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Building Construction, Profession builders

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Lesson: 9-10         P.E

The theme of the lesson: Building   Construction, Profession   builders



Group: 6

The aims of the lesson: Adoption of the acquisition knowledge  in practice

The type of the lesson: Consolidation lesson

Method of the lesson: Checking and assessment lesson

Visual aids: Cards and interactive – board 

                                                              The procedure of the lesson 
I. Organization moment 
- Good morning  students

-Sit down, please.

I  am very glad to see you. So, I think we are ready to start our lesson.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent? 
How are you?

- Fine, thanks and you?

- I'm fine, too, thank you. Take your seats, please, Thank you!

II. Checking up homework:

Translate the fallowing sentences into your native language.

III. Presentation:

Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction differs from manufacturing in that manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar items without a designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for a known client. Construction as an industry comprises six to nine percent of the gross domestic product of developed countries. Construction starts with planning, design, and financing; it continues until the project is built and ready for use. In general, there are three sectors of construction: buildings, infrastructure and industrial.[6] Building construction is usually further divided into residential and non-residential (commercial/institutional). Infrastructure is often called heavy civil or heavy engineering that includes large public works, dams, bridges, highways, railways, water or wastewater and utility distribution. Industrial construction includes refineries, process chemical, power generation, mills and manufacturing plants. There are also other ways to break the industry into sectors or markets.

Building construction- құрылыс конструкциясы

Infrastructure - Инфрақұрылым.

Manufacturing- Өндірісі –производство

Professional Builder - is a trade publication and website serving the information needs of the housing and light construction marketplace.House builders construct, maintain and repair houses or similar small buildings using a range of techniques and materials of several construction building workers.Would you like to know what kind of career and professions suit you best? Take our free Holland code career test and find out.Draw up building plans and prepare building sites for erecting buildings or other structures.

IV. Practicing the new theme:

 Builder is one of the oldest professions because thousands years ago during the primitive time people had to build dwellings that would protect them from cold weather and wind. The knowledge about the way dwellings are built and about the materials were transmitted across generations and eventually were structured and finally became a science.

Nowadays you can learn it all in college after you acquire a qualification of a mason, a painter, a roofer or, for example, an electricians. You can also graduate from a university and get a degree in civil engineering.

A civil engineer must know everything about materials and building technologies. He should know about design and geodesy regulations, building standards and safety of workers in the workplace. This is a profession that seems to be the most attractive to me because it allows you to grow and self-develop in your career.

For example, an engineer unlike an ordinary builder can make a career. If he has necessary experience and leadership qualities he can become construction manager or the head of the team. Besides, later on you can start your own business.

Engineers get good salary and it is another advantage of this profession. Of course, the work schedule is usually not rationed especially if they need to finish the project soon. But it does not stop me.

I’m not afraid of the fact that their job is often dangerous and they have to spend a lot of time outside rain or shine. Every profession has its disadvantages but when you do what you love and it benefits the society then you can overcome everything.

IV. Practice.

  1. A hairdresser
  2. A vet
  3. A carpenter
  4. A cook
  5. A pilot
  6. A stewardess
  7. A militiaman
  8. A racing driver
  9. A nurse
  10. A nursery school teacher
  11. A waiter
  12. A clown
  13. A farmer
  14. A postman
  15. A banker
  16. A builder
  1. a) teaches small children
  2. b) flies airplanes.
  3. c) looks after air passengers.
  4. d) serves people food.
  5. e) makes things of wood.
  6. f) cuts people’s hair.
  7. g) drives fast cars.
  8. h) looks after sick people.
  9. i) regulates traffic.
  10. j) works on a farm.
  11. k) cures sick animals.
  12. l) makes people laugh.
  13. m) makes food.
  14. n) builds houses.
  15. o) counts money
  16. p) brings letters.

 V. Giving the homework : To write 7 sentences about a national passion of our country;

 Mark: well you mark is….

