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«а?ылшын тілі саба? жоспары»
Күні: 02.09.2015
Сыныбы: 7-сынып
Сабақтың тақырыбы: “Getting to know each other”
Сабақтың мақсаты: “Getting to know each other” тақырыбында ауызша сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту,оқушыларды өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге баулу, ауызекі сөйлеу, тыңдап түсіну, жазу іскерлігін дамыту.
Today we are going to pass new lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Getting to know each other” . In this lesson you should do the exercise. Let’s begin.
II. Brainstorming
Ex.1,p.9 A mamory map.
Study the memory map. On a sheet of paper write down the ideas which come to your mind.
Ex. 1. Her name is Anna Saxby.
2. She is a teacher.
3.She has been (worked) to (in) the USA, Italy, Canada, France.
4. She lives in Hastings at sea.
5. She has two children.
6. She loves them.
7. She likes music. Her hobby is listening to music.
III. Checking homework
IV. New lesson
Ex.2,p.10 Read and practice the pronunciation.
Memory- [‘memәri] жад, ес
Embassy -[‘embәsi] елшілік
The United States of America- [ði ju:’naitid ‘steits əv æv ə’merikə]
Canada -[‘kænədə]
Italy- [‘itəli]
France- [‘frα:ns]
Hastings- [‘heistiŋz] Хастинг
Tutor- [tju:tə] тәлімгер
Working with text about Anna Saxby.
Read the text and find out the new words in the text.
Write out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.
I have been a teacher for 6 years.
I have met schoolchildren from different countries.
I have visited the USA, Italy, Canada and France.
See Grammar References p.176. (6-шы сыныпта өткен тақырыпты қайталау)
Listening, speaking and writing.
Ex.7,p.10 Listen to the students talking about themselves and complete the table.
Omar is from Astana in Kazakhstan. He speaks Kazakh, Russian and English. In his free time he plays tennis and voleyball. He enjoys playing the dombyra. His favourite music is pop music. He has visited the USA, the UK and Russia. He is going to visit Canada because ha has a palfriend there.
Dmitry is from Almaty in Kazakhstan. He speaks Russian, Kazakh and English. In his free time he plays football. He enjoys playing the guitar. His favourite music is pop music. He has visited the UK, Russia. He’s going to visit the USA because he has a palfriend there.
Chan is from Peking in China. He speaks Chinese and English. Chan is Omar’s and Dmitry’s palfriend. He has visited Germany. He’s going to visit Kazakhstan. He wants to meet his pen-friends. In his free time he plays volleyball and tennis. He doesn’t play any musical instrument. He enjoys pop music.
Comes from
Has visited
In his free time
He’s going to visit
The USA, the UK, Russia
Kazakh, Russian, English
Plays tennis, volleyball
The UK, Russia
Kazakh, Russian, English
Plays football
Chinese, English
Plays volleyball
b)Complete the diagrams about Dmitry and Chan
The USA, the UK, Russia
Kazakh, Russian, English
Pop music
has visites speaks
favourite music
He’s going to visit Canada
Playing the dombyra
Tennis, volleyball
has visites speaks
favourite music
He’s going to visit
has visites speaks
favourite music
He’s going to visit
Ex.9,p12 Talk to your partner. Use the information from a, b, c.
Example: Omar is 13. He come from Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. He has visited the USA, the UK and Russia. He enjoys playing the dombyra. He likes popmusic. He speaks Kazakh, Russian and English. He’s going to visit Canada. He plays tennis and volleyball.
V. Conclusion
a) Giving marks:
You are so active today. Thank you for you attendance. You mark is ….