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Colours (The crocodile has swallowed the sun)

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Данный  урок  связан с мультфильмом "Крокодил солнце проглотил". Африканцы остались без света, без красок, все серое. В этом уроке есть дифференцированные  задания для учащихся 1 класса. они выполняют одно задание и возвращается 1 краска.Второе задание возвращается еще одна краска и так должны вернуть все краски.

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«Colours (The crocodile has swallowed the sun)»

Lesson Plan


Grade: 1V

Theme: Colours. Can elephants fly?

The aim of the lesson is a formation of students’ elementary communicative competence: students will be able to name colours and differentiate them


  1. To teach students new lexical items ; to acquaint them with the language structure -Can elephants fly?;

  2. To develop their phonetic habits to pronounce new lexis and habits in using it in their speech;

  3. To bring up and form their interest in learning the language

Type of lesson: combined

Methods: pictorial, playing games, pair work

Aids: computer, interactive board, pictures, flashcards


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Greeting (1 min.)

  • How are you?

  • I’m fine, thank you.

Warming up

-What’s the weather like today?

It is not hot. It is cold. It is rainy. It is not sunny

At the previous lesson we found out that the crocodile has swallowed the sun in Africa. We must help the Africans. For every done task, the crocodile will return one colour.


No, a snake can’t fly.

Yes, a goat can jump.

Yes, a tiger can run.

St.1. 7 stars


Pupils read and say what is hidden in the box


This is a big cat. That is a little kitten.











Children correct the wrong colored pictures


We helped the Africans. They are happy now. Everything is colorful.

Saying goodbye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Colours (The crocodile has swallowed the sun)

Автор: Жубаназарова Асель Тажибаевна

Дата: 29.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 311519

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