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«A headache,a toothache, a sore throat…»
YAKUBJANOVA MANZURANING 4-sinflar uchun Unit 11. Lesson 1 A headache,a toothache,
a sore throat…
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Date_____ Form 4 Subject: English
Theme: A headache, a toothache, a sore throat…
Educational: - to learn to say the parts of the body;
to learn to give commands with the parts of the body;
to learn about some common illnesses
Developing:- to enable pupils to give commands with the parts of the body;
- to enable pupils to say some common illnesses
Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of some common illnesses
Up bringing: - to enrich pupils’ knowledge of the name of common ilnesses
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
- name parts of the body;
- give commands with the parts of the body;
- say some common illnesses.
Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC
Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work
Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed
Equipment of the lesson: Textbook “Kids’ English 4”, “ Workbook 4”pictures, internet, computers, projector
Part of the lesson
-to greet pupils.
- to check up the register
5 min
Repeating last lesson
- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson
5 min
Explaining new theme
- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme
20 min
Consolidating new theme.
- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.
10 min
- To mark pupils
5 min
- Giving homework.
Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organizing moment: Motivation,Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson.
II. Asking homework:
- Check for homework given on past lesson.
- Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
III. Pre-activity:
Activity 1 Listen and repeat. 5 min
Objectives: to introduce the unit topic; to warm up
Play the DVD. Ask the pupils to listen to and repeat the song. Ask which words they
DVD script:
I have a headache.
I have a headache.
I have a headache.
I don’t want to go to bed.
I have a temperature.
I have a temperature.
I don’t want to do my homework.
I have a tummy ache.
I have a tummy ache.
I don’t want to eat my lunch.
I have a sore throat.
I have a sore throat.
I don’t want to see the doctor.
Every time I have a headache.
Mummy takes me to the doctor.
Every time I have a sore throat.
Mummy takes me to the nurse.
Every time I have a toothache.
Mummy takes me to the dentist.
Every time I see the dentist.
I always come home feeling bad.
I have a headache.
I have a headache.
I don’t want to go to bed.
I have a temperature.
I have a temperature.
I don’t want to do my homework.
I have a tummy ache.
I have a tummy ache.
I don’t want to eat my lunch.
I have a sore throat.
I have a sore throat.
I don’t want to see the doctor.
IV. Main part
Activity 2 Look and say. 5 min
Objective: to revise the parts of the body that the pupils have learnt so far
Prepare in advance the following flashcards: face, head, ear, eye, nose, mouth, hair, hand, leg, teeth, tummy. Show the flashcards of parts of the body one by one, the pupils will say them. Help if necessary.
Activity 3 Play “Simon Says”. 5 min
Objectives: to revise the vocabulary related to parts of the body;
to have fun
Explain to the pupils how to play “Simon says”. If you command with the words “Simon says”, the pupils should perform it. If you only command without “Simon says”, the pupils must not perform it, for example, „Simon says: Touch your head! Simon says: Touch your nose! Touch your eyes! Simon says: Touch your hand! Touch your leg!‟ etc.
You can use the parts of the body with the following commands: brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, wash your hands, touch your + parts of the body
Activity 4 Work in pairs. Play “Robot”. 5 min
Objectives: to practise giving instructions;
to revise the vocabulary related to parts of the body;
to have fun
Ask the pupils to work in pairs. Explain that Pupil A says instructions, Pupil B does them as a robot. Then they change roles. The pupils can give the following instructions: Stand up. Wash your face. Comb your hair. Wash your hands. Brush your teeth. Sit down. Touch your head. Touch your nose. Touch your eyes. Touch your hand. Touch your leg, etc
Activity 5a Look and match. 8 min
Objectives: to introduce the new vocabulary;
to give practice in guessing the meaning with the help of known words
STEP 1: Say: „Open your books to Page 54.‟ Point to the pictures and words in Activity 5a and say: „Look at the pictures and words. Match them.‟ As an example, write “1h” on the board, showing how the picture and the word match.
STEP 2: Say: „Open your Workbooks to Page 58.‟ Point to the line where the pupils are
expected to write their answers and say: „Write your answers here.‟
STEP 3: Check the answers involving the whole class.
Activity 5b Look, listen and repeat. 8 min
Objective: to practise the pronunciation of the new vocabulary
STEP 1: Write the following diagram on the board:
eye a head
a sore throat a tooth ache
leg a tummy
hand a runny nose
STEP 2: Show how the new words are made by saying: „a sore eye, a sore throat‟, etc. and saying their meaning in mother tongue.
STEP 3: Play the DVD or say the word combinations. The pupils repeat them after the DVD or you in chorus. (The DVD script is as in Step 1)
STEP 4: The pupils can now do Point and Say activity using the pictures in Activity 5a.
V. Post-activity
Activity 6 Play “Mime and say”. 7 min
Objective: to consolidate the new vocabulary
STEP 1: First, demonstrate. Stand in front of the class and do actions for one of the sickness vocabulary (e.g. hold you head and groan for “a headache”). As you do each action, the pupils say the vocabulary (e.g. „A headache!‟).
STEP 2: After you have done some actions, put the pupils in pairs to act out and identify each vocabulary item.
VI. Homework 2 min
Ask the pupils to open their Workbooks to Page 58 and look at Homework 1. Check that everybody understands what to do. If necessary, explain that they must look at the words in the clouds and match the English words with the ones in mother tongue.
Then draw their attention to Homework 2. Explain that they must complete the diagrams about illnesses.