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Британские газеты и журналы

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Конспект урока по английскому языку  по теме

British newspapers and magazines

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент

Good afternoon, dear boys and girls!


2. Вводное слово учителя

Today we continue to talk about mass media. We know that Mass media includes:  television, radio, internet, books, newspapers and magazines. So newspapers and magazines are going to be the main topic of ours today's discussion.


2. Обучение чтению.  Работа с текстом.

- So now you are going to read the text that is called "British newspapers and magazines". The situation looks like as follows. There are 6 foreigners Peter, Alex, Jane, Liz, Tom, Mary. These people came from other countries. They can’t buy their favourite magazines and newspapers. What can you recommend them if you know what types of papers and magazines they like? Read the texts and fill in the table!


Peter is a businessman. He is interested in politics and economics. He finds very important articles about business and culture as well. But he hates gossips and never buys papers with scandals and bright photos. Sometimes he reads messages about society, science and technology.

Alex came to London from Rome a week ago. He wants to know news about London’s films, theatres and exhibitions from a newspaper. His hobby is visiting restaurants. It is very important for him to know everything about London’s weather.

Jane doesn’t read very serious papers. She chooses only tabloids with big bright pictures and a lot of gossips about film and pop stars. She likes reading showbiz news and her favourite columns are about TV, films, lifestyle, games and fun.

Liz is about 15. She likes reading modern magazines with horoscopes, life advice, articles about fashion and beauty and entertainment. Liz doesn’t think of her career and doesn’t like articles about colleges. She is interested in guys (boys).

Tom’s favourite paper is a broadsheet with some scandals. He is interested in news, business, sport and travelling. He has a family and always reads articles about health, family and education. He knows everything about weather from his newspaper. In the evenings he doesn’t mind reading horoscopes and guessing Sudoku and Crosswords.

Mary isn’t interested in politics and economics. She reads only magazines. Her favourite columns are about fashion, make-up, hair and skin care. She studies at college and thinks of her future career. In her free time she likes dating with some her friends: Simon, Jack and Paul. More over Mary keeps fit and usually reads articles about health and fitness.


- Fill in the table! It will help you to make right decisions!


…reads papers/ magazines

…is interested in…

… never reads …

I can recommend to read …


































 - So now when you are ready, please, give your recommendations to the foreigners. Who wants to begin?


3. Обучение аудированию.

-  Thank you very much for your opinions. And now get ready to listen to extracts from the articles and guess which article is taken from a tabloid and which one belongs to the broadsheets. Why do you think so?

Text 1

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi met for a follow-up Bachelor interview on Wednesday night. Pavelka had just broken up with his fiancé by telephone amid doubts about whether he could trust her anymore, and when they got together

"The atmosphere was emotionally charged," producers acknowledge in a statement.

Text 2

Only 227 Greek islands are populated and the decision to press ahead with potential sales has also been driven by the inability of the state to develop basic infrastructure, or police most of its islands. The hope is that the sale of some islands will attract investment that will generate jobs and taxable income.

Text 3

Sara says" : "The biggest trend this year will be Wah Nails. She says "It's the coolest nail bar in London who will interpret the latest catwalk trends onto your fingertips or go DIY at home and experiment - the wilder the design the better I say!"

Text 4

Leading Republican politicians and the former American secretary of state Henry Kissinger have called on the president to drop a July 2011 deadline to begin withdrawing US troops, saying that it undermines the effort to defeat the Taliban.But today, Obama said he wanted to stick with the strategy and timetable agreed last year, while showing that US troops could remain in Afghanistan in significant numbers till next summer.


Text 1 tabloid

Text 2 broadsheets

Text 1 tabloid

Text 1 broadsheets


7. Заключительный этап урока. Дискуссия.

- So now you get enough information to take part in the discussion. I have some questions and I hope to get the full answers.

- Do you think papers are useful or they are a waste of time?

- What types of papers do you prefer: broadsheets or tabloids?

- What are advantages and disadvantages of broadsheets or tabloids? Give your arguments.

8. Подведение итогов.  Домашнее задание.

So, I think, we know much about the papers in Russia and abroad now. Your marks for the lesson are……………..

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«Британские газеты и журналы»

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме

British newspapers and magazines

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент

Good afternoon, dear boys and girls!

2. Вводное слово учителя

Today we continue to talk about mass media. We know that Mass media includes: television, radio, internet, books, newspapers and magazines. So newspapers and magazines are going to be the main topic of ours today's discussion.

2. Обучение чтению. Работа с текстом.

