Создайте Ваш сайт учителя Курсы ПК и ППК Видеоуроки Олимпиады Вебинары для учителей
Date: January 29, 2016 Grade 9 a
Theme: Food. Countable and uncountable nouns with quantifiers
Aims: to teach the difference of countable and uncountable nouns with quantifiers;
To enlarge students’ vocabulary and to improve their speaking and writing skills
Equipment: Student`s Book, Activity book, active board
Type of a lesson: A lesson of independent works of reproductive type with research elements. The system of methods is constructed on the basis of the principle of a goal-setting.
Lesson Plan:
Organizational moment
Greeting, asking how the students are
Checking up the homework
Writing essay
Warm up
Quick movement activity
Checking of comprehensive knowledge
Talking on the subject
Assimilation of new knowledge
Having them speak about
Summarizing the lesson. Giving marks. Homework. Instruction on its fulfillment.
Writing the homework on the board
The content of the lesson:
The teacher`s activity
The student`s activity
Teacher Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are filling today? Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today?
Good morning, teacher! We are fine. And you?
Your homework was to write an essay about food according to criteria. There are scores for each criteria. And after we will count scores to put marks.
Criteria for essay:
Now students, I am going to divide you into two groups by putting questions. Two students answer to the first two questions will be the leaders of teams. And the other students will answer and choose their leaders themselves.
Students answer the questions about previous lesson ( “ Food”).
1.-Students today we try to understand differences between a few and few, a little and little
Countable and uncountable nouns with quantifiers.
"A few" means "some" or "a handful".
"Few" means "virtually none" or "almost zero".
"A few" connotes "not an overwhelmingly large number, but not an insignificantly small number either."
"Few" without the preceding "a" connotes "an insignificantly small number"
A little is more than little.
We use a little and little + an uncountable noun.
A little is a positive idea. It means 'not much, but some'.
Little is a negative idea. It means 'nearly none, nearly nothing'. We can also use very little.
2. Individually work. Doing exercises
3. Pair work. I’ll give pictures to each pair. You should describe it using nouns with quantifiers and after read. Then I show you pictures and other pairs should find out which picture has been described
1. - He speaks little English, so it’s difficult to talk to him.
He speaks a little English, so we are able to talk
2. Students find out the mistakes and correct the sentences.
3. Ss describe these pictures in pairs.
Then Ss in pairs give short exam-type talks about healthy food using the plan provided by the teacher. The teacher monitors the activity and then asks one or two students to present their talks to the class.
Good job! Now I would like to work you in groups. Imagine that you are in restaurant. First group is disappointing about the quality of the service The second group is for meal. You are going to write a letter of complaint to administrator according to criteria.
Criteria for letter of complaint:
Reflection. How food is important for you? Let’s do activity “ Spider net”
- lift our spirits, make us feel happy and active, positive and energetic, boost our body energy/elevate your energy level, people tend to be less stressed and less depressed, people think quicker, fast food eaters are prone to panic attacks and bad behaviour, thus have problems,they are prone to obesity, often feel sad and anxious
So, you are excellent today! Your marks are …. Home task is to prepare mini project “ Hungry planet”
* Свидетельство о публикации выдается БЕСПЛАТНО, СРАЗУ же после добавления Вами Вашей работы на сайт