Мотивация учащихся на постановку темы и цели | 1.Вводно-мотивационный этап Рефлексия | Hello, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. My name is… How are you? I’d like to make friends with you at this lesson. Let’s be friends! Look at these famous proverbs. What word is missed? Try to guess what we will speak about today. What kind of friends? Evaluate yourself, your knowledge at the beginning of the lesson, please 0 1 2 3 Mark “0”- if you can’t say anything about true friends in English. Mark “1”- if you can say some words about friends, “2” - if you can describe good friends confidently in English. “3” – you can describe good/bad friends’ qualities and what a true friend should do in English, | Hello, teacher. учащиеся распределены по группам СЛАЙД: Пословицы (Приложение) About friends. A true friend. (СЛАЙД С ТЕМОЙ) A TRUE FRIEND Самооценивание |
Подготовка учащихся к самосто-ятельному выполнению пробно-го учебно-го дейст-вия Помочь учащимся определить проблему и причину затруднения Обдумывание будущих учебных действий Реализа-ция проекта и выполнение задания. | 2.Актуализа-ция затруднений. 3. Выявление причины затруднения 4. Построение проекта выхода из затруднения. Озвучивание заполненных в группах таблиц 5.Реализация проекта | Have you got many friends? Have you got a true friend? Do you think you are a true friend? Is it difficult to be a true friend? Why? Whom can we call a true friend? What should we tell about a true friend? What is a true friend like? Look at this girl. Is she happy? Why do you think so? Sarah tells about her true friend. Now you will work in groups. Your task is to read the text about Sarah’s friend and complete the table “”What must a person do to become true friend?” 1. A true friend is … 2. Usually we make friends … 3. A true friend should … 4. A true friend mustn’t … 5. I’d like we … Besides try to remember, discuss and write your own, another words about a true friend. Next task for each group is to create and write a portrait of a true friend using the word and phrases from all parts of the table. HOW TO BECOME A TRUE FRIEND “A true friend is / must be…” “A true friend should …” “A true friend mustn’t …” Mind your grammar when you use model verbs should and must!!!! Besides try to mention such phrases as: | Приложение СЛАЙД: We should say about: - what a true friend is, - what he should do and - what he mustn’t do She has a true friend. СЛАЙД: “A True Friend” (Приложение) Группам даны ЛГ таблицы для заполнения на основе текста СЛАЙД: ФОТО ДЕВОЧКИ И ЕЕ РАССКАЗ О ЛУЧШЕЙ ПОДРУГЕ.) Аналогичный текст дан каждой группе. Instructions: 1) Read the text 2) Find word and phrases that say: - what a true friend is like, - where people usually make friends, - what a true friend should do, - what a true friend mustn’t do, - what true friends usually do together. 3) Complete the table 4) Write your own words and phrases about a true friend. СЛАЙД С заполненной таблицей (СЛАЙД: КАКИМ ДОЛЖЕН БЫТЬ ДРУГ) In our opinion, … We are sure that… By the way, … I think… To our mind… |
Представление проекта перед классом | 6. Защита проекта. Взаимооценивание | Which of you will be a reporter from your group? The pupils of the other groups must listen attentively and evaluate the answers’ of the other two groups. If the task is well done and you like it, choose and underline “perfect”. If there are few mistakes – “good”. If the group had made some mistakes – choose “not bad” | Представление проектов. Взаимооценивание прослушанных проектов |
Провести взаимооценку групп Анализ поставленных и достигнутых целей | 6. Взаимооценивание. 7. Подведение итогов Рефлексия | Is it difficult to be a good and true friend? Can you say: “I am a true friend”? Prove it. Could you solve them? Evaluate your knowledge again, please 0 1 2 3 | Самооценивание |