DEMONSTRATION Pupils pronounce basic words. Teacher: Watch! Listen! Repeat! Teacher presents the names of colors through a short video presentation purple, blue, yellow, pink, green and pupils repeat . 2.Teacher shows the colours and the pupils name them without the Teacher’s support Pupils listen and recognise colours. PAINTING Teacher: You can see colors in the Art room. 1. Art teacher invites pupils to sit at the tables. Teacher explains how to use paints and brushes. 2. Pupils are given worksheets with words of colours. 3. Pupils recognize colours and paint. Teacher: 1, 2, 3! Stop! SING- A-SONG Pupils pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly. Pupils sing a “Colour Song” to revise the colours. PAINTING Teacher: Colour in and describe the pictures which you hear and see in the song.  Teacher: Now we are going to practice to say colours. Repeat after me first: The apple is red. The tree is green. The ball is blue. The lemon is yellow. The hat is black. The juice is orange. Pupils come to the board one by one and describe their pictures. READING Pupils recognise and name colours. Teacher: You can see colours in the Library. 1.Introduce the Book Librarian shows the learners the cover of the story and introduces the title, the author and the illustrator.  2.Picture Walk Take the learners on a picture walk through the book. Challenge the learners to look carefully at the pictures. Point out to the learners that on each page a new coloured rabbit is featured. Say the English names of each coloured rabbit and have the learners repeat it. 3.Read-Aloud Librarian reads the story using props (all of the colored rabbits) Have the children sit in a circle and give each child a coloured animal to hold. Direct each learner with a prop to bring his prop to the middle of the circle when each colored rabbit is introduced in the story. After reading the entire book, together as a class, say all of the names of the colored animals in the book ASSESSMENT Pupils colour the rabbits according to the teacher’s instructions.  |
Video Learn Colours with Animal Erasers! com/watch?v=_ UIc18NlJMQ
Color Songs Collection Vol. 1" com/watch?v= b8AKVfdAJuQ
Crayons, worksheets |