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Cценарий урока "Веселая Масленица"

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Целью данного урока является активизация лексического материала, ознакомление учащихся с традициями празднования Масленицы в Британии и России, совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма, формирование грамматических навыков учащихся.

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«Cценарий урока "Веселая Масленица"»

Учитель английского языка

Цуканова Ирина Николаевна

Holidays and traditions.

Pancake Day

Урок английского языка

в 3 классе

МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 43 им. Г. К. Жукова» г. Курска

Тема: Holidays and traditions

Подтема: Pancake Day

Тип урока: комбинированный

Форма урока: урок-презентация c использованием ИКТ и интерактивных методов.

Цели урока: образовательная – активизировать лексические единицы темы; ознакомить учащихся с традициями празднования Масленицы в Британии, сравнить их с украинскими традициями; совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма; формировать грамматические навыки учащихся;

развивающая – развивать кратковременную и долговременную память, фонематический слух, творческое мышление учащихся; развивать позитивное отношение учащихся к процессу познания, потребность в практическом использовании языка через заданную ситуацию общения; воспитательная – воспитывать культуру общения, эстетический вкус учащихся; воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре и традициям своей родной страны и страны, язык которой изучается; воспитывать чувство толерантности к представителям иностранного государства.

Оборудование: наглядный (тематические карточки, символы праздника Масленица, посуда, макеты блинов) и дидактический (информационный текст, задания для проверки чтения) материал, мяч, видео/аудио записи, мультимедийная презентация, проектор, мультимедийная доска.


I Introduction

  1. Greeting (СЛАЙД №1)

T. Good morning, pupils!

P. Good morning, teacher!

T. Nice to see you!

P. Nice to see you too!

T. How are you?

P. Very well, thank you! And you?

T. I’m well, thank you. Sit down.

2. Warming-up activities. (СЛАЙД № 2)

1. Речевая разминка

- How is your mother?

- How is your brother?

- How are you?

- It is a nice day, isn’t it?

T. I’m very glad that you are fine. Let’s remember sounds.

2. Фонетическая зарядка (СЛАЙД № 3)

T. Repeat after me.

[æ] pan, candy, tasty

[i:] tea, eat, meat

[ei] cake, game, race

3. Doing the puzzle

T. Well, pupils, to begin with, have a look at the pictures, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. Name all the words in the pictures; take only the first letter of each word and you will read the key word of today’s lesson. For example, a hat – letter ‘h’ …..










P1, P2, P3, …..: orange – ‘o’, lemon – ‘l’, ice-cream – ‘i’, dress – ‘d’, apple – ‘a’, yellow – ‘y’, sweets – ‘s’.

3. Speaking

1) Brainstorming. (СЛАЙД № 4)

(Повторение и актуализация лексических единиц темы методом мозговой атаки и схематической записи слов-названий праздников)

Now let's fill in the Mind-map. What holidays do you know?



P.: Christmas, New Year, Mother’s Day, Pancake Day, Easter, Halloween …

2) Answering teacher’s questions

T: Answer my questions. For example, I like Christmas because it is happy holiday. He likes Pancake Day because he likes to eat pancakes.

- Do you like holidays? And you?

- What holidays do you like? Why?

(I like … because ….)

- What holidays does your mother like? Why?

(She likes … because …)

- What holidays does your father like? Why?

(He likes … because …)

4. Match the holidays and months. (СЛАЙД № 5)

T. The British like holidays too. Look at the screen, match holidays and months:

1. Christmas a) October

2. Halloween b) February/March

3. Pancake Day c) December (СЛАЙД № 6)

5. Motivation

T. What month is it today? What date is it now? What holiday will be soon? Do like it?

Ps.: Pancake Day. Yes, we like it.

6. Aim of the lesson. (СЛАЙД № 7)

Today we are going to continue our talk about holidays. The topic of our lesson is Pancake Day. We’ll learn something new about history and tradition of Pancake Day in Britain; compare this holiday with Ukrainian holiday. We’ll speak about main symbols and food of Pancake Day in Ukraine and Britain. Now open the exercise-books. Write down, please, today's date and the topic of our lesson.

