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Asking for/giving directions

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Поурочный план 6 класса Шахановой Нурсулу Алтынбековной

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«Asking for/giving directions»

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 1 Lesson 8 Asking for/giving directions

School: Kargaly 3


Teacher name: Shakhanova N.A.


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to - understand a longer sequence of supported classroom instructions; understandwith littlesupportspecific informationanddetail inshort,simpletexts onalimitedrangeof generalandcurricular topics

6.13.1 use mightmaycould to express possibility on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics - understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; supportfamiliarpaper anddigitalreference resources tocheck meaning andextend understanding recognisethe difference between factandopinionin short,simpletextson anincreasingrangeof generalandcurricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics; - respect differing points of view

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

identify some specific information in texts and research and write short organised text using some of their own words

Most learners will be able to:

identify most specific information in texts and research and write short organised text using a range of their own words

Some learners will be able to:

identify all specific information in texts and research and write more extended organised text using a range of their own words

Previous learning

school areas / prepositions of direction/movement


Planned timings

Planned activities





Beginning the


To introduce the topic and predict thecontent of a text

Initiate a class discussion about school rulesandelicit Ss’ opinions about other rules aroundtheworld.

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the texts intheir books and check.

Class CD


Main Activities

To read for specific information

Allow Ss some time to read the text and complete the task. Ask Ss to use the Word List to look up the meanings of the words in the Check these words. Check Ss’ answers.

Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at the end.

To write a comment to post to a blog

Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete it in class. Ask various Ss around the class to read out their comments to the class.

To present and practise must/mustn't, need, should Read out the theory box and explain how we can express obligation, prohibition, necessity and advice, and provide further examples where necessary.

Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-4) and replace the phrases in bold with the words in the list. Check Ss' answers around the class.

To introduce the topic and predict the content of the text

Read out the definition and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words.

Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and read out the situations. Initiate a class discussion about shyness and how someone can overcome their shyness.

Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in their books and find out the answers to the questions in the rubric.

To read for specific information

Give Ss time to read the text and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

To identify regular and irregular adverbs in a text Remind Ss that adverbs describe verbs or other adverbs. Give Ss time to scan the text and find the adverbs. Then ask them to look them up in their dictionaries.

Elicit answer from Ss around the class.

Class CD


Ending the


To consolidate information in a text and give advice Explain the situation and ask Ss in pairs to take turns and give advice on how to overcome shyness.

Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links

Health and safety check

ICT links

Values links

monitor less able groups in writing task and provide support through further modelling and providing sentence starters

monitor the activity around the class and then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Benefits oflearning a foreign language

provide challenge to more able learners by suggesting two or three words

give whole class feedback on some key areas of language in them


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Asking for/giving directions

Автор: Шаханова Нурсулу Алтынбековна

Дата: 22.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 492093

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