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At Dostyhk Plaza

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Lesson plan

Date: 19.01.16

Grade: 5

Theme of the lesson: At Dostyhk Plaza


SWBAT: practice their vocabulary (words which are connected food), develop their speaking, reading and writing skills,


Students get information about their eating, drinking will share with their thoughts, they will be interested in the lesson,  they will share with their thoughts more easily because of a pair work.

Main idea

To develop speaking, writing and reading abilities giving several tasks, to help the students to be able to use their knowledge in their real life.

Procedure of the lesson



Teacher’s activity

Students activity

- Introduction

-Greet the teacher

- Active board

-Active board

-“English” by T.Ayapova – 5

-“English” by T.Ayapova – 5

- Warming up

Children love to sing and dance “Pease pudding Hot …”

- Divide into 3 groups

                   1                              2                                    3

-Check up homework


“Would you like some juice?” тіркесін е?гізу, о?ан жауап беруді ?йрету

-Would you like some juice?

-No, thanks. I don’t drink juice.

-How about some Coke?

-Yes, please.

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

Vocabulary and pronunciation:

Salad, water, tea, chocolate, meat...

-Teacher will pronouns the words 


Ex 6 – divide the words into 2 column

Food                       Drink


Match the words and pictures.

Lemonade                              coca-cola                       tea

Pepsi                                      water                             chocolate

Cake                                      sandwiches                   milk


What is their on the train?

Bingo game

- Students will do exercises

  They will sing and dance

-They will count 1, 2, 3 …

-Students will work in pair, read a dialogue

Evaluation: 2 stars  wish

-Students will repeat after teacher

-Students will work in a pair and write vocabulary in written form

-Evaluation: three claps

-They will do exercise in written form. They work individually, in pair, in group

-Evaluation: three claps

-They will complete a dialogue and work  in pair

-They will work in group

Additional task

Ex9, vocabulary


Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«At Dostyhk Plaza»

The 19 th of January At Dostyhk Plaza In Almaty

The 19 th of January

At Dostyhk Plaza In Almaty

c Let’s make a circle of Happiness I wish you…  be active Good marks


Let’s make a circle of


I wish you…

be active

Good marks

Lemonade  coca-cola  tea Pepsi  water  chocolate Cake  sandwiches  milk

Lemonade coca-cola tea

Pepsi water chocolate

Cake sandwiches milk

Find the odd one out Бесінші артықты тап

Find the odd one out

Бесінші артықты тап

Сүйікті жемісіңді таңда
  • Сүйікті жемісіңді таңда
Пойызда не бар?
  • Пойызда не бар?
Үйге тапсырма: сөзжұмбақты шеш.

Үйге тапсырма:

сөзжұмбақты шеш.

Сабақ аяқталды.  Сау болыңдар! Информатик ұстаздар сайты :  http :// infust . kz

Сабақ аяқталды.

Сау болыңдар!

Информатик ұстаздар сайты : http :// infust . kz

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

At Dostyhk Plaza

Автор: Тулегенова Баян Дукенбаевна

Дата: 25.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 282661

Похожие файлы

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1453722039"

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