Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті I. Organization moment. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. - Good afternoon pupils! How are you today? I’m fine. Thank you, sit down. - Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? How is the weather today? Pupils! Listen to me, with the help of this mosaics I will divide you into 3 groups. You have to correctly connect the image. It is a common rule for 3 groups you have to abide by them: Group rules: 1. To keep group rules 2. Keep silence 3. To be active at the lesson 4. To listening somebody 5. Come in time Бағалау критерийлерімен таныстыру: 1. Үй тапсырмасын орындауы 2. Тaқырыпты ашуы 3. Тапсырмаларды орындауы 5– 1-3 ұпай толық қамтылса; 4– 1-2 ұпай толық қамтылса; 3– 1 ұпай болса; Бағалау парақшасы таратылады . І. Checking up the home task -Үй тапсырмасын сұрау What was your hometask for today? Are you ready for the lesson?Who is ready? ІІ. New words Listen and repeat after me all together Pronunciation: [i] [i:] [ә:] [au] rich – бай reach – жету her – оныкі house - үй system- жүйе least – аз heard – есту mouse-тышқан list – тізім piece – бөлік, пішін nerd – ақылды mountain - тау window – терезе found - табу disk- диск ІІІ. New lesson - жаңа сабақ Grammar Revision: Should+ PI Should етістігі перфекті инфинитивпен бірге қосылып жасалынбаған, іске аспаған немесе жүзеге асырылмаған іс-әрекетке деген өкінішті білдіреді және “солай жасау керек еді, солай болу керек еді” деп аударылады. You should have helped them. Сіздің оларға көмектесуіңіз керек еді. (Бірақ сіз олай жасамадыңыз). You should have been more attentive at the lessons. Cен сабаққа мұқият болуың керек еді. (Бірақ сен мұқият болмадың). Exercise: 3. Read the text for more information. Mr Microsoft William Henry Gates, known as Bill gates, is probably the richest man in America. He is the world’s most famous computer engineer. He designed book on the computer language BASIC and created many computer programmers and operating systems for computer, such as DOS (disk operating system), Windows NT (New technology) developed by the company named Microsoft. Жаңа сабақ тапсырмалары The first task: Say at least 3 things Bill Gates is famous for. Write your opinions on the poster and protect it.   Who is Bill Gates? I will distribute a playing card that pupil will protect the poster. Training- Сергіту “The skeleton dance” Let’s dancing. The second task: Exercise:4 Word study Match the words in the box with the definitions a flat piece of plastic you use for storing computer information; a modem a mouse a computer phobia a disk the Internet computer nerd a small object which you move with your hand to give instructions to a computer; a computer system which allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information; a piece of electronic equipment that allows you to send information along telephone wires from one computer to another; someone who is very interested in computers; someone who dislikes or is afraid of computers. The third task: You – Me – I - You (Сен – маған – мен – саған) 1st gr to 2nd gr: 1. Are you a computer nerd or a computer phobia? 2nd gr to 3rd gr: 2. What is a modem ( a disk, a mouse)? 3rd gr to 3rd gr: What is Internet? The forth task: Brainstorming – миға шабуыл 1st group 2nd group 3rd group Omseu wdonwi etabl Tirneten dmome iksd Cerhaet ftciomors otcuermp IV. Conclusion- Қорытынды V. Evaluation- Бағалау. Three groups must assess the current group work: by smiles, by letters, by figures. Reflection Using stickers you have to write your opinion about the lesson. Stick the stickers on smiles VI. Homework: Exc:1 Read the sentences and express your advice using modal verb should + Perfect Infinitive The lesson is over. Good bye pupils! |