- So now you are going to read the text that is called "British newspapers and magazines". The situation looks like as follows. There are 6 foreigners Peter, Alex, Jane, Liz, Tom, Mary. These people came from other countries. They can’t buy their favourite magazines and newspapers. What can you recommend them if you know what types of papers and magazines they like? Read the texts and fill in the table!

Peter is a businessman. He is interested in politics and economics. He finds very important articles about business and culture as well. But he hates gossips and never buys papers with scandals and bright photos. Sometimes he reads messages about society, science and technology.

Alex came to London from Rome a week ago. He wants to know news about London’s films, theatres and exhibitions from a newspaper. His hobby is visiting restaurants. It is very important for him to know everything about London’s weather.

Jane doesn’t read very serious papers. She chooses only tabloids with big bright pictures and a lot of gossips about film and pop stars. She likes reading showbiz news and her favourite columns are about TV, films, lifestyle, games and fun.

Liz is about 15. She likes reading modern magazines with horoscopes, life advice, articles about fashion and beauty and entertainment. Liz doesn’t think of her career and doesn’t like articles about colleges. She is interested in guys (boys).

Tom’s favourite paper is a broadsheet with some scandals. He is interested in news, business, sport and travelling. He has a family and always reads articles about health, family and education. He knows everything about weather from his newspaper. In the evenings he doesn’t mind reading horoscopes and guessing Sudoku and Crosswords.

Mary isn’t interested in politics and economics. She reads only magazines. Her favourite columns are about fashion, make-up, hair and skin care. She studies at college and thinks of her future career. In her free time she likes dating with some her friends: Simon, Jack and Paul. More over Mary keeps fit and usually reads articles about health and fitness.

- Fill in the table! It will help you to make right decisions!


reads papers/ magazines

is interested in…

never reads …

I can recommend to read …









reads papers/ magazines

is interested in…

never reads …

I can recommend to read …



business and culture, society, science and technology

Gossips, papers with scandals and bright photos

 The Guardian



 London’s films, theatres and exhibitions,

London’s weather,



 The Evening Standard


 tabloids with big bright pictures

 gossips about film and pop stars,

showbiz news

TV, films, lifestyle, games and fun.

 very serious papers

 The Daily Mirror


 modern magazines

 horoscopes, life advice, articles about fashion and beauty and entertainment

 articles about colleges


 The Cosmo Girls



 some scandals, news, business, sport and travelling, health, family and education, weather, horoscopes,

Sudoku and Crosswords


 The Telegraph



 fashion, make-up, hair and skin care, college, career, health and fitness.

About  politics and economics

 The Seventeen

- So now when you are ready, please, give your recommendations to the foreigners. Who wants to begin?

3. Обучение аудированию.

- Thank you very much for your opinions. And now get ready to listen to extracts from the articles and guess which article is taken from a tabloid and which one belongs to the broadsheets. Why do you think so?

Text 1

Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi met for a follow-up Bachelor interview on Wednesday night. Pavelka had just broken up with his fiancé by telephone amid doubts about whether he could trust her anymore, and when they got together

"The atmosphere was emotionally charged," producers acknowledge in a statement.

Text 2

Only 227 Greek islands are populated and the decision to press ahead with potential sales has also been driven by the inability of the state to develop basic infrastructure, or police most of its islands. The hope is that the sale of some islands will attract investment that will generate jobs and taxable income.

Text 3

Sara says" : "The biggest trend this year will be Wah Nails. She says "It's the coolest nail bar in London who will interpret the latest catwalk trends onto your fingertips or go DIY at home and experiment - the wilder the design the better I say!"

Text 4

Leading Republican politicians and the former American secretary of state Henry Kissinger have called on the president to drop a July 2011 deadline to begin withdrawing US troops, saying that it undermines the effort to defeat the Taliban.But today, Obama said he wanted to stick with the strategy and timetable agreed last year, while showing that US troops could remain in Afghanistan in significant numbers till next summer.


Text 1 tabloid

Text 2 broadsheets

Text 1 tabloid

Text 1 broadsheets

7. Заключительный этап урока. Дискуссия.

- So now you get enough information to take part in the discussion. I have some questions and I hope to get the full answers.

- Do you think papers are useful or they are a waste of time?

- What types of papers do you prefer: broadsheets or tabloids?

- What are advantages and disadvantages of broadsheets or tabloids? Give your arguments.

8. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

So, I think, we know much about the papers in Russia and abroad now. Your marks for the lesson are…………….. .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Британские газеты и журналы

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 18.10.2024

Номер свидетельства: 657977

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