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А?ылшын тілінен саба? жоспары

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?ызылорда облысы, Жа?а?ор?ан ауданы ??тты?ожа ауылында?ы №164 орта мектебіні? а?ылшын тілі п?н м??алімі Сапарова Манат

?ызылорда облысы,Жа?а?ор?ан ауданы, ??тты?ожа ауылы

 А?ылшын тілі п?ні м??алімі Сапарова Манат

Date: 21.10.2014 year

The theme:  Food and drink

The aims: 1. Educational aim:  to give some information about food and drink, to develop pupils’ oral speech                                           and pronunciation;

                  2. Developing aim: to develop the pupils’ thinking understanding, listening      

                      and  speaking,to teach pupils’  to respect and love our  Motherland;

                  3. Upbringing aim: to bring up love and interest for the subject and to explain new lexical materials;

Visual aids of the lesson:    Interactive board, book, chalk, cards, pictures, slides

The method of the lesson:  group work, pair work, answer the question, dialogue, the game.

The type of the lesson:    mixed

Connection of the subject:  Kazakh,

Literature:                           English  6,   T. Aiyapova,  Z. Abildaeva

  1.  Organization moment.

T. – Good morning, pupils!

P. – Good morning, dear teacher.

T.– Who is on duty today?

P. – I am…

T. – Who is absent?

P. – All are present.

T. – Thank you. Sit down, please.

      II. Speech drill.

                    T. – What date is it today?

                    P. – Today the …

                   T. –What day of the week is it today?

                   P. – Today is the …

                   T. – What the weather like today?

                   P. – Today the weather is…

                     T. – What seasons is it now?

                    P. – It is spring now.

                    T. – Thank you, sit down, please.

        III. Checking up the home-task:

                    T. – Children! We know about many words. What is noun?

                    P. – The noun is a word expressing substance in the widest sense of the word.

                     T. – What form has a noun?

                    P. – Noun has a noun singular and plural form.

                     T. – How do we make the plural form of noun?

                    P. – The plural form formed by suffixes – s, - es ;  for example: a pen – pens,

a book – books.

                     T. – What questions are given to noun?

                    P. – The noun questions are what and who.

                           For example: Who is this? She is a pupil.

                                   What is this? This is a book. 


IV. Phonetic drill. Read the phonetic drill

                              Bread and butter, milk and tea

Put  your finger on your knee

Bread and butter, cake and ice.

Put your hands  on your eyes

Bread and  butter, duck and rose,

Put your finger on your nose.

Bread and butter, juice and eggs.

Put your hands in your leg.

V. New theme.                         

             Ok, pupils, let’s start our lesson. Now look at the blackboard.  

   - Today we shall learn type of noun countable and uncountable. Now children, we before beginning our new lesson and the theme is “Food and drink” we are introduce new word.


These are todays new words. At first I’ll read, then you will repeat after me.

Food          [fu:d] –  та?ам                            Meat    [mi:t] - ет

Drink        [driηk]– сусын                           Coffee [k'оfi] - кофе

Vegetable [`ved?t?b?l] -  к?к?ніс                Tea     [ti:] -     шай

Orange     ['оrind?] – апельсин                  Juice   [d?u:s] - шырын    

Apple        [?pl] –   алма                              Bread  [bred] -  нан

Banana     [b??na:n?] – банан                      Rice     [rais] -   к?ріш                 

Grape       [greip]– ж?зім                             Cheese [t?i:z] -  ірімшік

Egg           [eg] –    ж?мырт?а                      Milk    [milk] -  с?т  

Tomato    [t?m?:?t?u]– ?ызана?                  Sugar  [??ug?] – ?ант

Potato      [p??teit?u] –  картоп                    Butter [?b?t?] - май

Carrot     [k?r?t]-   с?біз                              flour   [?flau?] - ?н                                                     Biscuit     [?biskit]– печенье    

  1. New theme, new grammar material

Now look at the blackboard. Today we introduce new grammar material. You must be attentively! The noun has two types countable nouns and uncountable nouns. The countable nouns are nouns that we can count. The uncountable nouns are the nouns that we can’t count.

   - Look at the exercise, on page 37. Read these countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns: oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, eggs, tomatoes, biscuits, potatoes, carrots.

 Uncountable nouns: coffee, tea, juice, bread, cheese, rise, milk, butter, sugar.


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«А?ылшын тілінен саба? жоспары »

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Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

А?ылшын тілінен саба? жоспары

Автор: Сапарова Манат Шынгысхановна

Дата: 03.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 181560

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