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Ашы? саба? та?ырыбы: « Лондон»

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                    ?.Рыс??лбеков атында?ы  № 33 орта мектеп


      Ашы? саба?

             Та?ырыбы: « Лондон»

 а?ылшын тілі м??алімі: Курмашева Бахытгуль Нурмухановна


                                      2015-2016 О?У ЖЫЛЫ


The aim of the lesson: 1.О?ушыларды Лондонны? ?мірімен ж?не м?дениетімен таныстыру.

2. А?ылшын тілінде еркін с?йлеуге ?йрету, ойлау ж?не есте са?тау ?абілеттерін жетілдіру.

3. О?ушыларды? ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру, болаша?та а?ылшын тілін  еркін игере алуларына к?мектесу.

The type of the lesson: Жа?а білімді ме?герту.

The form of the lesson: д?ст?рлі

The methods of teaching: с?ра?-жауап, ??гімелеу

The plan of the lesson:  1. ?йымдастыру кезе?і

                                       2.?й тапсырмасын тексеру

                                      3.Негізгі б?лім

                                     4.Тапсырмаларды орындау

                                    5.?йге тапсырма

Саба? барысы:

1.?йымдастыру кезе?і

- Good morning children!

- I am glad to see you!

- How are you?

- Sit down, pleas!

- Who is on duty today!

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week, is it today?

- Who is absent?

2.?й тапсырмасын с?рау.

-What was your home task?

- Are you ready?



London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river, the largest city in Britain and one of the largest cities in the world.

London began on two small patches of dry land in the middle of a marsh on the north bank of the Thames. That was before the Romans came. In Roman times it was named Londinium, and was already a centre of trade. Today London covers a vast area, with millions of inhabitants. 

Actually there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is an area of one square mile running along the Thames Embankment from about Waterloo Bridge to Tower Bridge. It is the financial and business centre of Great Britain. About half a million people work there during the day. At night it is almost deserted

       The existence of London depended on its water-born trade which still makes London one of the world’s largest ports. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London into one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centre.  London has many different faces.

        -There is the West End, a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre, where, mostly, well-to-do people live.

         -There is Mayfair stretching from the West End along Park Lane to Marble Arch.   


       There are Houses of Parliament built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster. Common people reside in the East End. This is a vast area running eastward from the City.

                                       1.RIGHT OR WRONG

1.   Actually there are several Londons. 

                       Right       Wrong

2.   At night the City of London is almost deserted.

                       Right       Wrong

3.   London began when the Romans came.

                       Right       Wrong

4.  London is the largest city in Britain and one of the smallest in the world.

                       Right       Wrong

5.  The  existence of London depended on its sightseeing.

                       Right       Wrong

6.  The Houses of Parliament are built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster.

                       Right       Wrong

                               2.ANSWER THE QUESTIONS

  1. Is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river?
  2. How was London named in Roman times?
  3. How many Londons are there?
  4. What is the City of London?
  5. Why is London one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centre?
  6. Where is a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre situated?

                                  3.FILL IN THE GAPS

1.    In Roman times London was already a centre of ….

      a) entertainment   b) trade      c) business

2.    At …. it is almost deserted.

      a) midnight          b) noon      c) night

3.   It forms … … … circle with a radius from fifteen to twenty miles.

      a)  a type of        b)  a kind of    c)  a sort of

4.  Finally there is Greater London which … inner       London and the suburbs.

      a) divides           b) separates    c) includes

5.   London one of the … largest ports.

     a)  world’s         b) city’s          c) country’s


                               4. FIND ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS

  1. The West End is a part of London, where, mostly,(состоятельные) people live.
  2. Today London covers a vast area, millions of (жителей).
  3. About half a million people work (там) during the day.
  4. This is a (обширная) area running eastward from the City.
  5. (Затем) there is the Country of London.
  6. It is the financial and (деловой) centre of Great Britain.


         Inhabitant, well-to-do, than, commercial, vast,. there.


            5. MAKE UP SENTENCES

    1)Then, the, Country, is, London, of, there.

2) London, in, Britain, is, the largest cities in the world, the,  in, the largest city, and, one, of.

3)Today, covers, of, millions, London, with, a vast area, inhabitants.

4)Deserted, it, at night, almost, is.

5)The existence, its, trade, of, depended, on, London, water-born.