(СЛАЙД № 8)

II Main Part

  1. Speaking

1) T. Let’s start our Pancake Party. (СЛАЙД № 9)

P. 1: We are celebrating Pancake Day, (СЛАЙД № 10)

The favorite holiday of all Ukrainian people.

We will sing and dance and play,

Bake and eat pancakes today.

T. Look around. You see many symbols of Ukrainian Pancake Day. What are the main symbols of this holiday?

P.: the Sun, a Pancake doll, many sweet pancakes.

2. Listening (СЛАЙД 11) ВИДЕО О ВОЛКЕ

T. Thank you, children. You like pancakes, I see. Oh, yes, they are very tasty.

Mr. Wolf likes pancakes too. Listen to the story about it.

3. Doing the task after listening (коллективная работа).

Catch a right answer: (СЛАЙД № 12)

(Учитель читает задание и варианты ответа. Учащиеся, услышав правильный ответ, поднимают вверх карточку в виде блина)

1. Mr. Wolf wants to eat…

a) a cake b) pancakes

2. He took a big …. and look inside it.

a) recipe book b) English book

3. Mr. Wolf cannot …. very well.

a) count b) read

4. Mr. Wolf asks his neighbor …. to help him with reading.

a) chicken b) bear

5. He decided to go to the …

a) shop b) café

6. Mr. Wolf sat down to write ….

a) a letter b) a shopping list.

4. Guessing game

1) T. Let’s help Mr. Wolf to find all ingredients, make a shopping list and bake pancakes. Riddles will help you! (Pupils guess the riddles)

  1. Clean, but not water,
    White, but not snow,
    Sweet, but not ice-cream,
    what is it?

  1. It is white. Little children usually drink it. (Milk)

  1. It is white outside and yellow inside. (Egg)

  1. They don't eat me alone,
    But cannot eat without me. 
    What am I?

2) T. Look at the screen and guess another ingredients. (Flour)

5. Writing “A shopping list” (СЛАЙД № 13) ВИДЕО О БЛИНАХ

(Учащиеся в ходе отгадывания продуктов для изготовления блинов должны составить список покупок)

  1. Dialogue “At the shop” (СЛАЙД № 14)

Seller: Good day!

Buyer: Good day!

Seller: Can I help you?

Buyer: Give me some milk, some sugar, some salt and some flour.

Seller: Here you are. Anything else?

Buyer: Yes. 5 eggs, please.

Seller: Here you are. Anything else?

Buyer: No, thanks. How much money?

Seller: 20 dollars.

Buyer: Here you are.

Seller: Good-bye!

Buyer: Good-bye!

7. Grammar practice (СЛАЙД № 15)

T. Now let’s remember grammar rules – Countable and Uncountable Nouns. I’ll say words. If you’ll listen Countable Noun – clap your hands/Uncountable Noun – sit still.

Words: milk, an egg, sugar, a pancake, a candy, butter, a cherry, a plum, tea, an apple, flour, a peach.

8. Presentation “Traditions of Pancake Day”

T. Oh, we have guests! Foreign friends came to our party. Let’s ask them where are they from and invite them to our party.

- Dialogue with foreign guests (СЛАЙД № 16)

P1: Hello!

P2: Hello!

P1: My name is Veronica! What is your name?

P2: My name is Marry. And his name is Christian. Are you Ukrainian?

P1: Yes, I am Ukrainian. Where are you from?

P2: I am from England.

P1: Is he from England too?

P2: Yes, he is.

P1: Can you come to our party?

P3: What party?

P1: We are celebrating Pancake Day. Let’s go to us!

P3: Yes, sure.

P2: With pleasure.

- Ukrainian children tell about tradition of celebration Pancake Days in Ukraine using a plan of a holiday week, pictures and plackets in the classroom.

- British friends tell about Pancake Day in Britain using key words, photos and pictures.

9. Reading (СЛАЙД № 17)

T. The name of this holiday sound as Shrovetide it falls on the period before the Lent. Read the description of this holiday in English. Let’s do it by one sentence. Please, translate the given information.