VI. Conclusion

So pupils the lesson is over. Goodbye! Have a rest! You may go out

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«Building Construction, Profession builders»


ОІМО НурмукановаЛ.М

Lesson: 9-10 P.E

The theme of the lesson: Building Construction, Profession builders


Date:03 .10.2019

Group: 6

The aims of the lesson: Adoption of the acquisition knowledge in practice

The type of the lesson: Consolidation lesson

Method of the lesson: Checking and assessment lesson

Visual aids: Cards and interactive – board 

The procedure of the lesson 
I. Organization moment 
- Good morning students

-Sit down, please.

I am very glad to see you. So, I think we are ready to start our lesson.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent? 
How are you?

- Fine, thanks and you?

- I'm fine, too, thank you. Take your seats, please, Thank you!

II. Checking up homework:

Translate the fallowing sentences into your native language.

III. Presentation:

Construction is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure. Construction differs from manufacturing in that manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar items without a designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for a known client. Construction as an industry comprises six to nine percent of the gross domestic product of developed countries. Construction starts with planning, design, and financing; it continues until the project is built and ready for use. In general, there are three sectors of construction: buildings, infrastructure and industrial.[6] Building construction is usually further divided into residential and non-residential (commercial/institutional). Infrastructure is often called heavy civil or heavy engineering that includes large public works, dams, bridges, highways, railways, water or wastewater and utility distribution. Industrial construction includes refineries, process chemical, power generation, mills and manufacturing plants. There are also other ways to break the industry into sectors or markets.

Building construction- құрылыс конструкциясы

Infrastructure - Инфрақұрылым.

Manufacturing- Өндірісі –производство

Professional Builder - is a trade publication and website serving the information needs of the housing and light construction marketplace.

House builders construct, maintain and repair houses or similar small buildings using a range of techniques and materials of several construction building workers.Would you like to know what kind of career and professions suit you best? Take our free Holland code career test and find out.

Draw up building plans and prepare building sites for erecting buildings or other structures.

IV. Practicing the new theme:

Builder is one of the oldest professions because thousands years ago during the primitive time people had to build dwellings that would protect them from cold weather and wind. The knowledge about the way dwellings are built and about the materials were transmitted across generations and eventually were structured and finally became a science.

Nowadays you can learn it all in college after you acquire a qualification of a mason, a painter, a roofer or, for example, an electricians. You can also graduate from a university and get a degree in civil engineering.

A civil engineer must know everything about materials and building technologies. He should know about design and geodesy regulations, building standards and safety of workers in the workplace. This is a profession that seems to be the most attractive to me because it allows you to grow and self-develop in your career.

For example, an engineer unlike an ordinary builder can make a career. If he has necessary experience and leadership qualities he can become construction manager or the head of the team. Besides, later on you can start your own business.

Engineers get good salary and it is another advantage of this profession. Of course, the work schedule is usually not rationed especially if they need to finish the project soon. But it does not stop me.

I’m not afraid of the fact that their job is often dangerous and they have to spend a lot of time outside rain or shine. Every profession has its disadvantages but when you do what you love and it benefits the society then you can overcome everything.

IV. Practice.

  1. A hairdresser

  2. A vet

  3. A carpenter

  4. A cook

  5. A pilot

  6. A stewardess

  7. A militiaman

  8. A racing driver

  9. A nurse

  10. A nursery school teacher

  11. A waiter

  12. A clown

  13. A farmer

  14. A postman

  15. A banker

  16. A builder

  1. a) teaches small children

  2. b) flies airplanes.

  3. c) looks after air passengers.

  4. d) serves people food.

  5. e) makes things of wood.

  6. f) cuts people’s hair.

  7. g) drives fast cars.

  8. h) looks after sick people.

  9. i) regulates traffic.

  10. j) works on a farm.

  11. k) cures sick animals.

  12. l) makes people laugh.

  13. m) makes food.

  14. n) builds houses.

  15. o) counts money

  16. p) brings letters.

 V. Giving the homework : To write 7 sentences about a national passion of our country;

 Mark: well you mark is….

VI. Conclusion

So pupils the lesson is over. Goodbye! Have a rest! You may go out

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Building Construction, Profession builders

Автор: Мукашева Баян Халеловна

Дата: 22.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 528249

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