Ресурстар мен құрал жабдықтар | Ағылшын тілі 6 сынып – Кэмбридж, компьютер, интернет, экран тақта, бағалау парақтары, ресурстық парақтар. |
Org moment | Warm up: say some good words each other for example: Mira is so nice, Gulnur is so clever, Zhanar is so hardworking and etc. Check up your home work ex.10(a,b) at page 48-49 | Pupils answer the questions and then say each other good words Үй тапсырмасын доп лақтыру арқылы тексереміз |
Тұсаукесер | Phonetic drill. [– i:] – sweet, tea, meat, cheese [i] biscuit, tin, chips, Christmas [ai] – pie, kind, like, knife [ei] – cake, , plate, table Блум таксономиясының таныстырылымы | Pupils look at the active board |
Негізгі бөлім | Knowledge (Білу,түсіну)«Missing letter» put the missing letter: f...od, dr...nk , d...lici...us ,s...eet, w...nd....rful , go...d, Inter....sting, so....r, terr....ble ,Lem...nade ,Pe...si, C...ke ,S...lad ,C...ce ,Wa...er, Sand...ich ,Te... ,K...myz, Pi...za ,W...ne ,Ch...colate, M...lk ,Or...nge, Ban...na, Hamb...rger, ju...ce ,Me...t, C....ffeе
Comprehension (түсіну) «Kind of fооd» match the words
Tomato Egg Water Potato Cheese Bread Change Banan Milk Lemon Cabbage Carrot Meat Sugar apple |                 |
Application (қолдану) « Wonderful much/ many» write down 3 -5 sentences using much/many and test 1. Would you like … tea? a. some; b. any. 2. There is … butter in the fridge. a. some; b. any. 3. We haven’t got … milk. a. any; b. some. 4. He eats … fish. a. many; b. much. 5. Why did you eat so … ice creams? a. many; b. much. 6. I have… time, I can’t go with you. a. little; b. few. 7. There is … juice in my glass. a. little; b. few. 8. There … pine-apples in the basket. a. is; b. are. 9. There … much snow in the yard. a. are; b. is. 10. I have got … friends. a. many; b. much. Analysis (Талдау): compare food and drink food drink Synthesis (Жинақтау): And now I have a special task for you. You need to make healthy menu for breakfast, dinner and supper. Evaluation (Бағалау) : Imagine you are a cooker. What will you make for dinner? Write down 6-7 sentences and protect your project for example: If I were a cooker I would make a hamburger… Guess what it is. (riddles). 1. Little children like it very much. It is white. 2. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. 3. You usually put it into your tea or coffee. It is sweet. 4. You use it in salads. It is red and round. | Pupils do this task
Формативті бағалау: «ауызша бағалау»
Pupils match the words
Pupils compare food and drink
мысалы: If I were a сooker I would make a hamburger…
Reflection | There are three apples on your desks. A red apple-the lesson is very interesting ,there are no problems, easy to understand. A green apple--the lesson is very interesting ,there are some problems in practice. A brown apple--the lesson is not very interesting , there are problems to use in practice. | |