6)Faces, different, many, London, has.  

6.Home work: слайд жасау

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«Ашы? саба? та?ырыбы: « Лондон»»

Қ.Рысқұлбеков атындағы № 33 орта мектеп

Ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы: « Лондон»

ағылшын тілі мұғалімі: Курмашева Бахытгуль Нурмухановна

2015-2016 ОҚУ ЖЫЛЫ


The aim of the lesson: 1.Оқушыларды Лондонның өмірімен және мәдениетімен таныстыру.

2. Ағылшын тілінде еркін сөйлеуге үйрету, ойлау және есте сақтау қабілеттерін жетілдіру.

3. Оқушылардың қызығушылықтарын арттыру, болашақта ағылшын тілін еркін игере алуларына көмектесу.

The type of the lesson: Жаңа білімді меңгерту.

The form of the lesson: дәстүрлі

The methods of teaching: сұрақ-жауап, әңгімелеу

The plan of the lesson: 1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

2.Үй тапсырмасын тексеру

3.Негізгі бөлім

4.Тапсырмаларды орындау

5.Үйге тапсырма

Сабақ барысы:

1.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі

- Good morning children!

- I am glad to see you!

- How are you?

- Sit down, pleas!

- Who is on duty today!

- What date is it today?

-- What day of the week, is it today?

- Who is absent?

2.Үй тапсырмасын сұрау.

-What was your home task?

- Are you ready?


London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river, the largest city in Britain and one of the largest cities in the world.

London began on two small patches of dry land in the middle of a marsh on the north bank of the Thames. That was before the Romans came. In Roman times it was named Londinium, and was already a centre of trade. Today London covers a vast area, with millions of inhabitants.

Actually there are several Londons. First, there is the City of London. It is an area of one square mile running along the Thames Embankment from about Waterloo Bridge to Tower Bridge. It is the financial and business centre of Great Britain. About half a million people work there during the day. At night it is almost deserted

The existence of London depended on its water-born trade which still makes London one of the world’s largest ports. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London into one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centre. London has many different faces.

-There is the West End, a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre, where, mostly, well-to-do people live.

-There is Mayfair stretching from the West End along Park Lane to Marble Arch.

There are Houses of Parliament built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster. Common people reside in the East End. This is a vast area running eastward from the City.


1. Actually there are several Londons.

Right Wrong

2. At night the City of London is almost deserted.

Right Wrong

3. London began when the Romans came.

Right Wrong

4. London is the largest city in Britain and one of the smallest in the world.

Right Wrong

5. The existence of London depended on its sightseeing.

Right Wrong

6. The Houses of Parliament are built on the banks of the Thames at Westminster.

Right Wrong


  1. Is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river?

  2. How was London named in Roman times?

  3. How many Londons are there?

  4. What is the City of London?

  5. Why is London one of the world’s most important commercial and cultural centre?

  6. Where is a fashionable shopping and entertainment centre situated?


1. In Roman times London was already a centre of ….

a) entertainment b) trade c) business

2. At …. it is almost deserted.

a) midnight b) noon c) night

3. It forms … … … circle with a radius from fifteen to twenty miles.

a) a type of b) a kind of c) a sort of

4. Finally there is Greater London which … inner London and the suburbs.

a) divides b) separates c) includes

5. London one of the … largest ports.

a) world’s b) city’s c) country’s


  1. The West End is a part of London, where, mostly,(состоятельные) people live.

  2. Today London covers a vast area, millions of (жителей).

  3. About half a million people work (там) during the day.

  4. This is a (обширная) area running eastward from the City.

  5. (Затем) there is the Country of London.

  6. It is the financial and (деловой) centre of Great Britain.

Inhabitant, well-to-do, than, commercial, vast,. there .


1)Then, the, Country, is, London, of, there.

2) London, in, Britain, is, the largest cities in the world, the, in, the largest city, and, one, of.

3)Today, covers, of, millions, London, with, a vast area, inhabitants.

4)Deserted, it, at night, almost, is.

5)The existence, its, trade, of, depended, on, London, water-born.

6)Faces, different, many, London, has.

6.Home work: слайд жасау

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Ашы? саба? та?ырыбы: « Лондон»

Автор: Курмашева Бахытгуль Нурмухановна

Дата: 27.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 270634

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