-Where is Portsmouth?
-Where is Newcastle?
-Where is Aberdeen?
Teacher: Open your diaries and write down your H/T:
SB-ex.3, p.11; make your projects about Russia for your Portfolio use your study skills to make a diagram like at today`s lesson and be ready to present them in class.
WB p.8
-Close your dairies and put them away (слайд17-18).
VII Рефлексия – просит выразить своё отношение к уроку
Teacher: Our lesson comes to the end.
What was it about? (The UK)
What kind of work did we have? (read, spoke, made diagrams)
Teacher: If you liked the lesson and you learned something new, use positive adjectives. If you didn’t use the negative ones. Look at the screen and give your answers! (припомощиречевыхобразцов, которыенаходятсянаслайде19)
Teacher: (оцениваетсловесноработуучащихсянауроке)Thank you very much for your hard work. You were the best, the cleverest, the most curious! Your marks are …
At the next lesson we`ll learn to greet and introduce people. Today`s lesson is over. Good-bye!(слайд20).