Pancake Day

Pancake Day is a tasty holiday in England. It is usually in March or in the end of February. Many English children like to eat pancakes!

Women cook pancakes and run with them in the street. They must wear aprons, put on hats or scarves on their heads. The women must toss their pancakes three times and catch it back on the frying-pan.


Usually [ʹјu:ʒəli] - обычно

Not only – не только

Must - должны

Aprons - фартуки

Put on – надевать

Toss - подкидывать

Catch [ʹkætʃ] - ловить

10. Work in pair

Doing the task after reading (True or False)

Mark T (true) and F (false) sentences.

1.  Pancake Day is a tasty holiday.             

2.  It is often in October.

3.  Children don’t like this day.

4.  Women must toss their pancakes three times and catch it back on the frying-pan.





11. Physical exercises (Pancake race) (СЛАЙД № 18)

P. Are you tired, dear guests?

Do you want to have a rest?

Guests. Yes, of course, we need a rest.

T. Now I suggest you to feel the atmosphere of the holiday and hold “Pancake Races”. It’s a traditional game in Great Britain on Pancake Day. So, let’s start.

(2 ученика показывают пример игры со сковородкой и бумажным блином).

Physical exercises for all pupils (Song “If you know…”). ПЕСНЯ-ЗАРЯДКА

12. Games “Tastes differ”. (СЛАЙД № 19)

T. Thank you, children. You can have fun, I see. Now let’s full our pancakes.

What do you like pancakes with?

  1. Phonetic drill “ABC Song” ПЕСНЯ АЛФАВИТ

  1. GameABC(Учащиеся должны выбрать блин из бумаги, на одной стороне которого написана буква. По этой букве они называют начинку для блина.)

One, two, three,

What can I see?

Something in the classroom

Beginning with …P1: M – meat; P2: S – sugar ….

  1. Game “Catch a ball and say” (СЛАЙД № 20)

Do you like pancakes with …?

(Yes, I do/ No, I don’t)

13. Writing (СЛАЙД № 21)

Complete the sentences:

  1. I like pancakes with …..

  2. I don’t like …. with …

14. Role playing “Tea-party” (СЛАЙД № 22)

T.Appetite comes with eating”. It's time to make tea. Our pancakes are ready.

P. One, two, three

Let me see –

Who likes coffee?

And who likes tea?

P2. Let’s drink tea. But our holiday table is empty! We must lay the table!

Relaxed practice ПЕСНЯ О ЧАЙНИКЕ ПОЛИ…

Song: Polly, put the kettle on (3 times)

We'll all have tea.

Sukey take it off again (3 times),
they’ve all gone away.

(Учащиеся поют песню, по очереди выходят и накрывают на стол)

P1: Let’s drink tea. Sit down, please.

(Ученик, который приготовил чай, приглашает гостей к столу)

Dialogue “At the table”

P1. Enjoy your meal!

P.2: Thank you! Enjoy your meal! Oh, tea with lemon?

P1: Yes, Ukrainians like to drink tea with lemon.

P2: And we like to drink tea with milk.

P1: Pass me some milk, please.

P2: Here you are. Oh, how tasty!

P1: Yes, your tea is tasty too.

III The summary of the lesson (СЛАЙД № 23)

  1. Answering the question (метод «Микрофон»)

- What do you do on Pancake Day? What about the British people?

- What have we learnt?

- What do you know now?

  1. Рефлексия.

T. Let’s present smiles and air kisses to each other.

3) Homework. (СЛАЙД № 24)

T. Open your diaries and write your home task.

H.w. 1. Write down new words into vocabularies and learn them.

2. Draw the pictures of the symbols of Pancake Day (по выбору).

4) T. Pancakes are believed to bring good luck and happiness, long days of life. I wish you good luck! Thank you! You worked very well! You have excellent marks! (СЛАЙД № 25)

5) T. Stand up, please. Our lesson is over. Good bye, pupils! Have a nice day!

P. Thank you. Good bye! (Song) (СЛАЙД № 26)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Cценарий урока "Веселая Масленица"

Автор: Цуканова Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 03.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314575

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