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Astana is the symbol of unity and independence of Kazakhs.

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The theme of the lesson:

Astana  is  the  symbol  of  unity  and  independence of Kazakhs.

Астана – ?аза?станды?тарды? бірлігі мен  т?уелсіздігі.

The objectives of the lesson:

1.     Taking full information about the Astana , its geographical position, capital, sightseeing.

2.       To develop pupils’ geographical outlook, their  abilities of speaking reading, writing and thinking;

          To increase their word-stock and teach them to know more about the Astana;

3.     To teach pupils to love their Motherland and respect the culture and traditions of other countries.

Method of  teaching: interactive  teaching, elements of game technology.

Interactive link: Geography, Russian, History.

Visual  aids used at the lesson: interactive board, cards ,slides ,computer ,the map of the Kazakhstan.

 The course of the lesson:

I. Good morning pupils! Sit down. I’m glad to see you. I want you to be more active and show your knowledge of  English. At the previous lesson we`ve taken a lot of information about our motherland, now can you answer the following questions .

Leading questions

-Where  do you live?

    - What is the capital of your country?

II) Film “ This is Astana”

Do you like this film?

What’s about this film? You have listened  a lot of  information  about the Astana.

III) Dialogue. Let’s talk about the Astana. Talk to your partner.

 IV)Let’s travel to Astana.( slides)

General information  about the Astana. (pupils, one after another, give their answers)

V) Poems about the Astana. What poems do you know about the Astana, Motherland?

VI) Text “ Astana”

  1. Reading
  2. Answering  the questions


  1. True or false . Read the sentences and correct.


VII. Physical  training.

VIII.  Interactive  board. Complete the sentences.

IX. Work on the computer.

X. What is it?  Choose the correct picture

XI. Essay  “My opinion  about  Astana”

XII. Homework  . Write  about  your town.

XIII. Final of the lesson.

XIV. Mark . Say goodbye.

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«Astana is the symbol of unity and independence of Kazakhs. »

Date: 18.01.2013 Grade : 6

The theme of the lesson:

Astana is the symbol of unity and independence of Kazakhs.

Астана – Қазақстандықтардың бірлігі мен тәуелсіздігі.

The objectives of the lesson:

  1. Taking full information about the Astana , its geographical position, capital, sightseeing.

  2. To develop pupils’ geographical outlook, their abilities of speaking reading, writing and thinking;

To increase their word-stock and teach them to know more about the Astana;

  1. To teach pupils to love their Motherland and respect the culture and traditions of other countries.

Method of teaching: interactive teaching, elements of game technology.

Interactive link: Geography, Russian, History.

Visual aids used at the lesson: interactive board, cards ,slides ,computer ,the map of the Kazakhstan.

The course of the lesson:

I. Good morning pupils! Sit down. I’m glad to see you. I want you to be more active and show your knowledge of English. At the previous lesson we`ve taken a lot of information about our motherland, now can you answer the following questions .

Leading questions

-Where do you live?

- What is the capital of your country?

II) Film “ This is Astana”

Do you like this film?

What’s about this film? You have listened a lot of information about the Astana.

III) Dialogue. Let’s talk about the Astana. Talk to your partner.

IV)Let’s travel to Astana.( slides)

General information about the Astana. (pupils, one after another, give their answers)

V) Poems about the Astana. What poems do you know about the Astana, Motherland?

VI) Text “ Astana”

  1. Reading

  2. Answering the questions

  1. True or false . Read the sentences and correct.

VII. Physical training.

VIII. Interactive board. Complete the sentences.

IX. Work on the computer.

X. What is it? Choose the correct picture

XI. Essay “My opinion about Astana”

XII. Homework . Write about your town.

XIII. Final of the lesson.

XIV. Mark . Say goodbye.

№ 39 ЖОББ мектеп коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекеме

Қалалық семинар

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақ


Астана- Қазақстандықтардың бірлігі мен тәуелсіздігі.

Astana is the symbol of unity and independence of Kazakhs.

6 класс


18.01.2013 ж.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Astana is the symbol of unity and independence of Kazakhs.

Автор: Рахимова Куаныш Мейрмановна

Дата: 06.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 126995

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