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A Hunter with hunting Eagle

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Оқушыларға жаңаша әдіс- тәсілмен, топпен, жұппен, жеке жұмыс болды.Оқушыларды өз бетімен еркін жұмыс жасауға бағыттадым. Сабақ өте әсерлі өтті.

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«A Hunter with hunting Eagle»


LESSON: A Hunter with hunting Eagle

School: Karasai basic school


Teacher name: Sabanbaeva E

CLASS: 7 grade

Number present: 5


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

L 3, L 5,S 5

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Know about eagles, hunters

Most learners will be able to:

  • Know about traditions of hunting

Some learners will be able to:

  • Know about their chicken names

Language objective

Learners can:

  • Understand, speaking, listening, writing their names

Key words:

Eagle, hunter, hunting

Classroom expressions:

Discussion points:

Can you say why…?

Is Golden Eagle simple bird?

When hunters go on hunting?

What do you know about eagle

What animals catch hunter this video?

In what way Sailaus sun learn Balapan to hunter?

Writing prompts:

Previous learning


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Greeting. Brainstorming. We dance ‘Kara Gorga’

Answer the following questions about the new theme

Key words:

Video, flash cards, new words.


Listen to the poem.

Қансонарда бүркітші шығады аңға

Тастан түлкі табылар аңдығанға

Жақсы ат пен тату жолдас –бір ғанибет

Ыңғайлы ықшам киім аңшы адамға

Салаң етіп жолықса қайтқан ізі

Сағадан сымпың қағып із шалғанда

Pupils what do you think about this poem?

What do you say about this poem?

So pupils watch the video attentively

You watch the video: Hunting Golden Eagle


Is Golden Eagle simple bird?

When hunters go on hunting?

What do you know about eagle

What animals hunt this video?

In what way Sailaus sun learn Balapan to hunter?

You watch the video: Hunting Golden Eagle




I ll give you productive tasks

You must divide in to three groups.

1 group make –Rebus ‘Eagle’, 2 group make –Crossword ‘Hunter’, 3 group –draw picture ‘Eagle”

I ll give you productive tasks


I have very interesting information about chickens names:

  1. 1 year – called Balapan

  2. 2 year –called Kantubit

  3. 3 year – called turnekl

  4. 4year - called Tastulek

  5. 5 year – called Muzbalak

  6. 6 year – called Koktubit

  7. 7 year – called Kana

  8. 8 year – called Zhana

  9. 9 year – called Maytubit

  10. 10 year – called Barkyn

  11. 11 year – called Barshyn

  12. 12 year – called Shogel


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able


Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links Values links

They achiev the aims of the lesson

We assess the pupils with picture ‘Eagle’

Strong, powerful, great,


Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

A Hunter with hunting Eagle

Автор: Сабанбаева Элеонора Жангелдіқызы

Дата: 10.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 398982

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