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7. Лексико-грамматические упражнения по т. Покупки Spotlight 5 Module 9

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Лексико-грамматические упражнения по теме Going shopping (Spotlight 5 Module9)

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«7. Лексико-грамматические упражнения по т. Покупки Spotlight 5 Module 9»


1 Fill in the correct word.

music • aspirin • buy • clothes • pair • fast • floors • florist’s • games •

  1. The ………. shop has got the dress I like.

  2. What do you want to ………. ?

  3. You will find ………. at the chemist’s.

  4. I’m hungry. Let’s eat at the ………. food restaurant.

  5. I need some flowers. Where's the ………. ?

  6. I want to buy a ………. of shoes.

  7. Brown’s has six ......... and a basement.

  8. You can find .......... at Toyland.

  9. U2’s new CD is at the ......... shop.

2 Fill in aan or the.

  1. Every year, Sam gets ..... electronic game for his birthday

  2. Kate always has ..... party on her birthday.

  3. Is there ..... toy shop in this town?

  4. I have ..... apple every day.

  5. I'm going to the chemist's on ..... fifth floor.

  6. I like to go shopping at ..... weekend.

  7. I want to buy ..... new pair of shoes.

3 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.

  1. You ………. feed the animals at the zoo. It’s dangerous.

  2. You .......... be quiet in this library.

  3. We .......... take photos. It’s bad for the paintings.

  4. They .......... eat inside the gallery.

  5. You .......... leave before 6 o’clock or you’ll be late.

  6. You .......... throw rubbish in the bin.

  7. You .......... talk in the theatre.

4 Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple.

  1. Kate ....... (buy) a dress yesterday.

  2. The cat ........ (not/eat) any fish last week.

  3. Tom and Jane ......... (be) at the theatre last month.

  4. ..... you ....... (watch) TV last night?

  5. Jill ........ (cook) meat yesterday.

  6. Peter ....... (not/be) at the zoo yesterday.

  7. Where ...... (see) Helen last week?

  8. He ...... (write) a letter last Sunday.

  9. .... you .... (go) to school last Friday?

  10. They ..... (not/be) at home yesterday.

5 Read the text and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false).

Nanny Mc Phee is a great fantasy film and you can see it at the Odeon in Leicester Square. In the film, Mr. Cedric Brown has got seven children. They are very bed and he doesn't know what to do with them. Every nanny he gets for them runs away. When Nanny Mc Phee comes to work at the house, everything is different. She teaches the Brown children some lessons and they become good and kind. She is the perfect nanny. Is she the perfect woman for their father too? This is a funny film for the whole family! Don't miss it!

  1. Nanny Mc Phee is a film only for teens. .....

  2. The Brown children are very good. .....

  3. The Brown children become bad. .....

  4. The film is about six children. .....

  5. Nanny Mc Phee is a fantasy film. .....

  6. Nannies don't like staying with the Brown children. ....

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. What the children (do) now?

2. The shops( open) at 9 o`clock and ( close) at 5.30.

3. Julia (speak) 4 languages.

4. They (not listen) to music now.

5. Your brother often (go) cycling?

6. She usually (not go) to the park.

7. Where your parents (live)?

8. Listen ! The phone ( ring).

9. I (not play) tennis.

10. Look! It (snow).

11. It (snow) every year in this country.

12. We often (not go ) on picnics.

13. He usually (watch) TV in the evening.

14. How often you (read) English books?

15. Where is Tom? He (have) a shower.

16. I (not watch) television very often.

17. John (work ) today? I` sorry, I (not know).

18. Sue (not like ) coffee . She (prefer) tea.

19. She (hate) eating soup.

20. Where is Paul? In the kitchen. He (cook).

21. Why are you under the table? What you (do)?

22. You (know) that girl? Yes, but I (not remember) her name.

23. Mary (watch) television every afternoon.

24. John and Susan usually (eat) at a restaurant on Sundays.

25. Be quite! The baby (sleep)

26. Most young people in my country (not wear ) a uniform at school.

27. Stella (not always do) her homework.

28. Jane (not carry) an umbrella today because it is sunny.

29. My parents (work) right now.

30. Look! The children (play) on their computer again.

31. Laura (not sing) at the moment .She (dance)

32. She usually (catch) the bus to school.

33. Susan and Kate (study) now.

34. He (not like) swimming.

35. John (wear) his jeans today

36. Excuse me, I (sit) here.

37. Tony (work) in a hotel.

38. They (swim) now.

39. Mrs Smith (live) in Scotland.

40. She (not drive) a car.

41. She (not go ) shopping on Fridays.

42. What they (do) at the moment?

43. What time you (get up ) on Sundays?

Test №4

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Tony usually (works/ is working) late.

2. Paula (is cooking/ cooks) dinner at the momen.

3. Pat and Bob ( wash/ are washing) the dishes right now.

4. John ( does / is doing ) his homework every afternoon.

5. Helen ( is reading /reads ) a book now.

6. Tina often ( goes / is going) to the cinema.

7. Bill sometimes (is sleeping / sleeps) till late on Sundays.

8. Kim ( has / is having ) a piano lesson every Tuesday.

9. Ann and Bill usually (eat / are eating) at a restaurant on Fridays.

10. Mark ( listens/ is listening) to music at the moment.

11. I usually ( am getting up / get up) late on holiday

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

7. Лексико-грамматические упражнения по т. Покупки Spotlight 5 Module 9

Автор: Альбина Фирдаусовна Гаффарова

Дата: 27.05.2022

Номер свидетельства: 608163

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